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  1. Sorry I haven't been on here for so long due to Personal life stuff that just now is starting to get semi better.. Anyways I made a wallet a loong time ago from a tandy kit I do not recall where I might be able to get the inserts ( the wallet has them connected with a metal clip on the left side of the wallet if you need photos I can give you photos )since mine has been breaking apart for some time now... thank you in advance.
  2. Thank you all. Dave that looks amazing and I should have enough scrap to try and make something like that. Where do you get the clips at ?
  3. Does anyone know of where I can get a pattern ( or Patterns Im kind of looking for something that clips to a pocket or maybe something that clips to the pants /shorts themselves instead of having to wear a belt ).
  4. Yes I had thought about having a strip of chainmaille inbetween. Im trying to go with a quick thing if I can that I dont have to buy extra items ( I have the leather lace I have Rivets Dont have grommets though which is one reason I didnt want to do the chainmaille cause sooner or later if I just used punched holes it would rip them through.
  5. Ok I need to make a belt out of some belt blanks that I have that are to small to fit. Is there any way to connect the belts with a braid stitch or anything like that to each other so that they will still go through the belt loops easily enough ( as in I dont want to just attach another piece of leather between the two and sew them together that way and really dont want to try to skive an angle between the two cause I've never been good at that. )
  6. I Have my slab on a Few old Books I was going to sell cheap at a garage sale anyways... It seems to muffle the sound a lot ( I also have them underneath a Tumbler of mine as well ).
  7. Yes those. Dont think they would be still need a pattern though cause 1. I dont wear suspenders 2. the guy doesnt have any with the mustaches on them to copy for a pattern and 3. Not really finding any at stores to copy and also dont want to buy a pair just to copy the pattern from it ).
  8. Those Little Button things on the end of suspenders ( Im just using what the guy called them ) But was wondering if anyone had a pattern to make those ?
  9. Ok Mine is craptastic but here it is.
  10. Ok then I guess they did change it then...The Free Tool/craftaid was the only reason I had renewed my membership but O well. Thanks guys.
  11. Did they remove it new manager at the local tandy said they were no longer honoring the free craft tool a month for members even though the last Skiver even mentions a free tool.
  12. Yes everyone here is awesome and great and I love them all dearly. They've helped me out as well when I needed it and even just hanging around talking to them helps out a lot you can learn a lot from these people and not only about leatherworking but about how there are still good people in the world. I hope to one day be able to pass on the kindness that was passed on to me.. Good luck and Good Heart.
  13. Glad to be back :) I Love you guys Lets here it for the great Johanna for without her this would not be possible.

  14. Actually different ones called for different Temperatures.. I've tried that recipe only to get a burnt carmelized mess thanks anyways... I'm wondering if anyone has ever actually made it so I have a first hand experience to go off of instead of websites.
  15. Ok has anyone here ever made it... I've looked online I know there are recipes online I've tried 3 times first recipe gave me a bunch of Sugar Goop and the other two gave me nothign but Hard Candy... I have tried it at 250 F and 265F. I fixed it removed it put the rest in and then when it cooled I pulled folded over pulled folded over and each result was the same.... So Im wondring theres got to be someone out there (I've tried other forums cant find a single person who has made it ) that has to have made it.
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