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Everything posted by TTcustom

  1. Ciudadano del mundo y la persona internacional de misterio?

  2. Sometimes it still hurts. You know how it is, man. It's like, you wake up every day and it hurts a little bit less, and then you wake up one day and it doesn't hurt at all. The funny thing is, is that, this is kinda weird, but it's like, it's like you almost miss that pain. You miss the pain? Yeah, for the same reason that you missed her... because you lived with it for so long.

  3. Sara! Oh I am surprised at you... what would your mom say???

    Yes please!

  4. I am going to make Wickenburg a day trip only. I have stuff to do at night... uhmmm sleep! :D

  5. Here I love you.

    In the dark pines the wind disentangles itself.

    The moon glows like phosphorous on the vagrant waters.

    Days, all one kind, go chasing each other.

    The moon turns its clockwork dream.

    The biggest stars look at me with your eyes.

    And as I love you, the pines in the wind

    want to sing your name with their leaves of wire.

  6. Yay!!! Congratulations on your new website!

  7. If they are made postcard size then we can mail them. Oh wait I suppose the stamp wouldn't stick!
  8. I am with Gary. I use a template and freehand cutting them out. I have tried using a larger strap end cutter on a smaller belt. I ended up recutting it because it doesn't come out aesthetically pleasing. I use a disc sander to finish shape the ends sometimes too. I get disapproving looks from some for using the sander but I use it sparingly and don't burn the edge when I do it. I made my templates from poster-presentation board they seem to be lasting ok so far. Good luck!
  9. Hey King X has a 106 he is offering to you. Send him a PM.


  10. Thanks Billy for posting this.
  11. Wow, thanks King and everyone for this discussion. I have had mixed results with the eco-flo highlighter and that was due to my inexperience with it. I think that I will have to give it another go on my next project following your technique King. What a great place to lurk about and learn what I have been missing.
  12. Is the Bargrounder for the Rocky class or the Tony class?

  13. In Soviet Russia Bar ground you!

  14. When I walk into my studio... Ahahahahahahahaha! I love calling the spare bedroom where I keep my leather supplies and do most of my work my studio. Makes me laugh, the pretension of it! Moving on, the first thing I see when I step into the man cave is the book shelf with all the books on saddle making and leather working. Then there is my roll away tool box that I have all my leather tools and and some of the supplies. Scattered amongst all that is this project and that bits for that project. A giant bowie knife needing a sheath, a rope can needing covers, a badger pelt needing to be transformed into a sporran. Meanwhile I have done, started and completed too that is, several projects for other people. My own things languish on the bench around the room. Well that isn't exactly true. I never seem to run out of ideas of things I want to do for myself. Perhaps if I wasn't so prolific at thinking up new projects I want to try I would not have the daunting pile of things waiting and wanting my attention every time I walk into Manatopia. Well it is nice always having something to occupy my time and thoughts. Keeps me off the streets and out of bars... well off the streets anyway. I hope that I get to meet other LW people at Wickenburg. It sounds like a real good time. I will wear my kilt so y'all know its me and can steer clear or come up and say howdy. I hope that the people staying at the Best Western aren't kept awake all night from the peacocks screeching!
  15. Come, in thy raven plumage, Night

    (Sun, Moon, and Stars, withdrawn a')

    And bring an Angel-pen to write

    My transports with my Anna!

    The Kirk an State may join, an tell

    To do sic things I maunna:

    The Kirk an State may gae to Hell,

    And I'll gae to my Anna.

    She is the sunshine o' my e'e,

    To live but her I canna:

    Had I on earth bu...

  16. O fetch to me a pint o' wine,

    An' fill it in a silver tassie,

    That I may drink, before I go,

    A service to my bonnie lassie.

    The boat rocks at the pier o' Leith,

    Fu' loud the wind blaws frae the ferry,

    The ship rides by the Berwick-law,

    And I maun leave my bonnie Mary.

  17. I have been using the banding strap material from palletized cargo to reinforce the snap area.
  18. It isn't often enough for me that we get rain around here. I am not looking for Seattle constant drizzle mind you. No, what I want is a break from the ever relentless clear skies. Boring sameness day after day and in the summer it is a real oven. So with all this lovely inclement weather I thought is would be nice to sit on the patio and listen to the rain drum away on the tin roof. Just a zen moment, me stitching up the latest project as I enjoy something different. Small problem when I got home to put my plan in action. Patio is on the south side. Wind was gusting to 50 out of the south. Rain was sideways and the rain was drumming on the windows of the house as much as the tin roof. Oh...tin roof was last seen heading north. It would have been the same to strap me into a chair on top of the truck and been driven around on the freeway ala Granny Clampett. At least it wasn't snow though.
  19. That is cool! I have a Badger that is destined for such a project. I feel now I must get started.
  20. I don't think I will be doing any modding for other people, sorry. I still have to get this design functioning to where I like it. It is pretty fiddly to change out blades right now and I need to work on simplifying that. I'll keep you in mind if I get the eureka moment and get that all worked out. For making feathers this set up with the exacto blades is awesome though. Now I know why Robb Barr liked to use one.
  21. Sorry for the bad picture. but here you can see the hair tool attachment I made to go on a standard swivel knife barrel. I am still refining the design to my liking. It holds 9 of the standard exacto #16 blades which is more then enough for my uses. The original Swivel Master was bought by a friend at the Wickenburg or Sheridan show about 10 years ago. He let me look at it and photocopy the literature to help make my own. If anyone has one or knows who still sells this tool in the US I know some people that are interested in getting one. I have tried to track the original maker down using the literature that came with my friends knife but my google-fu is not powerful enough to turn up any leads. Here is what info I have been working with; Swivel-Master knives by Randy Knutson Sartell, MN Tim
  22. Welcome to LW! You will find lots of help and opinions here. Pour yourself a beverage and pull a stool up to the bench. Everyone is so friendly and helpful here, a great community!
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