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Everything posted by Oxbo

  1. 2/3 oz veg inside ....4/5 oz outside (i think) .....
  2. Yep appreciate the compliments guys .... The shop has really come along nicely. "Hasbeencowboy" = I talked to him about insulating the shop when we first built it but he seemed to think it didn't need it etc. We are located in Central Florida, step across his property line and you'll be on the Deseret ranch (Mormons) = Here's a link -> https://www.florida-backroads-travel.com/deseret-ranches.html Nothing but wilderness for miles and miles. I'm hoping they'll get known locally for their leatherwork as to horse gear and such....But ...... the sky's the limit I guess.......
  3. I recall when I bought that glass display case (off of Craig's list), as I was picking it up (in another town) I was telling the fellow what it was for (my son and grandson's leather shop that possibly might become a business one day etc, etc .... He stated to me = "Ya got to plant a seed in order to get a tree" and that has stuck with me since ........ Tx;s guys .....
  4. Cannot beat knowing the Code for sure = tx's for that story ! ! ! ! We're on a roll = I got into making soap a few years ago, made enough to last a lifetime, thinking about it = include it in our Leatherworks company's product line Will be real good at local craft fairs etc ....
  5. Oh ............... Here'a a couple wallets my son just finished .......
  6. Here's latest update on the leather shop = is coming along nicely .......
  7. Out of this world ! ! ! ! ! ! !
  8. Awesome ....... Beyond compare ! ! ! !
  9. Amazing stuff ! ! ! ! ! ! !
  10. Very sweet ! ! ! !
  11. Ha ! ! Ya'll will also notice there are Morse Code Oscillators/w/keys on the end of the benches (with print out of the letters and numbers in code etc ... I've got one on one end and another all the way over on the other side. We told the boys, "Just as we've had to learn math as a matter of growing up, so too we've had to learn the code, and ..... You boys have reached the age where it's your turn to learn the code" = They loved it = being able to send code to each other across the shop .... However, my son tells me they're driving him nuts, not with sending code LOL, but, one can change the frequency up or down where each has a different freq than the other, well, they just sit there running the freq's up and down = driving him batty etc LOL ...
  12. My son surprised me with hanging the logo on the bench, will have to move it up a bit ..... That logo was drawn for me 34 years ago by a good friend = he only charged me $10.00 ..... Had it framed awhile back = the original artwork .. Have had it rolled up in the top drawer of my desk all these years ..... Notice it says "inc" ... Had to change that to LLC ....
  13. Very nice ! ! !
  14. Hmmmmmmm...... Never thought about that = don't recall ever kickin the doors........
  15. Ooooo ! ! Nice ! ! ! ! I still got to get me one of them ......... (for fleshin) ... Oops ...fleshin knife is a bit different, still .....your's is pretty ...
  16. Tx's Rohn ... 8 1/2 months, not too long I guess, them boys had a birthday so am off a little on how old they are ..... Had to work in bulding a chicken coop also = Son bought a bunch of biddies and we had no coop, so ......... Got one now...... but still got to make the yard for em, they just roam around free range now ..... The other end of the shop is for vehicle repair etc, etc ....... And .. got us a little coffin welder and welding table back there etc ... It's a coming ..............................
  17. Hi guys ............. Recall awhile back I joined the forum and mentioned that I was giving all my leatherworking stuff to my son and his boys. And we were going to make a leather shop .... Well here's a few pics of where we started and where we are now .... Only problem is ..... They're lovin it but don't seem to have time to start making stuff (they have made a couple of things but,..... could certainly be doing a lot more). I want those grand kids (11yrs and 9yrs) to really learn this stuff so they can make spending money etc. Have applied for trademark for the company, if they ever get it going etc .... Have a nice day ... Oxbo And some more pics ...
  18. Tx's .................... I think the world would stop turning if i ever made something I was totally satisfied with .... My son got me back into this stuff, and ..... I'm officially back out of it now = just took all my leatherworking stuff out to his house for him and his two boys to deal with. He's really wanting to get into it, and we just finished building him a "shop" so he can make a good leather shop for himself and the boys (9yrs &7yrs old).. If they get into it they'll grow up good leatherworkers for sure ..... Here's a couple pics of their shop ......
  19. Thought I'd make a me cathead wallet = is OK but ........ (Still got to finish the edges) .....
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