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Everything posted by Dun

  1. The employees at rockler didn’t even stick it in a dremel before they said they could see an alignment issue. I hope I can get this replaced. This was technically the first time I splurged on a leather tool instead of just settling for the cheapest option out there
  2. It could be that, I don’t have anything bit wise that is also near 3” long for a test at the moment. Maybe I should take the bit to rockler and see if I can test it on their dremels
  3. Oh that far left one is .6, dang that’s tiny. I have another stitching iron with closer spi, but I didn’t like the holes it punched. I will give it a try as just stitch marking and punch with the awl. And get some more stitch practice that way Thanks! What thread size do you recommend for those chisel sizes? I’m still not good with spi/mm
  4. The card case on the top is .6mm thread? This is the Tandy chisel I’ve been using, but only to prick the marks. Then I use this awl for actually piercing. Again seen with the 1mm thread
  5. I’ve now bought 2 different burnishers, one from amazon and another from a well recommended site mentioned here, and both have been shipped with enough of a bend that the dremel gives it a big wobble the regular dremel bits work fine and stay true. Before I email and ask for a replacement, can this be fixed with home tools? at this point I’d be very willing to pay for some extra shipping costs to insure some proper packaging keeps things straight.
  6. I’ve now bought 2 different burnishers, one from amazon and another from a well recommended site mentioned here, and both have been shipped with enough of a bend that the dremel gives it a big wobble the regular dremel bits work fine and stay true. Before I email and ask for a replacement, can this be fixed with home tools? at this point I’d be very willing to pay for some extra shipping costs to insure some proper packaging keeps things straight.
  7. like these? https://www.amazon.com/ZOBER-Rolling-Christmas-Tree-Storage/dp/B07KT9GWYN/ref=zg_bs_16175648011_3?_encoding=UTF8&refRID=BM05G5TX44V7SQ8H81AE and you stack these bags?
  8. I know I’ve watched their videos before but I’ll have to do a refresher. The stitch spacing is easy enough to fix with a new tool purchase once I get some spare money to throw at it. I will have to re-research pricking iron options. It’s been a while Along with the spacing, I’m assuming I’ll have to change my thread size as well? This has all been with 1mm thread.
  9. I'm going to give those super colorful foam craft sheets a try for pattern making and lining up stitch marks. Folds and creases have been out doing my estimation abilities
  10. I really should do more practice. I get turned around once I have to flip a flap or turn a corner that the muscle memory isn't building on it's own. The phone case could of had a much shorter strap it turns out. It doesn't take much at all to create a curve big enough to accommodate a finger. I think a much better leatherworker could have made it 3 layers of very thin leather laminated, like a couple of watch straps next to each other vertically?
  11. Still not consistent with my back side stitches being diagonal either
  12. I’m trying to figure out the cheapest packing protection in my head. I wonder what toilet paper tubes cost to ship?
  13. Beautiful. That's where I'd like to end up ability wise. Can I ask what thickness were the leathers used, with and with out skiving?
  14. Any advice on getting cleaner back stitching? I thought I was just reversing my stitch angled pull motion but my back stitches are a mess
  15. Not stitching the bottom, but folding it around means I could stuff the heck out of this wallet. I like the design but not happy with it just yet
  16. Another prototype. Still need a lot of stitching improvements. These edges also aren’t done yet
  17. I’m trying to process in my head how you sewed the top on and failing completely. Good job!
  18. Okay that is all kinds of additional impressive when put into scale
  19. Ooh yeah hats do seem hard. I’m having trouble gaging the size from this image. Is that a model chair? looks good stitching and edge wise though
  20. Finally tried out some dremel bits instead of doing all the edges by hand.
  21. Version 2.0 of granpa’s House phone holster. Reinforced and lined with some plastic folder material to stiffen it
  22. Dang I would love a work space like that. I’m still spread out over an old coffee table Is one machine for thin leather and another thick? I’m completely clueless when it comes to those
  23. Nice. I need to spend some time reading this forum to catch up. Cabinetry been going okay for you?
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