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  • Gender
  • Location
    Behind a pine tree in MissIssippi
  • Interests
    I know high people in low places

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  • Interested in learning about
    leather craft
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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Leatherworker.net Regular

Leatherworker.net Regular (4/4)

  1. High!!!!!!
  2. If I am not working, I'm fishing!!! try this Cut up spam into long cubes Insert fishing hook , freeze, ut will stay on the hook frozen. , and will not fall off as you cast. Catfish jump on it!!!!!
  3. https://www.facebook.com/reel/781282464091320?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=xCPwDs
  4. blue Cat, 22"--24" long caught using spam pop cycles
  5. Ouch!!!!! body work is really cool I love to see an artist at work !!!
  6. The best crew in the world shout out to Dave's Autobrepair hwy 84 McCall Creek Ms who is letting me use his shop and tools while he looks over my shoulder offering advice and a quick kick in the butt when needed. , which is often
  7. I have been busting my butt the last few weeks on an old friend I have a 1996 Chevy S-10 with less than 100k miles Truck has been out back in the weeds for 20 years this is the day I pulled it out of the weeds and washed it time to bring it back to life needs a transmission and because it was sitting up the gas tank rusted out replaced tank, sending unit (pump) and fuel injectors Replaced idler arm , sway bars, vacuum lines, plugs, wires, t- stat, flushed and changed everything replaced tranny Truck on rack Truck should be complete and ready for the road next week
  8. Can anyone tell me about this machine found
  9. For real Chuck , your family is added to my prayer chain
  10. Pork loins pulled, bbq sauce no bbq sauce sliced chicken quarters stuffed jalapeño bacon wrap all smoked. and I am set up and selling City food? I picked blue berries yesterday and made a cobbler
  11. prayers for your family Here is some good food to look at
  12. Frodo

    Covering a handle

    I found my 10 year old old bull whip and maybe this will shed some light on how to make a whip handle visually This is a paracord whip , it laces up the same as leather
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