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Everything posted by Mjolnir

  1. i'm the questor not the guide. Still stumped on fredk 's Danish Viking haiku. Loving the research!
  2. you sell your soul at the cross roads. Gossip on a fence. Scuttlebutt is the military equivalent.
  3. I love my Alexa. I just listened to all the songs. Easter weekend so I had thoughts. Maybe Love. God. Prince messed it up. I was diving deep, like who produced the songs!
  4. Nice Hw!! In the US Soda is used for the catch all term for carbonated drinks in the state of Florida. Pop is the same thing in the northern states. Coke is the catch all for Tennessee. I also believe northerners use a hose pipe while I call mine a garden hose.
  5. 'See-Saw'! Pffft! technically correct!
  6. Germanic had a split definition. really wish scissor didn't have a 'c'! Yep this is too simple to be so hard.
  7. Yep. I was going to guess 'splice'.
  8. 'colons' : 1. separate 2. but also join together a list.
  9. Heineken keg. PS A sentence that sums up a story is called a ' Purple Patch'. A song that is stuck in your mind is called an ' Ear Worm'.
  10. drifting. my stupid modifications are for my own fun. My comment about a legend I cannot confirm, yet has been repeated in several contexts was never meant to be an insult. nor was it meant to detract from my stupid project. But thank you for bringing my stupid fun project into comparison to starving children. I have nothing more to say about it. peace.
  11. beautiful blade. what marine grade epoxy? I use JB weld for serious jobs.
  12. nope, i'm wondering where I even heard that. it was pre facebook so no fake news or collusion.
  13. I never really finish a project. A Persian rug always has one knot tied wrong because nothing can be perfect. I hope, at best, to amuse the leather gods with my inept attempts to mix it up! Today I know that that Bombay ink is a vivid dye. You can engrave Poly. Liquid leaf is permanent on poly and leather. PS did I mention I never finish a project? I also bought copper sheet today. With my new engraver maybe I can get closer to done with Mjolnir
  14. I just got some carnauba, I kept seeing it in wood use. How did you attach the wood?
  15. I couldn't find an emoji bowing down to the floor. Nice piece! any thoughts on the beeswax over carnuba?
  16. That is Crazy! I love it and am going to try it when I buy a heat gun ( it's on my list... high on my list). I bought an electric metal engraver today. Great results so far. It's a very mild impression. The engraver has embedded some of the graphite from the pencil and leaves a shadow of the writing. I also got some gold leaf and a polyacrylic sealer. I have some leather dyed green (waiting for it to dry) for the handle. I think I will name it Sting, a nerdy homage and a tribute to a Dark Star.
  17. Might be my best bet. wood burner melts poly (not enough control) , engraver is difficult on the small scale (again a control problem) . Sharpies and paint work but not permanently. My next experiment will be a clear coat over ink, and paint to see how it holds up. If that doesn't work I'm going to print the runes on shrinky dink plastic and glue it!
  18. No I got this on Etsy from Russia for $62 total. This was an inspirational purchase. It had a lord of the rings feel to it.
  19. New maul to play with. My new Russian. Elvish is a pain! and yes I am crazy, and constantly flit between projects! Just a thought but would a black velvet painting of Elvish Presley be cool or what!? Suggestions on how I can make this permanent on the poly are welcome. ( I'm thinking an engraving tool then gold leaf.)
  20. That is cool! I imagine lots of leverage from the back of the handle for a crushing blow that would double the force, and a nice balance for controlled strikes if held close to the poly. Thanks for the name drop. resources are invaluable.
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