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Everything posted by GrampaJoel

  1. I use an awl from Sheridan leather. I believe it is a Douglas brand. It is so sharp I have to watch where I point it. It probably will poke a hole in thin air! I like the shape of the blade also. It has the correct angle to saddle stitch correctly Joel.
  2. Very nice. It has that worn-in comfortable look already. I like the simple design also. I'd use it with pride. Joel
  3. Check out this link for info on Fred Mueller. -->> Fred Mueller Not a lot but something. Joel
  4. Hey Buck, I have a Ron's draw down stand. I love it. I love being able to raise or lower a saddle when working on one. I did modify the stand some though. I found that I couldn't easily move it out of my way when I needed to do so, especially when it has a saddle on it. So I went down to home depot and bought a piece of wood that was cut into a round shape and added locking casters to the round and then put the round on the bottom of the draw down stand. Now I can just roll it out of the way when ever I need to. I dont have the lazer attachment, but I dont miss it either. The saddle attachment that raises the saddle for cantle sewing would be nice to have, but I just throw the saddle up on my work bench and sew there. So again I don't miss this attachment either. Hope this helps. Joel
  5. Well maybe I just hit a spot when the supplies were low. I'll look at Hardtke on Monday and see what happens. Thanks for the replies Joel
  6. I have been finding that kangaroo lace and leather seems to be getting harder to find. Anyone else have that problem? Joel
  7. Bruce Thanks for adding to the education and vocabulary of this ol' SOCAL boy. So JW, from my new vocab I say, yep that is one PUNCHY saddle! I was wondering, what is the thigh 'pinch factor' to a saddle rigged like that? Joel
  8. As always JW you make a very nice saddle. There's not much to not like about a rough out saddle. You got some style boy! Ok, I'll be the first to ask,,, I could guess, and assume, and I could pretend I know, but I'd rather know for sure. What the heck does 'punchy' mean?? Joel
  9. Is that rein rounder for sale? Joel
  10. The foam I ended up using is a white closed cell foam. It's firm enough that it doesn't bottom out. I did select a 1/2" thickness though. I have tested many foams and chose the one I did because of it's firmness and it's cushion effect. All the open cell foams I tested just bottomed out when I sat on them. Even the one inch ones. So I started looking at closed cell foams until I found one that felt nice to sit AND bounce on without bottoming out. It seems like every saddle brought in for seat foam repairs that I get have a scant 1/16" foam, or maybe a 1/4" thickness when the seat is lifted. I just have started using this new foam, so I can't say the lasting abillity of it. But from the get go it feels much better than what I have taken out of other saddles. Now I figure someone will ask what it is called. I can't say. The man who ordered for the auto fabrics shop was gone the day I was in. But the cost was. 13.45 a yard. It was a 56 inch wide so a piece 36" X 56" X 1/2" cost 13.45 plus CA state tax. Joel
  11. Yes I am aware of Goran Tangrings background sounds. I used to have many on my computer. Thanks for the offer to order cd's from you. However my guitars are only a few feet away from me as I type this. I can play some shadows whenever I want. I do wish you luck with both fields though. Joel
  12. We have a SHADOWS fan in the leather world besides myself! You play pretty good for a leather worker! Oh and as long as I'm here. just DAMN,,,, that is one fine looking telecaster! Do you ever get over to surf guitar 101 dot com? If you do, I'm the Joelman at that site. Very nice work on both guitars! Joel
  13. You first have to make a straight cut along thee top edge of the side of hide. (That would be the top of the back, I use a 6' straight edge I bought from Lowes I think it cost around $15.00) After you get that cut You make a second cut parallel to your first cut the width you want the strap to be at it's widest point.( I use a draw gauge for this. But I have used an utility knife on occasion) There you have the basic guitar strap cut out. Now you didn't say what thicknes your hide is so, if the hide is to thick on the strap you just cut, you will need to split the first cut strap, or cut again at a thinner spot . Now figure the other decorative cuts and your on your way. Joel
  14. I went from the dirty saddle to the shiny saddle using this method. 1. saddle soap wash and toothbrush scrub.. 2. let completely dry 3.Add neatsfoot oil 4.let dry completely 5.wipe in Bee natural real well. 6.buff to shine. 7. Kiwi paste wax neutral color on high spots 8. buff with soft cloth. ( old sweat shirt) I also re-made the saddle horn, re-padded the seat, added some tie strings, shined the silver a little and eventually made and added an offside billet, re-soldered a concho on the near side, and removed the seat stain. Yes the saddle did darken a little.
  15. I usually start with poster board to work out a pattern I like, and then save a permanent pattern onto a sheet of vinyl like plastic . The plastic is the same thickness as poster board and has very similar bending properties. I buy the plastic sheeting in a 5' X 20 ' roll from a local plastics store. When I store the pattern I just punch a small hole in the plastic and hang in on a nail. Joel
  16. Prince I have admired your beautiful armor work since I joined this forum. I have been wondering though. Do you line the inside of the helmets and body armor? Thanks Joel
  17. Thanks for the help gtwister09 & joe59 Bob I started hitting all the auto upholstery shops and finally got a lead to a supply house. I eventually got a lead to J & J Auto Fabrics which is a auto upholstery supply house business and it is about 30 miles away from me. They had just the foam type I was after. Thanks for the tip. Also I got the package you sent . Thanks again for that. But no invoice, and your address was messed up and covered partially by some postage sticky. I'd be happy to reimburse you for your cost. Again Thank you friends! Joel
  18. Hello all. I am in need of some info regarding foam for saddle seat padding. There aren't any foam suppliers in my local area that I know of ( SOCAL) or can find, I need one. Does anyone have a foam supplier they could recommended? Or ideas where to look? Maybe one by internet? Thanks Joel
  19. Well let me add my thoughts now that I have found this thread. I don't build a lot of saddles, but I have my hands full doing repairs. I have a cobra4 and love it. I love it so much that I plan on buying another machine form Cobra. One to sew the very fine light weight leathers. I make a wide assortment of leather items from halters to chaps and such as well as lots of saddle repair. I'm not a big name saddle maker. I'm just a one man shop. But I rely on my sewing machine a lot. And the cobra while not the same type of machine as a landis, or campbell it is a very reliable machine, as is Steve, the man selling them! Joel
  20. Very nice ! Simple and clean. I like them like that. Who did you get the tree for a Fjord from? Was it custom or just a wide tree? Sorry to butt in, but may I have a copy of the notes also, if you don't mind. Thanks Joel
  21. I think that the saddle looks just fine. Every saddle will have something that isn't just perfect about it. I agree with JW that the skirts do run down hill, and in my eye not such a big deal. Call it a style difference of opinion. Perhaps the fenders are throwing your eye off. The length of the saddle against the short fenders do have a contrast that is awkward. However, I bet your perception will change when your sons legs grow longer. I also bet that when your son is sitting in the saddle it will look perfect to him, and you too! Very nice job!! Merry Christmas Joel
  22. boma. I have a machine, and I am picking up a second one in January. But my hand sewing is no where as good as yours is. Now, I must admit a machine does make the sewing go so much faster. But with the hand sewing technique that you process a machine would never match your quality. I bow in your presence and hope that some day my hand sewing will come close to equaling yours. Joel
  23. As always very nice work! now,, oh my, is that belt hand stitched? Joel
  24. You do some amazing work! Might I suggest a cod piece? The area below the belt looks empty of design. Joel
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