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Everything posted by Billy P
Hey Karl, here's to you getting well soon. I'm hoping for a fast recovery for you. Your friend in South Carolina, US of A. Billy P
Hey Bruce, happy belated BIRTHDAY. Wishng you all the best not and in the future. Hope we be on here many more of these special days. Best wishs Billy P
Hello everbody, this is the first time I've been on here in over a month. A squirrel got into a substation and shorted it out. When the power co. got it replaced they had to cut the power all over the system, at least where we're at. When they cut the power back on it caused a abnormal power surge and burnt up my computer. I have a surge protector, but sometimes no matter what you do it will get some things. My old puter' was almost 5 years old and had seen a lot of use so we got a new one. Just hooked it up today, 1st. thing after getting hooked back up with my ISP, getting back on Leatherworker.net. I sure missed ya'll Billy P
Des, go to a place that makes tombstones and ask if you can get a piece of scrap. They usually have to pay to have that stuff hauled off, and here where I am they have given me several nice pieces for free. I have both marble and granite. when I get me another work table made I'm gonna go back and try and get a big piece that is more square than my present piece of marble. The man that usually helps me out, I'll sometimes take him a small something as a token of my appreciation for helping me out. He gives me a lot for a little, but he appreciates the fact that I don't forget him either. Billy P
Hey Roger, really great work as usual. Sorry to hear about the real world job keeping you from doing much leather work. A question, are you coming down to the SMOKE-OUT this year? Again great work and thanks for sharing the pics. with us. Billy P
Some have spoken about being buried, some about being cremated, I have told my wife to have me put in a big hollow log, seal up the ends, then have holes drilled all in it and throw it way out in the woods. That way when the smell gets right I can aggravate the hell out of the buzzards. I also told her that if she chooses not to do #1 to have my friend Philip Caulder, who is a great person and undertaker to bury me face down so that all the who have done some meanness to us can have the chance to come by and KISS MY A**. Other than all that, drink a beer, have a shot, smoke a joint, just do what ever feels right and enjoy yourselves one last time for me. Billy P
Hey Bruce, I still have mine that you sent back when you first made the book up. I remember right after then some sorry rascule, was trying to sell on E-Bay, what you had so unselfishly given to start with. Those type people need to have their butts whipped with a dead Carp, until their butth**e bleeds. Thanks for offering it again and especially to so many more people have access to it thru the internet and forum. Another example of how unselfish you and a lot of others on the forum are. Again thanks, Billy P
David, the energizer bunny keeps going and going and going, but you keep getting BETTER and BETTER and BETTER. Great work Bud and thanks for sharing the pictures with us. Billy P
Zack White has the wallet chaines for $3.19 each Zackwhite.com or eleatherworks.com Billy P Also S&T Leather Co. has them at a good price, something like less than $2.00 each you can look at stleather.com on page 15. brp
At the moment I can't remember who it was, but someone told me a little while back that you actually put some of the thinner leathers like 2/3 or 3/4 oz leather thru a laser printer and it would print on it. i guess it has to be thin enough to go through the machine. I don't know if it works, and I haven't even seen it done Just told about it. Billy P
My name came about, because when I worked const. I would, between jobs draw unemployment and work at making leather things. That was along with doing custom belts and pocketbooks and such. Somebody asked me why didn't I get a shop and do it full time. Never enough business to make a living around here where I live so I told them no that, it was a Sideline, hence Sideline Leather Co. it's been that since about 1981. I like it and see no reason to change it now. Billy P
Sorry about getting back on here, but one last thing to say. There are a lot of people on this forum right now that as I understand the rules for the Al Stolhman Award, are/should be winners already. They give help, advice, even comfort and sometimes money to others. All just to help and teach a fellow leatherworker, so to all you good people, I SALUTE YOU[siz and once again many thanks Billy P
I really love Peter's work too, however for the type things that I might try I like: Bruce Johnson, Bob Park, Clay Banyai, gtwister, and a lot more. These, and there are a lot more that I don't have down here are, while known bye a lot of people in the Leather community are not as world famous as Peter. Please don't get me wrong I love Peter's work and he has helped me allot with different things through critiques, and advice thru emails. He even sent me a copy of his newest book "The Main Technique of Coloring Leather" but his style is his own and few people can come close to doing it anywhere near as well as he does. The others do a more Traditional style that is what the greater part of us work at. As far as, me, I personally might have a chance at doing a basket or set stamp as well as Bruce, or might someday do some carving and finger cuts like Bob or Rick, possibly even do some carving and embossing like ClayB, but as for me I'm never gonna be able to come anywhere in the neighborhood of Peter. I'm not saying that he is any better than they are, just that his style is so different from everyone else. They all inspire me to do better than I am capable of. With all these being on the forum, anybody who wants to do better, whatever, with Leather don't have many excuses for not knowing how to do something, because they are all willing to share and teach and help anyway they can. This I know from experience. One thing they all agree on is PRACTICE, PRACTICE, AND MORE PRACTICE. Sorry to ramble so much sugar must be up. My penny for the day. wishing everyone a good day Billy P
