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Cobra Steve

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Everything posted by Cobra Steve

  1. We were open for business on March 1st, 2009, survived the recession, and everything else that goes with starting a business, but 5 years later......we are still here. Thank you everyone at LW for your support! Steve
  2. Call me if you need help with your 3000, I probably sold it to you. Steve
  3. Thanks for the kind words Christine and Aaron. Steve
  4. Hello. Inmany Juki 441 machines there are different width spacers that move the Shuttle Hook closer or farther away from the needle depending on needle size. This could be your problem. The needle that you are using may not be a leather point needle and that can cause the needle to move rather than pierce. Steve
  5. Hello, what machine would you want on a trade in? Please contact me. Thanks, Steve
  6. Hello MCW. Please check the banner ads for Sewing Machine dealers and contact us. We will be able to help you. Steve
  7. Hi Rich. There are different style of needles that you can use.There are leather point needles for leather (obviously), and there are round point needles for anything other than leather. For what you're doing the leather point needles should work fine. Steve Hi Wiz!!
  8. Hello. I agree with all of the above comments, but here is another one. Make sure your needle is new and it is in straight. On another note......if you twist the needle ever so slightly, the point will enter the leather at a different angle. When you normally insert the needle, the long groove is on the left, and the scarf is on the right, like 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock, but if you twist the needle to 8 to 2, or 10 to 4, you will get a different result. If you twist it too far the machine will skip. You can try this technique on many different machines. Steve
  9. Hello. Most of the holster makers that I do business with use a 277 thread top and bottom. The Consew will only take a 138 thread unless the machine has been slightly modified to use a 207. The largest size you can use in the bobbin is a 138 thread. The last thing you want to do is to compromise the integrity of your product by using too light of a thread. This could cause your product to lack quality and durability. Steve
  10. Hello. Singer 211: #23 needle, and #138 thread top and bottom Singer 29-4: #22 needle, and #69,#92, top and bottom and on rare occasions #138 on top with one of the smaller threads on the bottom. This is not absolute, but pretty close. Steve
  11. Hello. Here is something else you might try. When you put the needle in the needle bar, you always put the long groove to the left, and the scarf to the right. It would look like 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock if sitting at the machine. Try twisting the needle so it would be at 8 o'clock to 2 o'clock and then try it at 10 o'clock to 4 o'clock. This will put the point at a different location when it enters the leather. If you go to far, either way, the machine will skip stitches. Sometimes this works. There are no "S" point needles for your machine, so this technique is one of your options. By the way, you can do this on most every machine. Steve
  12. C'mon guys, help this lady out. I will warranty the machine for 3 years parts and labor. Thanks, Steve
  13. Hello. You could be using to large of a thread. You should be using no larger than a 138 size thread, top and bottom. Steve
  14. Hi Icho. The holster makers that I have dealt with use a cylinder arm machine, including John Bianchi, DeSantis, Winthrop, and Lobo. Thanks, Steve
  15. Hi Al. Check the banner ads on this site and contact all of us to see which machine will fit your needs. Thanks, Steve
  16. In my opinion, for versatility, the 441 clones are the way to go. Steve
  17. I agree with Ronnie. The Cylinder arm machines are much more versatile than the flatbeds and with the correct needle and thread you will be able to sew lighter weight fabrics as well. Steve
  18. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year to all. Steve
  19. Thanks, Wiz. Happy Holidays to you and everyone else on LW. Steve
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