So I made my first full box (I've made small ones with wooden lids before). I was originally hoping to have it so the top and bottom hinged together, but I would have needed to use thicker leather for it to work well (or glue another layer inside), and more importantly, take into account that all that surface tooling on the lid would significantly expand it. Turns out it made it the perfect size to slide over the bottom, so it's not a complete loss.
Next time I'm doing all the lid decorations, *then* cutting the sides and bottom. Also made the sides out of one long strap, and it would have been easier on me if I had just cut each side separately and done a tiny bit more stitching.
If I had more time, I would have lined the interior, but as it was I ended up waxing it the day it was given out. I included a pic of the sides before I stitched them, I'm sure you'll recognize some standard stamps. ;)