After Barge changed their formula several years ago a neighbor and I switched to Renia's Colle De Cologne contact cement. We could get it dropped off by a salesperson on his route and bypassed all the shipping requirements. It is a great contact cement. If you think most solvent based cements have an odor, this stuff makes them seem like kid's paste. No matter the time of year, I used it masked up, outside under an overhang, and hope there was about a 10 mile or better breeze. I couldn't even apply it and toss the pieces into the vent box in the shop without my wife smelling it in the house. When my wife started doing leatherwork the Aquilim was just coming out. She had recently retired from 40 years of occupational exposure to xylene, acetone, and toluene. Going with Aquilim was a no brainer for her.