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Everything posted by JJN

  1. The seller I mentioned above (BMF Wholesale) also has upper and lower bushings, bobbin case openers, gears and more for the 563.
  2. I bought a 563 hook from this seller on ebay. Great transaction. He seems to have a good supply of them. Genuine Juki in the factory box. $79.90 I should buy a couple more just to have spares or trading material. https://www.ebay.com/itm/362433295974?epid=12021676469&hash=item5462b53666:g:ibYAAOSwWORblvrE There is another seller that wants $269 for a genuine Juki 563 hook.
  3. Nice machine. It should serve you well!
  4. Glenn, I did. it cleaned up real nice. There is not much wear that I can see. I am not using it though, kind of a display item in my office. I picked up two other patchers since. An Adler 30--15 and a Singer 29k72. I want to get the Singer 29k72 restored and working in my shop. John
  5. I finally got the two cams I have from storage. The white delrin cam is a reproduction triple zig-zag cam. It looks like it was laser cut. The other cam is an original Berinia 217 cam #29 that make a scallop-like satin stitch. The dimensions on the triple zz cam should be pretty accurate. No guarantees! The delrin cam is .064" thick. The metal cam is .060" thick.
  6. Hi Michiel, I bought the cam about 4 years ago from a seller I found online. It appeared they were an older couple and losing interest in selling them. They had all the cams reproduced in white delrin. The cams were $22.50 each. I cannot find the site now. Maybe I can find the receipt in my records. I have to go to my storage to get the cam. I will scan it and make some precise measurements for you. Give me a couple days to get it. John
  7. Hi @Smooooth, I am using this machine for the same single purpose as I was before. I am happy with the results as an edge finisher. That machine runs like crazy and is trouble free. If you use a larger thread you may have to adjust some of the clearances around the guides and loopers. The holes in the loopers might be a little tight for a heaver thread. I am still using the Tex 45 bonded nylon with a #14 needle.
  8. That is a beautiful machine. Nice job getting it cleaned up.
  9. The Chikon looks like a Consew 206rb. I have 2 of them. They are great machines. That would be my pick.
  10. I am not familiar with those makes and models. They are probably clones of better known designs. Can you provide photos of both of the machines so members can give you better advise? Condition is also a big factor and photos of the actual machines will help.
  11. Belle, Hopefully someone that has knowledge of the 226R will chime in here. Here are some general rules. If two metal parts are in contact and spin, push, slide or rub they need to be oiled. Lily white sewing machine oil is all you need. When in doubt, oil it. Look for fiber wicks that carry oil into hard to get places and keep them oiled. Look under the slide-out cover on the top right of the machine. Look for felt pads and any moving parts and oil them. I am not sure but the main bearing on the handwheel may be a sealed ball or roller bearing. The gears under the bobbin should be oiled. Good luck! John
  12. Hi Belle, Here is a manual for the Juki 562/563 that is very similar to your Consew 226. Look at the lubrication instructions and see if it covers your questions. John Juki_LU-563_Instruction_Keyfooter.pdf
  13. I think what Wiz was asking is are the U size bobbins you are getting 'in spec''. Sometimes aftermarket parts are made with slight dimensional errors and cause problems.
  14. Never run your machine with a loaded bobbin while you are not actually sewing. Such as winding a bobbin. Even if the upper thread is removed, the thread will birdnest around the hook and cause the kind of jamming that will trigger your safety clutch. If you did this, this is most likely the cause of your problems. I suspect you still have thread wrapped around your bobbin case or hook. I suggest you clear any remaining thread from your hook before you sew again.
  15. Read the manual about the safety clutch. It sounds it is disengaged.
  16. Consew 225. Made in 1987.
  17. I look in the Oregon area. Mostly southern Oregon. I used to see good industrial walking foot machines quite often in the $500 to $800 range. Not too many Singers but usually Consew 226R or 206RB, Pfaffs 145, 545 & 1245, Juki 562 or 563 and occasional Nakajima 280L. This last year they are impossible to find. And when you do they are $900 to $1200. Maybe people are hanging on to their machines for home based businesses.
  18. They are both in the upholstery class of sewing machines. They both sew with #69 to #138 thread. The Pfaff is considered to be a better machine with German design and manufacture. New Pfaff machines are made in China. The Pfaff 1245 may have a slightly higher lift capability but I am not sure. Look up the subclass specification for the Pfaff you are looking at. Parts for the Pfaff will generally be more expensive and harder to find. The Pfaff 1245 castings had some changes over the years. Maybe someone here can elaborate on that. I have a Pfaff 545 H4 that I bought a couple years ago for $150 with table and clutch motor. It is in storage until I can clean it up and service it. The 545 is the predecessor to the 1245. I have two Consew 206RB's that I am using. They were made in 1991 and 1993. I love those machines for some reason. I paid $500 each for those. One needed a new table and they both needed servo motor upgrades from the clutch motors.
  19. The price seems high for a 'head only'. A table, motor, thread stand, light, belt and bobbin winder will add about $400 to your machine. The 1245 has a built-in bobbin winder. You should be able to find a complete running machine in this class for $1000-1200 or less. Toledo Industrial Sewing Machines has a brand new Consew 206rb-5 for $1395. https://www.tolindsewmach.com/consew-206rb.html
  20. I plan on buying this synchronized binder for my Juki 441 for $138.30. I have bought other items from KHSEW and the build quality was excellent! They have a good selection of binders you can use on this attachment for various widths of binding material and and thicknesses of assemblies. It comes from Hong Kong but shipping was surprisingly fast. You will have to create an account before you can view prices. https://www.khsew.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=182&product_id=1902
  21. I have been using PU belts for a while now. I found a large roll (50 feet) cheap on ebay to try it out. Very handy to be able to set up a machine without having to run to the auto parts store and hope you measured right and they have my size in stock. it is a little stretchy because it doesn't have the cloth belting like v-belts, but grips well for me once I get the tension right. It is easy to melt together and never had had a connection break.
  22. @DonInReno, I bought that Juki/Ferdco you have in your top photo from OfferUp. It was like new. The listing said it was in Kansas. I made contact with the owner and found out she was in Port Orford, WA. The listing was over 6 months old when I found it and the deal was touch and go for a few days. I ended up sweetening the pot by giving her a Pfaff 138 I had laying around with the $900. I had $150 in the Pfaff. I drove up and back in one very long day but it was worth it. That is the only deal I found on OfferUp.
  23. These are great servo motors and are at a good price. https://tolindsewmach.com/motors.html
  24. Very sad to here this. I bought my first machine from Gregg. He was a great to do business with. Knowledge and fair. He was a good man.
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