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  • Location
    Mesa AZ
  • Interests
    4x4, Harleys, Woodcarving, Solar

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    none as of yet
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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    searching for supplies

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  1. Nice Work, Boy that is a LOT of stitching
  2. Thanks guys. Sam Browne stud is right, thanks
  3. For my Phone haa haa I need ideas for the strap. I was thinking one of those button posts where you slot the leather and pop it over (name would help). or any other ideas you guys may have. The phone fits nice and tight but I need additional assurance when I'm on the bike. One of the main important features of this is that if I strap it to my chest I can take video on the bike without the engine vibration.
  4. ok, that makes sense. Thanks!
  5. neat. Happy Wife, Happy Life
  6. Thanks, Not sure I follow. The connection point for the buckle is behind the strap and pointed toward the main body of the strap.
  7. I had an idea for something like this but I was thinking of running chain for the bolded portion
  8. X4 on the Awl, it will change the way you view the world. I h8ted life til I found this out
  9. Just saw this one this week. A lot of knowledge flying.
  10. if it was mine I would cut it up and tape the words together first and emboss them with a modeling spoon and call it done
  11. I bought a ceramic blade for my first knife and dropped it the first night. Snapped right in half.
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