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About Zonker1972

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  1. i built an extraction fan using 3 "squirrel cage" fans found in microwaves that sit above stoves. these have the "fan" part completely separate from the motor. As Beehive suggested, you can use a box fan with a furnace filter. However, I am leery of this setup. The air movement generated by the fan causes all the fumes to pass thru the fan and the fan motor is right in the center of the stream. If there should happen to be a spark and you are using dyes with flammable components, bad thing may happen. Good luck
  2. you may also want to look for an airbrush that has a fan tip. airbrushes normally spray a cone of paint. to effectively cover something with dye a fan pattern would be better. I have several Badger Airbrushes, yet another hobby but the Paasche TS is the one that I have for spraying fan patterns. I mainly use it to spray clear on small motorcycle parts. this kit has all you need. https://www.paascheairbrush.com/TS-3AS the smaller 0.25 and 0.38 heads may work with dye with increased dye thinning but the 0.6 fan head should work really well with minimal thinning. Zonker
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