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Everything posted by Mocivnik

  1. Well, that's a bit too much for me. I've ordered at LePrevo previous week, so I should be getting the items any moment now.
  2. Oh, I thought same. They are super friendly and polite, they take order kinda personally. I really like them.
  3. I've contacted them and order tools, thanks! How would you compare their quality versus Osborne or Craftool?
  4. @480volt: Outstanding, but it's really ruining the structure of the forum. Maybe should resize it to smaller? It would fit way better into the posts
  5. @480volt: Thanks for all the info, but I've contacted in a supplier in the EU as @fredk adviced. ps: What's with that banner of a steel wick in your signature? @fredk: Thanks for the info, I've written an email to the leprevo and hope for a quick answer about shipping. PS: Since I live in Europe, we have metric system and leather belts made here are standard dimensions 40mm (1.575"), but end strap punches are availible only in sizes such as 1.5" and 1.75". Does 1.75" suits better for this kinda work?
  6. Thank you both for informations! But asking for price/performance in both cases( Douglas and Abbey) versus Osbourne. Are they waaay better (since they are also way over 50$ each)?
  7. Location:Slovenia, EU Having difficulties to buy any kind of tools here..
  8. Okay, an update: Steckstore will not ship to my country, while Weaver wants 50$ for shipping. Both is too much for me. I guess I'm stuck with tandyleather. PS: How bad is crafttool company?
  9. Well, both seems to be around 50 on Weaver. Are they that much better quality?
  10. I'm desperate to find a good an useful 2 punch tools, and all I could come across is TandyLeather, stecksstore and ebay. First tool that I need is a 1" (or 25mm x 5mm) oval punch tool for belt tongue. On ebay and tandyleather I've found the proper tool, but I'm in doubt of quality. I've also found this 1" punch tool, but I don't know, whether is it worth it's money and/or should I search somewhere else? Second one is a 1-1/2 leather belt end punch tool (I would prefer 40mm, but I cannot find it anywhere :S ) I've found it on stecksstore, but again, doubting the quality. PS: Are craftool a good quality punches or not? Is there anywhere else I should be searching for those 2 items?
  11. Bump! Searching for 1" punch tool as shown on picture up: 25 x 5mm, doesn't matter. Also searching for Belt end punch tool, for 40mm leather belts, as shown below:
  12. I'd like to buy a proper punch tool to make holes into leather belt for the tongue of the belt buckle. I've found the worst possible (and it's total waste of money) on ebay, so I'd like to buy some real ones. The dimensions should be around 6 x 25mm or a bit smaller. Just somewhere around here would be fine. Does anyone sells? Since I'm a beginner, I will be satisfied with used tools.
  13. About prices, in case you buy more components, I'll give an extra discount. Fan NB-black silent fan 120x120mm .........................................15$/pc Fan NB-black silent fan 92x92mm .........................................10$/pc Fan Zalman zm-f1 80x80mm .........................................5$/pc Processor AMD Opteron 6134 .........................................330$/kos Fan + cooling ribs Arctic cooling freezer 13 pro .........................................20$/pc Fan + cooling ribs Noctua NH-U12-DO .........................................50$/pc RAM Kingston KHX1333 .................2x 2GB = 1 package; 15$/package motherboard AMIBIOS MBD-H8QGI-F-O .........................................560$/pc Used components, used for max. 1 week: Motherboard TYAN S2932 .........................................220$/pc Graphic GeForce GTX560Ti 1024MB (VGA-560-A1) .........................................50$/pc
  14. how old is the machine?
  15. Burnish? With wooden burnished and no fluid at al? No, not at all. I just wanted to know, if it vapors or becomes useless after time, if it's opened bottle.
  16. So you recommend to buy natural, black and brown color? (I only work with these colors for now, but I'm into bordeux red also, but I really don't intend to use red dye for edges). I got few more questions about (fiebings) edge kote: How long can bottle be opened? Does it last a year or so? How long does last one 4 oz. (118ml) bottle?
  17. @alpha2 Thank You for your great comment, it really helps me a lot. I'm not new, but still at the very beggining in the leatherwork, because I don't do as much as I'd want to. I've used gum trag on quite a few leather edges (mostly leather belts), but I always came to the that kind of finish, where it looks like it's cracked, you could se cracks all over. I thought it was bad gum trag (I got it from China for few $), but someone told me it doesn't matter, what trag you're using. That's why I'm confused now. And what color it should be? Same as leather is dyed or some sort of a contrast should be applied? I use black, brown and red dyes so far.
