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Everything posted by Mjolnir

  1. never had a specific plan here for the hammer. One step led to another. Kind of wish i'd just wrapped the whole thing to begin with. next is a stain, then turks heads, some things to balance the handle. Maybe adding design to the head.
  2. nice tooling! line work is difficult. Tattooing, graphic design, or leather. I am a firm believer that if you can make what you visualized, then you have the talent to create anything. keep it up! The table top is synchronicity
  3. Mjolnir

    Paper Weight

    I like your Icon. makes sense
  4. Mjolnir

    Paper Weight

    old enough to understand the value of a paper weight funny that my first tooling attempts where on a circle. Cutting the circle is part of the process. I'm still finding it difficult to break away from art tools I've used since I was a kid. honestly don't understand the appeal of a swivel knife. It's a dull x-acto to me. spray mount for stamping. but I am digging the rounder weights idea!
  5. Mjolnir

    Paper Weight

    framers use round leather discs like yours. filled with lead shot to hold down stuff. you just inspired me. thanks!
  6. Mjolnir

    Paper Weight

    nice work. You got me curious.
  7. Mjolnir

    Paper Weight

    ?you added sand? that isn't a coaster.
  8. Mjolnir

    Paper Weight

    So what is a rounder? I've seen those used for art framing. It would be useful to hold down rolled leather.
  9. this is hard to start and easier than I thought. Goat skin. I might finish this beast! going to end the leather with copper tube tacked down with brass. Never know till you try
  10. You are going to be the first guy to have a leather fridge! Outstanding work!
  11. Mjolnir

    Strop it!

    nice advice Mutt! my PawPaw's whittling knife had an arc in the blade after years of sharpening. It shaved cedar for longer than I've been alive.
  12. Mjolnir

    Strop it!

    I'm loving the side strips! brilliant!
  13. LMBO! Ellie was a golden retriever Best catfish and hushpuppies in town!
  14. I'll cruise by tomorrow. The image is on an old computer. But Ellie's Catfish Café is down the street:)
  15. my best suggestion is to advertise at a local college that has a graphic design program. There is always one kid that has talent. pay them what you think is fair, they will accept. While I was in college I did a logo for a restaurant ( does any one else hate spelling restaurant!) $300 bucks. rendered in photoshop. A catfish in a rocking chair was the image.
  16. It may be bold but an outline form of a three 'legged' man. subtle image with the 'Oh! I get it'!
  17. Mjolnir

    Strop it!

    That's what it advertised. But man it looked nice! Thanks! Sharpening is an art unto itself. So far I've avoided it by occasionally taking out my Ivan Damascus round knife, rubbing my thumb against the blade and saying, "yep, still sharp." Then I use my fiscars rotary, or an x-acto!
  18. Mjolnir

    Strop it!

    Needed something quick and fun to do and be able to say, ' I made something!'. I'm personalizing as many of my tools as possible. Then I see this!
  19. you are mixing media. I am fascinated! I have been wanting to know how close dyes correlate to paint. Acrylic/water. Oil/ thinners. Oil is said to be more resilient on leather. brilliant work so far.
  20. I enjoy this thread every day. I was right. bicycle? respirator on a bungee? rainbow Swiffer? I like your tooling rack, thread lamp, and is that a knife block with skiving knives?
  21. Now I really don't want one, but do I need one? I'm an addict. LOL!
  22. I'm betting that there is something in a battlemonky's shop I've never seen before.
  23. Forgive me., but did you scoop everything on your bench into that one box in the middle of your shelf for this pic? I have that exact hammer. did yours rust? also what's the thread thing on the wall? I also haven't seen a wood burner? like that.
  24. interlude: I want to thank each and every one of you that have shared your shop on this thread. Thank you sew much! (pun intended). I am new-ish to this hobby and this site. During the past month I've made new friends, I hope. This holiday season was tough for me but you all helped me without knowing it. There is a lot of talent here. The small shops have given me ideas, the large shops have shown me what happens when the whole thing spirals out of control! Beauty can be created in a closet or a loft, a garage, a bedroom, a kitchen or a warehouse! Thanks. P.S. Cleaning your shop may be a nice side effect, but the mess is the best!
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