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    Art, knife making, leather work, painting.

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  1. one of the nicest I have seen!
  2. cant wait to see it on the jacket!
  3. it really does... they customer has messaged me many times saying how he gets stopped everywhere about the grips. it was a little tricky and I wasnt sure it would work but turned out pretty bad ass. Thats awesome to hear I wasnt sure if it had been done before as I couldnt find any pics of one done like that. I like doing unique things with leather.
  4. Thanks! I am glad you like it...
  5. thank you! the leather was about as thick as a dime or maybe a little more. The customer loved it and said he liked the leather wrap better than no wrap.
  6. had a customer want a lower back double baby Deagles... He had custom engraved grips that he didnt like... so I made him some wraps!
  7. Thank you! I use both. yes they would I will try to get a picture of them on. 1911 style holster lol
  8. Az it actually looks so much better in person. I will be posting a new one soon.
  9. thanks PastorBob they are fun to make. Even more fun getting a new gun lol. thanks! Chuck!
  10. thanks Bert I wish the picture was better.
  11. Another Dual 1911 holster... with a day of the dead theme... I love the surface area you get to tool with this style holster. The pictures wanted to keep blurring up... sorry they are not as crisp as I would have liked them to be.
  12. I really like the layout and that style holster. did you design it or use a pattern?
  13. did you make your own pattern?
  14. Would you continue on with them at this point if they wanted to do business?
  15. Nice where did you get your stamp?
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