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Everything posted by Rhale

  1. How do you post a photo from IPad?
  2. An old man has to practice a lot to stay on top of things!
  3. I use the blue locktite on Chicago screws works great, should work on the sewing machine. From what I understand singer used a type threads on there screws that you can’t find anywhere but singer, some of these sewing machine guys can advise you better on that.
  4. I have a couple more of his stamps I will probably put on eBay next week, the are figure 8 looking wire stamps one straight and one curved. One I. Believe is marked be 003, one doesn’t have a knurled shaft it has parallel lines the other is knurled and the gore tools logo is different
  5. Rhale

    Ron’s Tools

    Just listed some well used Ron’s Tools edgers on eBay, doesn’t cost anything to look!
  6. What brand of stamping tools do you have? And what are the prices on them? Thanks Rodney
  7. I just listed a set of barb wire stamps by Jay Lynn Gore on eBay, check them out, rare, these won’t last long
  8. Robert Beard bevelers for sale on eBay now!
  9. You will need two separate machines one for holsters and heavy stuff and one for wallets and lighter stuff! Sorry but that’s the way it is. I have two cowboy machines, love them both cb3200 and cb0797. Best of luck in your endeavors
  10. I lace a lot of bible, journals, day planners, etc. and I glue down the edges during assembly then lace but I have never used any kind of hide restorer so I have never needed to remove the glue nor would I want to. I have some journals and bible covers that I made over 30 years ago that are still in decent shape made that way so why the hide restorer? Maybe I am missing something but I have never used hide restorer on anything. To the best of my knowledge it’s made to bring some life back to dry heavily used leather.and bibles, journal covers, etc. are usually not exposed much to the elements, if they are someone isn’t taking proper care of them.
  11. I have never tried thinning clear lac, I don’t know of any reason to thin it !
  12. Chocolate pro dye gets almost black! I have had similar problems with rub off and color problems with black, I just won’t use black because of all the problems associated with it. I use clear lac from panhandle leather, never had any problems with it. I thinks it’s the black dye that’s the problem.
  13. Rhale

    Kangaroo lace

    Y Knot is still around and in my opinion probably the best place to get your lace!
  14. Tokonole seems to help but I have never found a good solution to the edges on any chrome ranked leather!
  15. Please call or text me! Maybe we can save some ebay fees! 806-662-7461. rhale47@icloud.com. Thanks Rodney
  16. I use a cowboy 3200 for the heavier stuff and it does a great job, it’s a 441 clone much like the cobra and others check with Toledo sewing machines for the cowboy or leather machine co. For the cobra!
  17. Scotch, Glad you got to talk to Robert, he is A very interesting guy to talk to! He has been involved in a lot of different things but has always been into leather. If you can get one his swivel knives do so, they are amazing! He always has a good supply of tools with him at the shows so unless it’s some kind of unusual tool you can usually get what you want at shows! He and Bob Park are good friends and set up next to each other in Wichita Falls, both are very interesting, talented, and good to talk to.
  18. If anyone has only used craftool or similar tools do not know or realize how much crisper impressions tools like Barry King, Robert Beard, Wayne Jueschke, and others make which in turn makes your carving and tooling look a lot better! Are they worth the price difference? In my opinion you bet they do! If anyone has any doubt tool the same pattern with craftool then tool it with one of the other higher end makers tools, you will be able to tell an immediate difference. I have tooled leather off and on for about 60 years and wish I had found the higher end tools a lot sooner than I did but pretty much use only the higher end tools now. Buy them now before they get any higher priced because they are only going up in price. Someday if you have to sell them you will be able to get probably more than paid for them! Only my humble opinion!
  19. I don’t know if he goes to heart of Texas, I think this is their 1st year! Yes the Wichita Falls show is on, I just received my tickets a couple days ago it is the 1st weekend in October. Where in Texas are you? I live about 80 miles ne of Amarillo kind of in the middle of nowhere, we get daylight pumped in twice a week! Lol
  20. I don’t know where in Texas you are but at the boot and saddle leather show in Wichita Fall in October Robert has a booth there every year selling tools. I usually save up some money and spend it with him every year!
  21. Since I live in Texas in the USA I have no idea where in Europe you can buy either!
  22. Thanks for your reply and explanation, best of luck with your endeavors but it sounds to me like you are fighting an uphill battle with the scouts unfortunately. I do think you have tried to help them when it seems most of the leaders of the organization don’t care anything about that program. Maybe your explaining what’s going on will help your efforts here on the forum, best of luck to you! Sincerely Rodney
  23. Yes I have had the same problem! I believe mine was from some inferior leather, I will let you guess where it was purchased, it seems the only time I have this problem is with imported leather. I have not had the problem with Hermann Oak or Wickett and Craig. I am not saying all imported leather is bad, I’m saying that’s the only one I have had problems with dying.
  24. I have noticed your asking for stamps before then I noticed you were selling stamps and stating you were going in a different direction or something with the scout stamping so what exactly are you doing? Getting stamps for scouts or selling stamps?
  25. I agree very nice work, not mine though! A lot of folks on here do similar work and feel sure someone would let you pick their brain with your questions if you don’t find the creator of this one!
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