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Everything posted by Chain

  1. This may help http://www.reymatex.net/site/pdf/parts_book/sw-848-7hmanual.pdf
  2. This looks similar http://maquitex.com/pdf-sewmaq/sw-848h.pdf
  3. I am not 100% sure what your specifically looking for. Is this it? https://books.google.com.au/books?id=leVomBC0QIsC&pg=PA78&lpg=PA78&dq=mitering+leather&source=bl&ots=kml7Hb4AlT&sig=9yg5_rJwCTRtgss-ufScjwMddY4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjCn7mwy_PMAhXDGpQKHdJwB4wQ6AEIZzAP#v=onepage&q=mitering%20leather&f=false
  4. A servo motor will replace your current clutch motor and slow it down to a crawl. It makes it a lot more manageable for me. I see your in Tassie? I think a member here Darren Paul Brosowski should be able to help you out or visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/aussieleathercrafters/ and ask over there
  5. If it is too fast for you I recommend buying a servo motor for it. That is what I did with mine and it makes a world of difference Singer 132K Manual.pdf
  6. I assume it is a PDF file Open up the file Click on "Print" Paper Scaling > Scaling type In the drop down box select "Tile All Pages" Tick the Box "Show Cut Marks On Sheets" Print You should have it printed out on several A4 pages that you have to tape together and then cut out your pattern or whatever you want to do with it. Hope this helps
  7. I put an acrylic sealer on the leather let it dry and then paint on top of that.
  8. Try some Bick 4 on it, it usually "softens" leather as well as condition it
  9. http://greenspree.ca/2015/03/pinwheel-coin-pouch-video-and-free-plans/
  10. Forget the gum trag and try candle wax (paraffin wax), Dye the edge or use a black marker pen like I do Lightly rub the candle along the edge Burnish with your burnisher Reapply if needed See how that goes, practice on some scrap
  11. In my opinion, backgrounding that work would: 1. Add to the design 2. Make it easier to sell 3. Make the price a bit higher. 4. Add to your work experience
  12. If you click the dot it take you to the most recent post in the thread
  13. Do you have some sort of construction pdf download for it. I am a total beginner
  14. It is similar (but not as good) to the "Mini 5" stamps out of Asia somewhere. About $150 for the 3 stamps needed https://www.facebook.com/pages/MINI5-Leather-Craft-Life/1561037437442854
  15. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=52772&hl=%2Bhomemade+%2Bmaul
  16. I remember reading somewhere that Peter Main also adds a strip of filament tape between the layers for strength on his belts, or maybe it was to stop wrinkling. Either way it can't hurt
  17. No. You need vegetable tanned leather for carving and stamping
  18. You really have to work the waterstain in for quite a while
  19. Why does this seem like a "wind up" to Me ?
  20. A good start. A few things I would look at in a contructive way. I would look at splitting the holsters into categories and putting them in the top menu instead of just scrolling down the page. Don't write text in all caps Use a smaller font size for the text. Put descriptive text in the "alt" tags for your photos. eg this is your code now img src="/uploads/3/2/2/2/32225077/1532916_orig.jpg" alt="Picture" style="width:100%;max-width:1066px"/> alt="Picture" is the part that Google reads. You can change it to something like alt="Sig Sauer Tacops Nightmare" As mentioned above resize your actual images, don't do it with the code. Resizing with the code leaves the image files the original size causing slow loading times. But it is a good beginning and you have a good basis to work with.
  21. I would not call them sharp, and they don't really need it as can be seen in the pic
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