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Everything posted by Mjolnir

  1. The largest one is in the fabric department. other than that I've got nothing. unless you have a marble countertop somewhere, or a giant sheet of glass, it will all mar. You just have to prioritize your needs and the cost and adapt. Good luck +1 formica
  2. I would go with a sheet of melamine board from lowes. Basically what is on your standard art/ drafting table.
  3. Amazing Shop! I can't get past the complete surround of knotted pine! I think that's what it is. My house is a hundred years old and has floors that look like that. Cool stitching pony. On ‎12‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 9:28 AM, KingsCountyLeather said: Have we seen your workshop? I have a bench lol! with a five drawer roll under storage. Bought at Sam's club, highly recommend. I'll start a bench thread. (This is when KCL called me out on another thread. Thank you for that. Inspiration comes in unlikely moments. Some times it's best to act before you even realize that it happened.)
  4. That shop is what happens when Willy Wonka and Santa Clause have a baby and he is a leather worker. What is the anvil shaped wood thing on the left? P.S. Beautiful dog!
  5. Dig the magnets! And the use of closet space!
  6. Not walnut. I'll go with the some walnut soon though. I stained some of the parts. Giving them a light sanding for an antiqued look. Got a late start this weekend, stain dry's slow in the cold.
  7. Do you have grand kids? Do you want one?
  8. This my friends is a great hack. Believe it or not there are enough leathercrafters in the world than your local countertop foundry will cut their scrap into 1x2 foot pieces for tooling. The lady at my local store was so nice she told me the whole history of my granite. Tiger stripes with pink crystal from Africa etc... cost me $40, great way to spend an afternoon. Cold shivers run up my spine. I hear a thump, thump as a striped sheet is dragged up the basement stairs.
  9. a lever long enough can move the world. if you can machine a 360 clamp we can start a business!
  10. Wow! Thank you. Incredible. If you care to give details, I'm all ears. I've guessed all I can. ( airbrush, oil based dyes, a pro burn tool?, x-acto)
  11. you got this. Nice painting. Nice case. From my experience, an artist can make anything they want to. Pic is my first time sculpting Styrofoam and using plaster for a stage set. because I can sculpt I've spent $1000 plus on leathercraft just because I really liked making leather bags and nunchuk cases when I was a kid. It's all about faith in yourself.
  12. plinkercases, I'm digging the hanging sheaths. Really, who wears a round knife, right! With each shop there is a, 'what is that?', moment. 'Why?' I'm guessing you dry stuff on the grate with the fan. What's under the sheet man! What is behind that suspicious particle board wall of AdamPCain's? Bruce says keep out. I wanted to add a pic of my little art room. It was my stepsons old bedroom so it's superman blue. If I had not divorced before painting it pink for the stepdaughter, I would have used the left over blue to repaint it. Just sayin' Cradom! My daughter would rock the pink leather shop! My reason for sharing is if you need a large surface for painting or whatever, not pounding. cheapest table ever. Walmart bookshelf, hollow door. L-brackets. cut a hole to run wires.
  13. have you ever cut your own hair? I don't recommend it. When things go awry you think to yourself, 'maybe if I just shave a little to the left'. Next thing you are bald. if you think you can pull of bald, ie scrap your nice work. keep shaving. A maker will see every flaw in his own creations magnified a thousand times. A True Persian rug always has one knot tied wrong. I think your wife will love it. nicely done.
  14. Should be a fun weekend. total experimentation. hinged, brassed, an opening that is a surprise for me and you if I can pull it off. A leveraged lock. Attached to a 360 pivot!? WHAT!!??
  15. Your shop is my favorite, OLDNSLOW. It's organic. It's leathercraft kudzu! The grandkids bikes stand out because you can see a bike. Those are beautiful sewing machines. Last but not least, that bench is MAC DADDY!
  16. "Why buy it if you can make it? If you can make it, you can make it cool."

  17. OLDNSLOW should zoom in and take note of how you have covered sharp tools with leather! LOL! I also love the wall rack. I want to steal (borrow) that idea so If you will share details or a close up pic...?
  18. Just fell in love with your maul! Did you do the handle wrap?
  19. Nice! you had me at the Conan quote. Epic battle!
  20. I just want to say, " I appreciate you all for sharing!" I love the organized chaos. The discombobulated beauty of all the shops shared so far. I have new ideas already. Anyone remember the intro scene to 'Ray Bradbury Theater', ( U.S. tv show in the 80's)? https://youtu.be/2nIqGI5-6HI I have a wish list from every photo so far. Keep sharing! You guys and gals (scratch that... 'makers'!) are awesome! Just a thought but all of these shops from around the globe have an essential sameness. Breathe deeply and smell it. It's the scent of leather. it's home, it's a memory so deep your grandkids will be transported back to their childhood every time they smell it. Long after we are all gone, we will be vivid in memory, our souls attached to creativity.
  21. come on Mutt. the mess is the best part. My mess is in the art room I have and my breezeway where random tools lay around making up my woodshop (Patio table is my work bench out there!) .
  22. Thanks! I made it. red oak and pine. My latest project. I'm currently working on a new one that is ambitiously cool. I posted, 'Clam on the half shell'. love the space! I've got the noobiest shop so far.
  23. Server and bartender for too long. Magician. Artist always. Art director for a few films before being a Journalist in the Navy. Retail. Now welding.
  24. In my case it's just a bench but I love my bench. It's in a corner of my greatroom. I like catching glimpses of workspaces. Please share yours too.
  25. I have a bench lol! with a five drawer roll under storage. Bought at Sam's club, highly recommend. I'll start a bench thread.
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