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I think I might have possibly found the most unsafe,dangerous and negligent way to carry a gun. Even just stuffing it in your pants would probably be better! 


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Why do you say that?  Looks somewhat like a Yaqui slide.

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I dunno ... If it goes off there the damage is more or less superficial.  In the town where I grew up, long ago and far away ... we had a former pro tour bowler who bought a bowling alley that kept getting broken into, and the police were at a loss to find out how or stop it.   So the owner decided to spend his nights there for awhile and catch the burglars.   One night he heard the burglars coming in through a ventilation shaft from the roof and went out to try to apprehend them - and in the process fired the pistol that he was keeping in the waistband of his slacks, removing parts of his anatomy.  He never had kids thereafter, and interestingly enough seems to have lost some of his vanity along with body parts as he shortly thereafter stopped wearing the toupee he had always worn previously.


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Are you suggesting he blew his balls off? He must have left the safety off?

NOTE: The safest way to carry a gun...Is Unloaded. That is, don't keep one in the Chamber, and the safety ON.

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2 hours ago, sideforce said:

Why do you say that?  Looks somewhat like a Yaqui slide.

Retention don't seem great to me for one thing. And I think it would be pretty accessible to someone behind you. And it's marketed as open carry. Like most things these are my opinion. Each his own I guess. The quality Yauqui slides I have seen have a retention screw on them also. "Shrug" I won't be using one of these is all I know.

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16 minutes ago, WoodysWorkshop said:

Are you suggesting he blew his balls off? He must have left the safety off?

NOTE: The safest way to carry a gun...Is Unloaded. That is, don't keep one in the Chamber, and the safety ON.


That isn't what Jeff Cooper taught—ergo it's wrong. A 1911A1—without that Browning blaspheming 80 series firing pin block—Carried Cocked-and-Locked—Is how a Warrior Carries.


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Warriors yes, Everyday citizens...no

I knew this would come up....

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I guess if you are some kind of a pansy butt, . . . pink parasol carrying wanna be dude, . . . an empty chamber and the safety on might be a good way to carry.

OTOH folks who understand guns, . . . safety, . . . threats, . . . and their own abilities, . . . realize that a 1911, cocked and locked is the safest form of firearm carry there is, . . . other than of course, . . . in the glove compartment of your wife's car.

May God bless,


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Let's not get onto this argument guys. I am talking about this specific belt/carry system. Being little to no retention or ability to get a good grip as it's so far into the "holster". Also it looks like it's held together with rapid rivets. I carry Glocks so no safety my wife insists on a safety on her carry weapon. We are never all gonna agree on the one and only carry weapon,position, or caliber. Or even color.lol Saftey no safety loaded chamber empty chamber. This system seems TO ME to have not even the minimums a carry "system" should have. 

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I will say I would prefer the angle reversed, as well as the firearm itself for me. But that's me. Reaching behind my back isn't easy with my back problems, and painful.

I prefer the underarm cross draw.

All in all, it's just common sense.

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43 minutes ago, WoodysWorkshop said:

I will say I would prefer the angle reversed, as well as the firearm itself for me. But that's me. Reaching behind my back isn't easy with my back problems, and painful.

I prefer the underarm cross draw.

All in all, it's just common sense.

I think the set up is basically stick the gun any which way you want.lol

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Would I also be wrong in guessing that this was a post from something like Etsy or Pinterest, . . . and that the poster was most likely a young female?

It has all the look and feel of something you would see on there, . . . not a serious attempt as a "holster".

May God bless,


  • Contributing Member

Does this even qualify being called a holster?

Its just a belt with an extra layer piece riveted on

Webster Dictionary;  Definition of a holster

  1. :  a leather or fabric case for carrying a firearm on the person (as on the hip or chest), on a saddle, or in a vehicle; broadly :  a case for carrying a usually small item on the person a knife holster a heart monitor carried in a hip holster

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28 minutes ago, fredk said:

Does this even qualify being called a holster?

Its just a belt with an extra layer piece riveted on

Webster Dictionary;  Definition of a holster

  1. :  a leather or fabric case for carrying a firearm on the person (as on the hip or chest), on a saddle, or in a vehicle; broadly :  a case for carrying a usually small item on the person a knife holster a heart monitor carried in a hip holster

The belt is made of leather, and it is being used to carry a firearm on their person. What is the confusion ? It fits Webster's definition. Maybe try Funk and Wagnel?

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I think you try to belittle me

The word in the definition is CASE.

In the UK that belt would not pass selling legislation as being described as a 'holster'

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@fredk-Not at all. It may not be traditional, but it is doing what a holster does.

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@fredk- Also from Webster-

Definition of case

  1. 1a :  a box or receptacle for holding something

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1 hour ago, Dwight said:

Would I also be wrong in guessing that this was a post from something like Etsy or Pinterest, . . . and that the poster was most likely a young female?

It has all the look and feel of something you would see on there, . . . not a serious attempt as a "holster".

May God bless,


You are right its from Etsy. I cropped the pic to take any names out of it. 

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I can't imagine that belt would be very effective in any case - it looks like the act of walking would quickly work the gun loose and drop it. 


6 hours ago, WoodysWorkshop said:

Are you suggesting he blew his balls off? He must have left the safety off?

NOTE: The safest way to carry a gun...Is Unloaded. That is, don't keep one in the Chamber, and the safety ON.

Yup.  That's exactly what happened.   I'd assume he left the safety off, or tried to turn it off as he was drawing.  He was a brilliant bowler, but apparently not so well trained in firearms.  Not surprisingly he didn't talk about it as far as I know, but in a small town, things like that get out.  He was the subject of jokes for quite a long time.


It doesn't look like a good way to carry, but that's a mighty fine picture!!!

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I've seen these for sale.  There isn't any debate about this. They're unsafe in multiple ways.

First, any holster that allows that much muzzle to stick out is hazardous because rubbing up against another object can cause the gun to be pushed out of the holster. And yes, that includes holsters like Yaqui slides.  Try to use on in an IDPA match or at a tactical class and see what the officials say.

It's impossible to reholster without sweeping your support hand.

The edge of the belt can press the mag release, disabling the pistol.

You can't get a proper grip for your drawstroke. To effectively draw from that position,  the handle of the pistol needs to be canted a good  20 degrees to the right.

It's very easy for clothing to get snagged in the pistol, both because the pistol sits so low and because the pistol is unprotected.  

Those things are a hazard.


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