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Everything posted by Mjolnir

  1. I'd love to see those. I'm playing with leverage for a consistent strike. I figure I can lift a rock and hit a stamp. Or I can lift a balanced tool and guide it to hit the stamp for me. one of my crazy ideas! I'm waiting for my new Russian maul to arrive so I can adjust it
  2. Mjolnir


    They were the most genuine runes I could find online, then I added slight flourishes to them to make them personalized. Honestly it's like getting a tattoo in Chinese... not a great idea. I am proud of the braids though. More to come.
  3. Mjolnir


    Still not done! First weekend off in a long while.
  4. There are so many things I'm not going to say about this thread!
  5. To all Amish kids on Rumspringa, we are sorry. Isn't this Awesome!?
  6. Hot cheese from Mars! You, my friend are bizarre, and that is high praise! Love it!
  7. If I see an Oroborus snake handle. I'd buy that!
  8. boot coozie for a 40oz and your on to something! ... a rattlesnake handle on a Yeti? hmmm!
  9. Nice set up Caesar! You dove into the deep end if you've done all this since new years. My suggestion would have to be, add a cup holder for the Yeti mug
  10. What I would do Is use a fine brush and paint the manes of the horses in the green color, it should be dark enough to cover the mishap. practice your painting on paper a little bit. liquid latex should help. leather dyes are like working with water color. Details take practice. Still, your work looks nice the Celtic knots are tough! someone else could better tell you how that would work on top of finishings you have already added. The colors will work though.
  11. I think it looks great. There is an art supply that might help you. Liquid frisket. If it was a bleed problem maybe not. frisket is latex. you brush it on things you want to not cover then rub it off. It may help with the high contrast areas. Also I understand Amazon.com doesn't deliver certain things internationally and shipping may increase. I'm feeling blessed to have that behemoth in my back yard. 7 oz bar of feiblings glycerin saddle soap for $6.60 US. Prime so my shipping is free 2 day delivery.
  12. Hello fellow Makers and Mongers! I have so much time and so little to do! ... Scratch that and reverse it! The best thing I can do with my time right now Is thank you all for your posts. We all have, 'me' threads. I included. This was never a 'me' thread. It is an eclectic, eccentric, collection of unique individuals that have shared their time, vision and imagination. Keep it up... Please!
  13. Watch Ian Atkinson, Leodis Leather, on youtube. Very educational.
  14. anyone ever made something new... really new? I've been shopping for a new tapered maul. I'm so very tired of google only giving me barry king or tandy as an option. All of a sudden I had a mad flash of inspiration. I don't know if I can make a maul but my concept for one is original, patent pending original. I will spend sunday making a proof of concept. PS sorry for the teaser but that's how I roll.
  15. that's pretty cool. Just curious, the chair has photoshop edges, the two front legs are floating in space with no shadows.
  16. There was a recent thread about this technique of creasing and sculpting the leather. Can you describe your method?
  17. Can you show an example? I'm doing turks heads but I'm also making my lace for that and trying to not cover the lettering. I keep second guessing myself. I am wrapping hammered copper strips 1/4" around the mallet head on both sides to cover the manufactures brass screws, and going to burn some design into it. I have a nice scull bead to hang from a braided cord through the copper hole in the handle. today was my first free time in a month. Thanks.
  18. any progress? my first Saturday off in 5 weeks. I bought a copper sheet from HL today and hand sawed some strips and hammered them. wishing I could do this stuff all day every day!
  19. Just a weird drop in the bucket... I live in a hunting town, deer is meat, the hide is waste. No one tans. I asked about tanning and a guy pointed out that every animals brain is large enough to tan its hide. I'm still looking into this. So much leather is wasted.
  20. 47, but I refused to grow up in my twenties... so you can shave ten years off that.
  21. I'm still in denial about needing to wear my reading glasses! PS am I the only one that wishes that I can zoom in more on pics? These tiny file sizes are frustrating. A few tiny files, a couple of medium files, a non condensed file... no way.
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