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Everything posted by TTcustom

  1. ...and that's when they least expect it.

  2. It is a Naughty-cal term...erm, I mean nautical. Ya know sailing and pirate-y stuff.

  3. Has not set his sails. There's a luff in my jib. Reef the Mizzen'sls. By the numbers mister!

  4. That's what she said! BAM!

  5. Smiling and making jokes even with a massive chest wound.

  6. LOL! I was just looking for something like this too! I did find some ideas for a pouch like case but what I want is one that I can work the controls and see the screen. Sooo I have started by trial and (a lot of ) error making my own pattern and case. Right now am in the middle of working it but as soon as I have some progress I will let you know and post some pictures. If anyone does have a tried pattern for a 5th generation Nano case can we borrow it?
  7. 50ish shopping days until December 25th. Really? Do you think all I worry about is shopping days?

  8. I have a punch on my bench that cuts 1-3/8" discs. I have no idea where I got it and it only says "Made in USA on it. I will do some research and see if I can find out where I got it. Probably a yard sale, I love finding tools at them! Backedit: While I didn't get mine on Amazon I did find them there. They are called Arch or Arc Punches and here is a link to them on Amazon. I think mine is a General. They have Osbornes, Generals and imports. My own opinion is stick to known makers on this. They aren't cheap and you want quality in your cutting steel. Just do your best to strop and smooth out the inside and cutting edge if you get one and use a heavy maul.
  9. Ed this is just what I was looking for because I have to make a Nano case. I love the attention to detail you put in everything you do. The red stitching/lacing around the open end is just perfect. Did you add a welt in the case or just lace the two together?
  10. EEEEEeeeek! Luckily I have purchased my Van Helsing vampire kitz over the interwebs so I am ready for the likes of you.

  11. When I see this I think that this is something that will become a heirloom. Beautiful work.
  12. Thanks for your diligence in researching this. It is amazing that the mahogany had so little effect on the leather.
  13. Those are really nice Billy. Great work. That pattern does just scream "Porter" at me. Brilliant execution! Hilly, I think that cowboy cuffs came about as a way to protect the forearms when roping. but they grew into quite a cowboy culture fashion accessory. This book has historic pictures that show working cowboys on the Montana range wearing them. It is one of my favourite books for old photos of cowboy gear.
  14. You never sleep! I think you are one of those vampires or something undeadly.

  15. I got a part time job as a Bear-ista!

  16. Welcome! Glad you're healed back up and found something positive outta the whole thing. There are lots of bike people here so you will be sure to find some interesting ideas. Plus horse stuff can be adapted to motorcycle applications in interesting ways. I look forward to seeing what you have been doing.
  17. Where can I get a bear costume?

  18. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Trucks.

  19. You're going to get a visit from the SPCT.

  20. Saddlemaking & Snack eating club meeting tonight. WooHoo! What should I bring?

  21. Empty, empty set, empty room, empty space.

  22. Oh sure flaunt how you are the favoured (non) sibling!
  23. I am going to come and see what you are doing on your mask. There better be some progress!

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