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About mikekratz

  • Birthday 06/20/1988

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  • Interests
    fishin', shootin, leather craftin ;)

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Holster maker
  • Interested in learning about
    others work, tips, suppliers, Friends with other leather workers
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. If you were going through all the trouble to rip apart that holster why not just use it as a pattern for a completely new holster? Basket weave and dye the new one the way you want it. Also it will feel much better knowing you did it from start to finish mike
  2. I too am a Sailmaker for Doyle sailmakers and speak with John Cordes often. We have a Cordes machine at the shop in Ft Lauderdale and it's a dream to sew on. We also have a HighTex sailmaster and a ton of others in the group.
  3. Awesome! My email is mikekratz@hotmail.com
  4. still available?
  5. wow! that's a lot of tools! how much are you selling the stamps for?
  6. I have one from multi molds. BPH shooter is correct about the trigger guard and ejection port, but it is easy to Dremal out and make your tension points. I use it all the time for leather.
  7. I'm a full time Sailmaker and part time leather smith. The double needle will help keep things clean but not nessisary in my opinion. I have one that rarly gets used. anything you need help with feel free to ask me and ill help you along the way with canvas or sailmaking help mike mike at supersailmakers dot com
  8. fantastic modification! thanks for sharing!!
  9. Hey everyone. Just curious if anyone elses dogs are obsessed with eating leather. I have a big hound dog and black lab that take scraps every time they get the chance. How bad is it? does anyone else chase there dogs out like I do?
  10. Very cool to hear that everyone is proud of what they do. When I'm not making leather I work full time as a sailmaker. I'm currently the youngest production manager in North America to be In a sail lof at 28 years old. . We build everything from your tiny Hobie sailboat to the 200 foot racing yacht. I've been doing it now for 7 years and love it.
  11. When I'm not playing with leather I work full time as a sailmaker. In our loft we have a ton of really old machines and cluch motors. i know exactly what your talking about. to make it go straight again..... turn the motor off, start running the hand wheel as fast as you can twards you. turn the motor back on and it will come back to reality. I've had a machine here at the loft thats one that just hasnt been replaced yet and I've been doing this for over 7 years to it. -Mike
  12. awesome! thanks!
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