Hey Budd, HAPPY BIRTHDAY and congratulations on having the keeper. I got a good one too. I'm sure glad, now I'm too old, tired, and rundown to break in a newer model. Billy P
Hello everyone, about 6 or 7 weeks ago my computer crashed. I ended up doing a system restore on it. that brought back ot least the operating system. I lost a lot of probably irreplaceable music, and pictures. The biggest thing is now I can't get any sound at all I have checked and the speakers are plugged in, I've tried my headphones, done everything that my daughter and I can think of and can't get any sound. I did say something about installing drivers, whatever that is. If any one can help us we sould sure appreciate it a bunch. Also any ideas about how to maybe get my old music back. Thanks in Advance Billy P
Harley Davidson,Ford,Chevy, and other name brand stamps
Billy P replied to RMB Custom Leather's topic in Stamping
Both of mine had Harley-Davidson Motor Cycles on them. Billy P -
Harley Davidson,Ford,Chevy, and other name brand stamps
Billy P replied to RMB Custom Leather's topic in Stamping
I had 2 Harley Stamps. I bought them years ago, probably about 74 or 75. When I first got them everybody wanted them and they were legal to use then too. Over the years the demand for the use of the stamps died off, at least in my section of the world. Anyway it got to be more trouble than they were worth, and too much temptation to use even every now and then. Anyway a couple of years ago I listed them on E-Bay and sold them at a pretty good price. I told the people that they could get into a world of s**t by using them, but I didn't care what they did with them as long as I got my money. That was the best thing for me, getting rid of those stamps. Like I said back then, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, because there can and probably will be consequences and repercussions for useing any thing marked Harley Davidson, Ford, Chevy, ect. Oh yeah I have a Ford stamp, a Chevy, and a Rebel Flag stamp too, but they are not for sale right now. Billy P -
Reaching for Help & Praying for Solace
Billy P replied to JustWakinUp's topic in Leatherwork Conversation
Hey Waken up, don't know what's going on but there are 2 sides to every story. Let me tell you first a little about us, my wife and me. In 1998, we were separated for about 6 mos. If we make it until Tuesday the 24th of this mo. we'll be together for 30 yrs. I went to take a nap and when I got up my wife was gone. I asked my daughter where her mom was at, and she told me that she had left. I asked where did she go, and was told she left and said she ain't coming back. I was wondering what the hell, but after talking to her I said bum her it's her fault, so let her decide what she wants to do. When I got to being at home all day before work, with my daughter in school, and by myself, I had a lot of time to think about things. I remembered when she had back surgery and came home from the hospital on Friday, and then Saturday, I in all my wisdom, left her home, alone, while I fished a Bass Tournament. Real Smart, right. I thought after asking her that it was alright to go. She told me the truth, she didn't mind me going, but she really needed me to be there to help her, to care for her as a husband should have. I finally came to see that it was both of our faults, but I was more in the wrong by a long shot than she was. Anyway we finally worked things out and now we are closer and care more about each than ever. She is the only person that I fully trust in this world. While I may not be the brightest candle on the tree, I am smart enough too know who loves me and watches out for me. Waken, I said a lot to let you know that while you may not see that light at the end of the tunnel, it's there. That single set of footprints that you see are way too big for your feet, so trust in God and look back over the last 6 mos., and see if you might have messed up some yourself. I am sorry that you are out of work, and I know that things are tough right now. Another fact about me, I worked construction work for years. I always worked shutdowns, never new construction, I mostly worked in Nuclear Power Plants as a Structural fitter, Pipefitter, or as a Millwright. One other thing about me was that I would do whatever needed doing as long as they paid me what I was supposed to get. I've been hired as a Millwright and then watched a hole in the wall at Nuclear Plants, some people wouldn't do it and were laid off, while me a few more that would were making over a $1000 a week. I would work at Paper Mills, Textile Plants, wherever there was work, I'd go and do the job. My wife will tell you it was rough sometimes, with me having to get work away from home. That may not always be good for things, but I kept a roof over our heads, the water and lights on, and we dressed decent too. My point is if you can't find work in your area of N.C., then look elsewhere. Any work is better than no work when you're broke and got a family to support. I didn't always get the job I wanted, and I didn't always get to work at home, but I was never without a job, when I wanted one. Find something to do and it will make you feel better, and your wife too, as she'll see that she is not having to tote the note alone. If I have offended you that was not my intention, but to let you know that if you can't find work in N.C. Check out Tenn., S.C., or Ga., just whatever it takes. Trust me, I know from experience that it won't last forever. From what you wrote in your post, your wife has still been working while you are laid off, and she may be feeling that you aren't looking for work hard enough, I don't know yall's situation and certainly don't have all the answers for you, but you can know that you and your family will be much in our prayers. Billy P -
Great work from both of ya'll. A big Congratulation to you both. Well deserved on all counts. I'm really glad to be on this forum with such talented people who also give help and advice so freely when it's needed. Again great work and thanks for being here. Billy P
Is there a difference b/t a crafttool or a Al Stohlman swivel knife?
