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Everything posted by HavenHillJay

  1. The roses are seriously cool, gonna have to try one for my wife. Thanks for sharing!
  2. Hello everyone, my wife accidentally made some ballpoint pen marks on her leather purse. Looking for some advise on the best way to remove that. I was thinking of trying some saddle soap but wasn't sure if that would just spread the stain around. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks!
  3. I also like the stitching, it provide a nice accent to the work!
  4. These are great. The one on the bottom may be the most unique thing I've seen in leather yet. Thank you for sharing.
  5. Really like the color on the belts. Excellent work.
  6. Nice work, welcome to the forum. The red thread on the dark leather is a nice accent.
  7. Welcome to the forum Grumpymann, my first territory was out of Allentown, PA. That's some pretty county. Too populated for my taste, but it was a good experience. Still new to leather myself, but can tell you that everyone on the board seems nice, and are not harsh in giving out their critiques. Enjoy the community, they have already taught me quite a bit.
  8. myjtp, I am still pretty new to this but did you dilute the dye down? bikermutt07 told me in a different thread that he usually cuts his dyes to 5 to 1 or 3 to 1, this allows for making more than one pass if you have to even the dye out across the surface. The thread was in the Member Gallery and titled Greetings from Colorado. It's not my thread but that is where I asked him about dying. Hope that helps!
  9. Chief and bdpeters, thanks you for the kind words. Alpha2 thanks for the tip and the kind words. Each time I do a project I learn something, get a little better at something, and thoroughly enjoy myself. If you are at all curious, the finished product in shown in a thread I made called Finished Christmas Presents 2016. Again, thanks everybody.
  10. Man, have to chime in on the color, particularly on the top wallet. Very nice!
  11. Hey, there's something I didn't think of. They look great. Going to have to make one for myself. What did you use for dye? Know of any issues with the dye coming off?
  12. Welcome to the forum, everyone here is super helpful, you'll learn a lot. Used to live in the Wichita are for about 4 years. That was quite a while ago though. Enjoyed my time there. Enjoy the forum.
  13. Welcome to the forum Mario. Nice work.
  14. Thanks for the help bikermutt! btw, I am a member in good standing in the Rambler's club. Come on in, the water if fine!
  15. bikermutt07, you asked about how he is diluting the dyes. What is common practice. I am trying to get more consistent at dying (and edging) as well. I use the Tandy Eco-Flo dyes most of the time. I used Feibings on one project and like the coverage but it hurt my lungs. I haven't diluted a dye ever so I don't know where to start. Any advise?
  16. Here are my finished Christmas Presents for this this year, well most of them anyway. Did a couple of wallets on the 24th and didn't have time or inclination to take pictures before wrapping them up after midnight. I showed the rose one in a different post when I had just completed the tooling. Looks like journals/book covers are mostly what I produce.
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