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Everything posted by Leescustomleather

  1. My main goal in this construction was to have a sheath that the knife blade fit snugly, for positive retainment and also, I really like the way it feels.
  2. This is just a mock-up but I think you can get the idea, it also minimizes contact of the knife handle with the beltloop
  3. When accommodating a guard that large I will make the belt loop a separate piece, and then make a spacer from a couple of thicknesses of 9-10 oz Vegtan with the beltloop as the outer most piece and attach it that way. Love your work!!!
  4. I put down some smooth soft wood like fir or pine and move it with the leather
  5. If you have a drill press you can mount an awl blade in it with the motor off and use the leverage provided by the press to easily push the awl through, and as an added bonus it will go through perfectly straight. A little bees wax on the awl will make it easier to remove. I am a Bladesmith and have to pierce three layers of between 8 to 10 oz vegtan on a regular basis.
  6. On a side note, vinegaroon will also darken some woods like oak and after a couple of months it will become less potent, and you can get some very nice gray colors from it for leather which I know of no other way to achieve
  7. The chisel has 10 tines not nine that is your problem
  8. I would line the jaws with some Vegtan to protect your work
  9. Olivewood is quite dense and hard, so full stabilization isn't needed. Redwood burl is soft and can absorb moisture so to be used for knife scales really requires treatment, and thanks.
  10. A little knife I finished today and liked how it came out. I hope this is ok to share, I am still pretty new.
  11. If you really want to use a particular product buy some and try it in a spot that will be inconspicuous. I just checked my tin of saddle soap, and it says it cleans and renews leather furniture on the back. Not for suede.
  12. I think you can't go wrong with Feibing's saddle soap. Both clean and condition your leather at the same time
  13. Nice knife, nice sheath! I struggled with getting my hole through the welt square to the edge also. I mounted a sewing awl blade in my drill press with the motor off and used the lever action of the drill press to easily push the awl blade through perpendicular to the edge, A little beeswax on the awl blade will help it to pull back out. Also, much easier on my hands too.
  14. Thanks this is a scrap from an old saw blade, An unused plumbing fitting and a dead branch
  15. I needed a modeling spoon so I made one
  16. Check out these, he is on Etsy LeatherStampsTools He has a lot of top-of-the-line tools, I own quite a few of them but have yet to spring for a swivel knife body. I realize that my comment is not very helpful but if you go look, I bet you will enjoy seeing what he has to offer. He is also a sponsor on this site
  17. Edge paint and use a 1/8" metal rod to apply it. I use brass dip it into the paint and then rub/slide it along the edge. I will give you very fine control of where the paint goes. I know it sounds wierd, I learned it from A Japanese leather smith but I couldn't read his name
  18. Great methodical approach, I imagine they will last a long time being made with such care.
  19. I'm glad you found the solution, thanks for sharing!
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