Hi Cheryl
I read and understand your post, and can totally relate to what you are saying... Congratulations, btw on your choice to become a leather worker.
You are gonna love it! I just did recently, and I Love the new found freedom to be creative in my own way. I too have lots of friends that have lots
of suggestions of what I should make. Also I find, no matter where I go and show what I am making... Everyone has an idea or preference for
something other than what I have just made. Don't get me wrong, they like what I have made, it is just that they have their own creative ideas too.
This reminds me of the time I was at the Post Office showing someone in line what I was making. I had different items with Horses, Dogs,
the Moon & one with the Sun, and they said hey that is nice, but do you have something with a Black Crow? I was pretty proud of what I had, and
they wanted something else. You are just going to find a lot of people will want What They Want... Heheheh People are funny, aren't they?
Whether it be Close friends or Complete strangers, some ideas will jive with what you're thinking/making, and some wont. But that's OK...
They are just expressing their own creativeness too and most likely don't mean to have had their ides come off as criticism of your work.
I think everyone has their own Favorite Thing.
You probably don't even have to say much, or you could say "Oh, that a good idea". And then just tuck that idea away in your list of ideas...
Whether you mean that or not isn't as important as just making your friends feel like their thoughts are OK too. Most everyone is just trying to be helpful.
They are just ideas, and not orders. ......... Unless they are actually asking you to make something specific for them.
It is probably wise for us to decide whether we are only going to make what we want to, or down the road, maybe we are going to take "Special Requests"...
Everyone has a little different idea of how they are going to conduct their leather business. But........ it might be wise for us to be open minded, to a certain degree.
Let others have their creative ideas, with out taking it like a personal affront.
And maybe........ down the road....... you might just change your mind about one thing or another. And that is OK too.
As far as leather workers go, even the masters have a few different ideas about how to do things. Although the basics are probably going to be the same,
you will find some differences. And that is OK. Some of this leather work is done the same by most, and some is learned through
experience and your own personal preference. and that's OK too.
Thank Goodness for Leatherworker.net and how all those folks share their ideas and experience with us.
There is soooo much to learn... so what ever you do...... Have fun!