  18. About edge kote (fiebings, to be more accurate): Why was I told, that edge kote looks completely amateur? I'm having difficulties with finishing edges only with dye and gum trag, as the edge isn't looking great.
  19. What is the normal price for a) full hide and b ) shoulders and back if we're talking about 6/7 oz. thickness? I'm without the supplier currently and I'm searching for one..
  20. Well, that changed just recently, before I could make a first buy. The store stopped selling hides, only equipment and rivets from now on. Unfortunatelly. But they got quality and cheap dyes for leather, they keep brand called Nero d'Inferno. 1dl costs about 6$ and as far as I've used it, it's looking great. But for further leather, what's the actual price that is reasonable for non-dyed veg tan, thickness about 5/6 or 6/7 oz. veg tan? ps: on the thickness you've recommended: I think that 6/7 would be just perfect for knife sheats as such: or while for axe sheats I'd use 6/7 or 7/8 veg tan, maybe different for different parts. PS2: Thanks for your next comment. And what thickness do you use for it? And what is so wrong with the belly? I really don't get it. Is it that, that the back is the thinnest, while the belly is the thickest or something? I know for those vids, they are really good ones Yup, I know that I'm not expecting to have zero waste, don't worry I've done it few times already, I know that
  21. Thank you so much the answer! Okay, how about Leather dye, PRO dye and an Acrylic dye? What's the actual difference between them, which suits for what purpose? And LOW - VOC dye? Yes, about the prices: But for those 2 sq feet you get the BEST leather, without any marks - a perfect sheet, while the other one is for..well, you have to cut away much. 5/6 oz. veg tan is fine? Sure? Isn't it too light or anything? (Sorry, just wanna be sure) And a question, I'm a bit confused at: What part of a cowhide is used for what? I know, that back is thinner than belly, but which part is best suited for what products? Jup, I'm reading forum over and over and I've already eliminated a lot of questions, I'd post here otherwise
  22. Hey everyone! I'm very fresh to the leatherwork, although my desire to work with leather is in me for a long time. I'm really into knife sheats (also sheats for hatchets, axes and machetes) so I'd really like to find out some better advices about the leather itself. I know there's been a lot written, but I....I'm a lazy person, please forgive me for that. So, first things first: Thickness of leather? I'm currently having 5/6 oz. veg tan, that I'm dealing with, but someone (not so long ago, but I still managed to forgot, sorry :/ ) told me, that it's a little bit thin for the knife sheat and that I should use 7/8 oz. veg tan for all the work. How is with this thickness all about with knife sheats? I'm thinking of such sheats (and simmilar): Ok, next question: Which part of the cowhide is the best and which the worst, to sew stuff like this? My supplier demands 80-120€ for the whole cow (95$-140$) and I really don't know, if it's worth it, or should I just rather buy leather from ebay (China), where the 12x24" of 5/6 veg tan costs about 30$ including shipping. DYEs: I'm using Fiebings for now, Fiebings PRO dye. What's the difference between PRO and OIL dye? Afterwards I'm using resolene and gum trag (for edges only). When the product is finished, I "wax" it with seal's fat (the whole product, except for the leather belt, on the inner side). Thanks for all the questions! And PS: Don't be afraid, I've got tons more questions
  23. Yup, that's what I was hoping for. Hmm..I hope I can find any. And yes, it's true. I don't need a new one ps: for everyone, that ever used the leather sewing machine, driven by foot: how difficult is to operate with that kind of machine?
  24. Nope, not anything as such. Knife sheats mostly and things such as pouches/bags etc. That's what I'd like to do in future. Yup, that's what I'm planning to do, but before all, I need to know first, what I need. Like the type of feed and decide whether should I use flatbed or cylinder one..
  25. Jup, got it right That's how I imagined the whole thing. Well, i'd really be glad if I could ever get anything under 300$ (or 250€) that's working. Doesn't have to be new, doesn't have to be nice..just that i will be able to sew with it. Unfortunatelly, I live in a country, where's not much of an offer and I can only buy from other countries in EU, but then the shipping comes expensive...ah well, I'm not in that rush with the machine.
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