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Everything posted by Jazznow

  1. Very cool stuff. Like it very much. Greetings Jonathan
  2. Do you have a link to those paint? I would be interested too.... Thanks
  3. I have some hat patterns in digital format bought from leathercraft library I think. Always hesitated because I don't knw how to fit those patterns to my head. Any advise, please? Yours turned out great!
  4. Hi Cheryl, Im very happy for you. My First Shows were very frustrating, sold nothing . At my third show I sold a bracelet for 10€ and that made my day lol. Most important I think is to have lots of stuff. Every show I had some more items and every show there where more people looking at my stuff. A professional look of your booth is important too. Try to decorate your tables with some season related stuff. Try to make a more professional looking sign. Make one as a picture with high resolution on the pc and have it printed in a bigger format in a copyshop or print single letters in a big format on single sheets of paper. Cut them out and use the sheet with the hole inside as a stencil. Now you can arrange them on a big piece of paper like the one you have now and spray color over them. Hope you understand what I meant, lol. I know that all of this is an investment and this may not be as easy as it sounds. Aye this helps you. Jonathan
  5. Thanks for your explanation. Will get the craftaid and the Stamp soon.
  6. Great stuff. Would Like to know how you made the gears. They are Super clean, do you have a Stamp for them? Greetings Jonathan
  7. Thanks for your support. I made a stupid mistake, it's a Wordpress homepage, not joomla. My gfs homepage is made with joomla and I got a bit confused. Anyway I Found a tutorial to make the start page static and will do this soon. Maybe I find a way to show the two or three most recent articles on this site too. Thanks again for your help Jonathan
  8. Hi, The gallery is a plugin for joomla called nextgen. I will think about the start page. Since I am not a programmer or web designer I have to rely on what joomla allows me to do. Best wishes
  9. Hi all, I thought it would be good to get some critique on my new website. It's in German and I will post a link to google translator so you can understand what I'm talking about. But i think a critique on design is more important than on content. There are no prices on the website because of some complicated law on ecommerce in Germany and there are a lot of lawyers making a living by suing people like me who make only a small mistake Anyway the name of the website (and someday the name of my business I hope) is nordlicht-leder.de. Nordlicht is the German word for aurora borealis and can mean both the natural phenomenon and a person who is living or was born in the north of Germany. The link to google translator is: http://translate.google.de/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=www.nordlicht-leder.de%0A Many greetings Jonathan
  10. Have to Agree to the others. The tat is. Just too fancy. Keep the current logo.
  11. Great work, makes me wanna get a drivers license for bikes...
  12. I store my leather rolled grain side in. I have to put it into big plastic bags to protect them from being "sun colored" which happens when you store it for longer times even when there is no direct sunlight. They are on a rack in my bed room.
  13. Just read a joke on fb. It's so bad that i couldn't stop laughing: how do you call a ninja width red hairs?

  14. If you ak a handful of leatherworkers the same question, you'll get ten answers
  15. I don't worry about zippers anymore. Never used one on a bag but had to exchange a lot of them in shoes and boots in my shoemaker apprenticeship. For the first I needed 2 hours just for getting the old out of the boot and glueing the new one into it nt even started sewing. Now I need around half an hour, sewing included. I think Its a question of practice.
  16. Hi fellow leatherworkers, I was inspired by a question in the marketing forum. Somebody - sorry I ont remember who it was - asked if others have problems to give away their stuff to a customer too, after having spend so many hours on it. I think that's interesting and I want to ask the same I a more general way. So what are you afraid of, What dont yo like in leather working? If I ask you stupid questions like that, I think it's only fair to be the first to answer. I had never problems giving away my stuff to customers although I love (almost) every piece I do and put time, energy and of course love in it. When people buy my stuff it makes me happy. Its not the money that makes me happy (it isn't that much lol). What makes me happy is, that people show how much they appreciate what I do by buying it. The only item I will be sad when it's sold is my steampunk messenger bag I posted in the show off section recently. I want to use it myself so badly but it's a lot of leather in that bag and I need to sell it to get money for new leather. At the beginning I had a problem to finish my stuff. I often had 3 or more different projects that only needed to be finished but I never actually did it. I think that there were two reasons. First was that I was simply afraid of dying and finishing because at this step you can ruin a piece with only a wrong movement of your hand. The second reason was, that I was afraid that the item won't turn out as cool and beautiful as I imagined it to be when finished (which happened all the time when I started leather working years ago. Time gave me experience and confidence so it's not a real problem anymore. Today I'm afraid of other, more complex things. Im afraid that I will never be able o make that huge step from a hobby leather worker to a prof leatherworker who is making a living with it and who is his own boss. It's so difficult in Germany to start business. Even setting up an online shop is something you shouldn't do over here without consulting a lawyer. I hope time will give me experience and confidence to solve ths problems too. So after I wrote so much about myself I want to know where your problems and fears are. You don't have to write as much as I did, lol. Greetings Jonathan
  17. I sewed on Adler 301 and 307. I think The skipping of stitches is because of to heavy leather. Try skiving the edges down a little but or turn the wheel by hand slowly.
  18. Hi there welcome aboard Zum lernen ist hier der richtige Platz. Ich wuensche dir viel Spass und Erfolg mit deinem neuen Hobby. Rene berends ist denke ich der beste von dem man in Deutschland lernen kann. aber genauso viel musst oder kannst du durch ausprobieren und hie mitlesen lernen. Viele Gruesse aus NRW. Jonathan
  19. What a Fine work. I cant Imagin to do something as tiny as that myself. Thanks for showing.
  20. Hi all, Sorry for the delay, I had su much to do the last days. Thanks fr the nice comments about my work. I hope to improve further, but I have the feeling I can go out and be proud on my stuff Doublec (is Cheryl your name or a word that means something like "so long" I'm not sure, sorry): the toggle is actually a pice of 1 1/4" wide, thin leather, that ends in a 1/8" wide strap. The wide end is is covered with glue, than rolled up. When you reach the narrow end, you cut a slot into the toggle with an exacto and make it wider with a modeling tool. Than you put the narrow end through the slot, pull it tight and it with a hammer. Bluesman: I think we talked about a pattern for a saddle bag, bu pics of a stitching horse wold be appreciated too, lol. But please, don't get in a hurry. I don't want you too feel under Pressure. My mail address is !jazznow.houdin!@googlemail.com (just remove the exclamation marks at the beginning and in the middle. I added them as an spam protection) All the best to you Jonathan
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