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Everything posted by RickHodges

  1. Stiff leather will not help the situation when the cause is clothing getting into the trigger guard and depressing the trigger when holstering. The user has to be aware of the potential and take great pains to make sure a shirt tail or jacket hem doesn't enter the trigger guard. With the clothing inside the guard the firearm will discharge as it is seated into the holster. It is a real problem with Inside Waistband holsters.
  2. That is a fitting scabbard for an outstanding rifle. Perfect match, outstanding work.
  3. Glock and similar trigger "safety" systems are defeated when clothing, be it folds of t-shirt, outer shirt, jacket, get into the trigger guard as it is being pushed into the holster. The result is a negligent discharge. Holster design won't prevent it, operator training and vigilance will. Oh never fear, people seem to find a way to have negligent discharges with 1911's too.
  4. Classic holster lines, very well made. Very Nice. I would be proud to own such a piece.
  5. I'm in agreement with DisplacedLouisiana.....the pictures I see look like a stitch line around the toe. My vote is it had a toe plug.
  6. Pin it in place with a hole for the sling swivel stud to go though....it won't move forward or back
  7. I'm afraid I am of the school to carry one at the ready with spare magazine(s) available. If I need to transport many others a backpack will do nicely, with the guns wrapped in pistol rugs. I know that isn't the answer you are looking for. While working I sometimes carried a small 380 auto as a back up piece in the pocket or a shoulder rig, but I don't think that is what you are asking either.
  8. I like these a lot...good looking and practical as well. Yes I like thumbreaks.....if you can put a 1911 in a cowboy holster (Wild Bunch) you can certainly use an imminently useful thumbreak with a SAA holster.
  9. I pity the poor guy lugging around two of those all day. Nice work.
  10. I love it, both the old Iron and the new holster. Thank you for sharing.
  11. That is absolutely first rate.....not to sure about the pink camo on a handgun, but love the holster. LOL
  12. Don't store brass cartridges in leather. Nickle plated cases fare a little better.
  13. Now that is a thing of beauty. Would love to see the N frame in it. Very nice indeed.
  14. I would think a half or full flap holster would be the ticket.
  15. Al Stohlman and his wife were wonderful leatherworkers and great teachers...but looking at his holster designs I wonder just how often he carried a firearm. It might be heresy but his shoulder holster design is an implement of torture and sticking the bbl. out the end of the holster seems contrary to one of the basic purposes of gunleather. I understand it is popular on TV, but I will take mine full length.... ;-} The customer pays the piper so he gets to call the tune.
  16. Why would you cut them down? I don't get this. Is it a Hollywood thing. I have a 4 5/8" Ruger blackhawk and I want the barrel covered. Those are beautiful holsters, please don't mess them up.
  17. I like both of them, particularly the Avenger...except for the 3/8" of barrel showing.....what was the customer thinking?
  18. That is really nice!
  19. Please sign me up if you will....I have more than enough gray hair to prove I qualify. Thanks
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