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Everything posted by Kustom

  1. Very nice work. If you want to grow your brand you should hire a publicist that can get you in some good magazines. What's the leather tannery in Kentucky that you get your leather from?
  2. I glue my gussets cased, let it dry then stitch.
  3. Thanks Kevin.
  4. Which is more durable, metal or nylon zippers? Thanks, Steve
  5. Both good choices. If you go to Melanie for a skiver make sure to let him know it's for hard leather if you're using it on veg tan.
  6. Did you ask if they sold to a retailer you could order from?
  7. Very interesting thread. What I found on the Google: http://justsomethingimade.com/2009/12/working-with-leather-image-transfers-sewing-techinques/ Leatheroo's thread on leatherworker.net: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=30822
  8. You can buy drum dyed bridle leather which is a veg tan leather. http://www.wickett-craig.com/index.php/leathers/colors http://rjfleather.com/content/index.php/products/#euro
  9. Hi Lisa, Is there a reason your just not buying drum dyed leather? Steve
  10. I use a "Li'l Dude". I bought it used, but it might originally be from Weaver. I know some people that love the "sit-n-stitch". http://www.grandpaspastime.com/Pages/SITNSTITCH.aspx
  11. Great! You'll be happy you did. There's so much info in there. You're in the UK. If I was over there I would take some of her classes.
  12. This book will show you how to make a three piece gusset. http://www.amazon.com/The-Leatherworking-Handbook-Illustrated-Sourcebook/dp/0304345113
  13. If you're trying to make a three piece gusset the piece in the center for the bottom needs to have the notches cut out of the sides.
  14. Also in California you can not buy spirit based dye or the good Barge contact cement without a sales tax permit. Before I had mine I'd go to Arizona to stock up.
  15. I don't know how they do it in your state. I had the woman at the California State Board of Equalization tell me " A seller's tax permit is for selling, not for buying. If you get a permit and buy stuff and don't pay us any sales tax we'll yank your permit."
  16. What are the places that will give you wholesale pricing without a state resale tax idea number, and just a EIN? Do they give you wholesale pricing and not charge you sales tax if you're in the same state?
  17. A sales tax id number is for selling not buying. If you want to sell your items and collect sales tax you have to get it.
  18. http://www.amazon.com/Leathercraft-Tools-Al-Stohlman/dp/1892214903 This is a great book on how to use, sharpen etc, leather working tools. You're in Texas, tons of great leather workers there. Try to find a local leather crafters guild.
  19. Hi DC, Trust me, once you get in to it you will want to own more then one machine. I own a cobra 17 and a Luberto classic and still want to buy a post machine. Steve
  20. Hi Mike, I'm making wallets and bags out of drum dyed bridle leather, but it's not struck through. I want to make the flesh side the same color after I split it. So if I could find a way to coat the flesh side in one step, that isn't dyeing and sealing it would be great. Steve
  21. Has anyone used edge kote on the flesh side? I'm looking for a nice water proof coating for the flesh side. Any other suggestions? Thanks, Steve
  22. The three Al Stohlman case making books are must haves. I refer to them all the time. Good luck, Steve
  23. Jeff at Grey Ghost is a good guy. I've taken a carving class from him and was very happy I did. I've also had him make some maker's stamps for me. The thing about his $145 guitar strap templates is they actually make three different style of straps. If you make straps for country western players this is the one to get.
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