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    knives, rocks and fossils

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    knife sheath making and repair.
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    link on internet. Stitching leather.

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  1. yard sale find and unmarked. Wife said maybe sewing and I think maybe for rolling a flat seem on the edge of leather due to narrow gap of the rollers.
  2. Delrin is a synthetic material that has been used for pocketknife handles for years. I would suggest an arbor press with a hole for the shaft and many do not come that way. Or maybe a modified large C clamp.
  3. My local fabric store sells Singer Pro series five pack of beeswax cakes to rub on unwaxed thread. Keep it in the refrigerator so summer heat does not melt it. Just wax what I need.
  4. I seen a "sap" for sale in a local antique mall booth. Made in Detroit Mich. years ago. Legal to sell? Local auctioneer is smart, sells a book of matches and give you the questionable object.
  5. If I remember correctly a Harbor Freight press does not have a hole predrilled at the end of the ram to hold items, although the new ones may have. This can be done for you. Also some good tips on YouTube to make it better.
  6. That may be due to our NAFTA free trade agreement with Canada?
  7. My very limited experience is that if the machine was built and sold with a serial number by an american company , I would think their would be no import tax. With the dollar exchange rate, cost of shipping, and time thru U S Customs along with the boarder closing due to the Covid, their must be a sweet deal of the price? Again if made off shore and sold around the world by many companies then their is very likely to be a tax and the vendor should tell you that over the phone.
  8. New home construction in my area of the states and rentals requires 100 amp minimum and some go up too 300 amp service. Some are big on central heat and air and entertainment. copper wire prices are high. (*I'm in the regional area of Western Australia), I read that in some of the Ozze homes are so remote that they have one wire to it and a earth return ground. 10 Amp service seems small?
  9. Here in the states i knew a bicycle shop that had a single phase to a 3 stage converter. When it shut down it went bang! Bang! Here 3 phase is 440 volts AC. Maybe check industrial surplus dealers for a used one or a old time electrical shop that may have a used one? I do not know what your country has for A.C. power or if you will need larger service or sub breaker. a whopping great 3ph generator. sounds like something industrial on a trailer.
  10. I might ask how tight you you measure with your venier slide or dial calipers? Just barely or snug. Same for a snap gage or regular machinist caliper. If mail ordering you will need the proper measurement. I feel a slight variation is normal.
  11. For chef knives, The handles are always down in a roll as the each blade is a different length and width. The main thing is to quickly pick your working tool in a restaurant and many chef's take their working tools home or to another location. Al way's hand wash chef knives never a dish washer and some cost $250 to over $1,000 USD. each so a roll keeps the blades from rubbing together or chipping or dulling them. Really!
  12. The Bucket Boss for your pail may be a good option. Garage sales are my friend.
  13. Try this. https://www.google.com/search?q=chef+knife+rolls&rlz=1C1AOHY_enUS755US756&sxsrf=AOaemvJI0dDXRUYGFoJ6LyTUiv-EkcnLBA:1630333071608&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjivuT899jyAhXPZs0KHdCDDWcQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1440&bih=785 I have some rolls for my heavy mallet type wood carving tools by laying them on blue jean material for size the sewed. the link shows lots of ideas. https://krukgarage.com/leather-craft-blog/leather-knife-roll-how-to-choose-the-best/
  14. Unless you're new phone has a lot of storage or a large Micro SSD card 3 megapixel will fill the storage space fairly quickly. From the net, =Dimensions: 600px to 650px is still the best image size for email. The most popular screen resolution worldwide—across both mobile and all platforms—is 360×640. On my Android phone at the top left of the phone screen is a wheel. That drops down a menu and has a help place to click on. Hope this helps.
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