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Everything posted by NoahL

  1. I made up a pattern for a Blackberry case: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=21768
  2. Thanks! I actually already made a holster like this (without a thumb-break) for a 1911 and it was pretty well received
  3. It looks nice, but the picture is very small--any chance of you uploading a larger version?
  4. Call Marianne at JRM Products (jrmclips.com) and she'll hook you up. She's a really nice lady, and the prices and quality are excellent. If you need one faster than she can get them to you then I can send you a couple, but I still advise you order some--they're great!
  5. Do you have a picture of what you are looking for?
  6. Craigslist will flag and remove your holster ads--trust me, I've already tried. That "weapons and weapon related items" clause in their rules includes holsters.
  7. You just use the Send Money option in your PayPal account to send to their address
  8. Tony, Thanks! The tabs were $0.10 a piece and there was no minimum order, but if you order too small of an amount they have you send a self-addressed/postage-paid padded envelope.
  9. Hello everyone, I just finished this Apocalyptic Survivor style Glock 19 holster, and it was my first thumb-break style! I have to say that getting the snap on there correctly was a PAIN! The steel thumb-break support was from JRM Clips, by the way--their e-mail form on the website doesn't seem to work, but they did get my direct e-mail and a buddy of mine had a nice long talk with them on the phone, and he and I have both ordered thumb-break supports and holster clips. I have to say that these things are the most well made ones I've seen, so if you guys are needing holster hardware you should check them out (and no, I didn't get paid to say that )
  10. Since most revolvers do not have a safety of any type, I think that it is very important to cover the entire trigger guard with your holster to prevent something from getting inside the trigger guard and snagging and making your gun discharge. Revolver holsters that do not cover the trigger are usually (though not always) made for single-action revolvers, not double-action revolvers. As for keeping your finger along the trigger guard when you draw--I do the same thing and having the holster covering the guard completely has never been a problem for me. I understand having a preference, but your preference in this particular area strikes me as somewhat unsafe. I'm certainly no expert on holster making, but in my opinion there should be no way for ANYTHING to get inside the trigger guard while the gun is holstered, even if the gun has a safety.
  11. I know a guy who makes bushcraft knife sheaths and he will ONLY use Montana Pitch Blend--loves the stuff! I haven't tried it myself, but I have heard that it's good
  12. I have zero advice on the tooling, but I wanted to mention that you should cover that trigger completely
  13. Met a cool guy at Tandy in Phoenix today named Tony and gave him some advice and referred him here. Looking forward to seeing that dieselpunk plumber outfit, Tony!

  14. I'm not the person to ask about archery bracers, since I haven't done any. Try Tom Swede

  15. Did you reinforce the mouth of the holster with a steel band? That might help a bit
  16. Hi Charlene, I was definitely hoping to do exactly that. Feel free to PM me
  17. Sorry for the lack of detail so far, everybody--I've been cleaning and packing up for vacation all week and haven't had time to look into this more. I leave at 3am tomorrow, so I doubt I'll be able to give you more details until I return
  18. Half-tanned (granted, by accident) leather in the US? Sounds great to me! Chop it up for knife sheaths.
  19. There are too many little booklets and unlabeled kits for me to go through and catelogue, but here is an overall photo of the larger stuff--books, patterns, stencils, kits, etc. The two purse kits alone are worth $40 a piece, new, so I'm thinking somewhere in the realm of $60 for the whole tub, but I'm not really sure--I don't know how much this stuff is really worth.
  20. I have a small plastic tub full of old (30 or 40 years, maybe) Tandy kits and booklets that was given to me by a family friend. I haven't gone through the tub in detail other than skimming it to know that I'm not interested in it, and I know there seem to be two full kits for clutch purses. Anybody interested?
  21. Hi Steve, I don't think I'll get you in trouble--we are discussing how to go about advertising at this point. It does sound like your products are limited to presses and that does mean you will be cutting out a good portion of craft leatherworkers, just as Ray explains: I completely agree with this, as I am one of those part-time, home-based leatherworkers that uses all hand tools except for a drill press. It would be possible to make a jig for my drill press to mount these embossing plates but it just isn't convenient and that's a big problem for us part-timers
  22. Hi Steve, Are these dies that you would need a clicker/press to use, or are they compatible with the stamp handles from Tandy, or do they have their own handles? Or are they something where leatherworkers would need to send their leather to you to have it stamped with the die? I think if you can clarify the service/product a bit more I think it may be easier to work out how best to go about spreading the word. ~Noah
  23. Yep, that'd be me--and I have to say that I do rather like the streaky color. That said, if you don't then dip that sucker in black Pro Oil dye, but it's still IWB
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