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Everything posted by Mjolnir

  1. This should be good! I'm stumped. I do know that I didn't lace my shoes correctly until the military taught me how.
  2. Plausible but not definitive. Certainly makes sense in a champagne bottle. There are several theories for the 'punt'. I like the one that winemakers were cheating out of an extra glass of wine. Just like when I open a fat bag of chips and its half full. ( I'm an optimist lol!). I had all ways heard it was for turning the bottle 'Riddling'. the wine maker would stick their thumb into the punt and give it a twist every few months.
  3. It's a bung hole, and I hate to say it but the tool is a reamer. so why is there a curved bottom on wine bottles?
  4. Remember those wooden barrels that had a cork in the side? As a kid I found it amusing what the hole was called and also the tool used to make it. Anybody know? PS did anyone 'google'... elgoog? always liked that one.
  5. Proves my theory. Everything I look at has potential applications in leather craft. If I were an alien leather crafter whom had never seen a ukulele I would think, 'My what a large burnisher, and I can sharpen things on those stringy things!'.
  6. Mjolnir


    Thanks Harry. I'll post this weekend. I added a leather ring. I've drawn out my pattern on a copper sheet. I have my weekends back so I'm going to finish this beast.
  7. off topic but that has never occurred to me. it was a time of spandex and rubber other than eddie murphy's leather suit. (maybe it was pleather?) I still think its a shame how much leather is wasted when we have never stopped eating hamburgers and also hunting is huge. A local tannery is mythological. On topic I have cheap thread and am ordering some tiger thread. I have never heard a negative thing about it. I agree. Start one please
  8. This is great stuff Jake! You are like Jeremiah Johnson.
  9. I did the same thing because of this site. They had a Huge backyard full of scrap. They started cutting 1' 2's because of leatherworkers. $20 sq ft.
  10. Potentially making one grocery bag out of many is pretty cool! the pine pitch recipe is awesome! PS Wow. now you've got me thinking. I remember climbing trees as a kid and that pine sap wouldn't wash off my hands I had to worry it off. Tough stuff.
  11. individual ring binders that can be placed where you want them are at Hobby Lobby in the paper crafting area.
  12. Mjolnir


    nothing to complicated. S curves for the body and a head. The hammered look suggests scales.
  13. Mjolnir


    In Norse mythology, the ouroboros appears as the serpent Jörmungandr, one of the three children of Loki and Angrboda, which grew so large that it could encircle the world and grasp its tail in its teeth. Funny thing about mythology. wash, rinse... repeat. P.S. It is just you
  14. uhm. plastic shopping bags that are free here and go into land fills? I reuse as much as I can, my small town has no recycling program. Tell me I'm misunderstand you. Oh!! so you guys don't have the waste that we do. Makes sense. I think ill start using the cloth bags.
  15. 'string theory', it's a time traveler. I agree the point looks made to slide but the cutting edge is too long for precision cutting. you can still google that manufacturer. I'm guessing a grapefruit knife!
  16. what, what!? Details please. I've been using generic q-tips, ( not sure if that is an international term... cotton swabs you clean your ears with) for glue application and for applying edge dye or small dying areas. (funny that I use a dish rag for everything and you guys are stuck with a tea towel
  17. I don't know why wax paper didn't occur to me. I'll try that, thanks! I have wondered about coffee. I have used tea to stain hemp with good effect and of course to make an old looking treasure map!
  18. Mjolnir


    now I have to sculpt coper with a dremel tool. OK!
  19. Mjolnir


    There is a sink and a tub in most bathrooms.
  20. nice. I'm not cheap, but I do use what is laying around. Plastic bags from my local grocery store are what I stain on. For large projects I use a trash bag and once the stain dries I use the trash bag
  21. May be a misleading title, but I thought it was fun. I'm a beginner, I have a lot of art supplies; tools, paint...etc, sculpting tools, papercraft tools blah blah. I have tools, I mean lowes tools. I like wood work so I have some of that stuff too. After starting leathercraft sometimes I've hit a dead end and I have used what I have. For ex. Recently I've been very impressed with using wood stain on leather. It accentuates the leather, the saturation of color is a little thin. Metallic paint from hobby lobby works very well. Metallic spray paint does not! It stains but the color isn't accurate. Inks seem to work well. I've read that some of you use sharpie markers for your edges. What other alternatives are there for leather that do not have the leather price tag? PS I actually love beeswax. I am about to purchase carnuba wax. but I could probably get some car wax cheaper. Alternative ideas anyone?
  22. Mjolnir


    Thanks everyone! This has been a fun project. I've cut some coper bands (hammered them) to wrap the mallet head. Debating on shaping the coper into something. celtic dragons? an oroborus?
  23. Wow! This thread just surpassed the Topic in views! ... in three months. I never get tired of seeing the spaces, and I know for a fact there are a lot more to be seen. Who cares if its neat and tiddy!? The mess is the best, it becomes a find the cool stuff game. I sent Johanna an email awhile back about pinning this thread. While I don't think it'll go away anytime soon, I think this is less a thread and more of a topic and I hope it sticks.
  24. Oldnslow would like this space! What is the skeleton in upper right?
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