Billy P replied to filluptieu's topic in Getting Started
I've got small hands for a dude and need a short barrell on a swivel knife. I used and still use the first knife I ever got. My bro-in-law who got me started carving gave me an old Tandy with an extremely short barrel that is adjustable. I too took the yoke off and polished it and oiled and waxed and it works pretty good, but 3 years ago my dear departed friend Larry Huston sent me a Henley knife and blade. I don't care what you do to a Tandy knife you ain't gonna get it to work as free and easy as the better knives. I don't have a Barry King, Bob Beard, or one of the new Pablo knives, simply because the government won't pay me enough disability to afford one. I can tell you that 100% sure that one of the better blades in any swivel knife will make it better for you to use. Until Larry sent me my Henley I had never used a good really good knife before, but it doesn't take long, as injust a few seconds to know the difference. Like Jed said just my .02 worth. Later and wishing everyone a great day Billy P -
I've heard both ways saying that marble is better if you get a thick piece, as it's softer and if a tool punches through less likely to damage the tool. Granite is harder and I do know that it will mess up tools. My daughter used a single hole punch and really destroyed it on granite. After the talking to I gave her she knows better now, but damage was already done. One other thing, I have a piece of marble about 3 and 1/2 in. thick that is app. 24"x28'' that I got for free from the scrap pile of a monument maker. The manager, after I told him what I wanted it for took me out to the pile and told me to get anything that I could load, as they have to pay to have it hauled off. That was the best piece that day, but he also told me to check back. That has been several years ago, and I hopeing to get a new tooling table made and if things work out I going back and try to get a pice with really straight edges and have it recessed into the table top. Anyway a good source might be to check with any local monument makers for their cast offs. Good Luck Billy P
South Carolina--- Confederate States of America American by birth Southerner by the Grace of God. Billy P
Des, I worked Nuclear Construction shutdowns for years. I have been laid off without a promise of a job so many times I can't begin to remember them all, but there is always something out there. First thing for you to do is get selling your leather tools out of your head. You can take a 4'' cement block, a belt strip, an Alphabet stamp set, and a little dauber or two of dye and sit on the corner and sell a belt, I've done it before. In 2002 I bought my house, a big mobile home in Feb., moved in the first Sat. in March. I was working in a water heater plant at one of the best, most enjoyable jobs I've ever had. I loved it, worked evening shift, only person there in my Dept., QC, and only 4 days a week. Off every Fri, Sat., and Sun. Then in Oct My Dr., found something wrong and made me quit working. I applied for SS disability and it took over 2 years to get started. The first 6 mos., I had short term disability from work, but for the next 19 nothing coming in officially. We were never late on a house payment, we kept the lights, water, and phone working and we didn't miss any meals, and I never even considered selling my leather tools and stuff. I didn't sell alot, but the main thing the leather working did was improved because I had more time to practice and it made me feel useful and productive rather than giving me a chance to dwell on my depression. You can make wrist bands with just a few 3-D stamps and dye and put a snap on and sell cheap to young people. Make keyfob/rings with an initial, or a 3-D stamp to sell. You only need a small piece of leather, a keyring, and a small rivet and there you have it. Make stuff in your shop/house, or whereever you work at and set up a table in the yard on Sat. anything might work. Des just hang in there and don't give up because things will get better. Some places have job training for displaced workers. It might be an opportunity to get some different traning than what you were doing that may help you get a better job. Just explore all your options. I am sorry to ramble on so, but like I said I as I'm sure a bunch of other here on the forum have been there and done that, and we know what you have to learn that things really do get better. You never know what's in store for the future, so wait and see and good luck to you. Remember that you will be much in our prayers here in S.C. Best wishes on all of your searches for what is best for you. Billy P
Hey RDB, I've made a few of the fancier, keyrings myself. Sorry didn't take any pics, but I put a concha on them and double loop laced some and got $20 to $25 dollars around my small town for them. Up there around where you're at should sell like hotcakes. Now a question for everyone and need some help/advice. I've got a place about 20 miles from me that makes leather stuff, but they sell wholesale to stores and places like Carowinds, Six Flags, and used to sell to Disney World. They do some clicker work also, my question is I am thinking about buying some vegtan key fobs from them. I can get several different shapes for about .30 to .35 is this a good price or should I check out somewhere else? Thanks a heap, and RDB keep making them and they will sell. Regards Billy P
Wishing you a great Birthday Ken. A big Happy Birthday from South Carolina and many more. Billy P