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Everything posted by BigAlC

  1. I, for one, think this is a great idea. I'll try and make some time and cobble something together. Al
  2. Hi Ian, Welcome to the forum. I'm probably not too far from you - Hamsterley Forest near Barnard Castle. Although Yorkshire is a Big County. Nice work and I do agree that giving presents that you have created yourself has a very special thrill. Keep at it Regards
  3. That is a mighty fine lap-top bag. It is way beyond anything I could hope to achieve - or even buy. Many congratulations to the maker. Al
  4. Great Stuff. My niece has just had a double masectomy and all her other feminine bits removed. It's a pity that we could't run a raffle like this on LEATHERWORKER.NET. I would buy in - Hey Johann yet more work for you. Well done
  5. Good to see you back You have posted a bunch of good stuff. Moving house is hellatious. Pray that I will never have to do it again. Good Luck
  6. Hi This will be a topic that will be a tumbleweed; rollin' along forever and never reaching a destination. I love CS3. I have used many other bits of software for image processing but I always end up back with CS3. It does me for everyday small adjustments but when I need to push things a bit more - it is ready and waiting. I took a very ordinary photo of a Hustler at the Pima Air Museum, messed a bit and out came :- PHOTO1 At our county show in the photo section there was a catagory for snapshots. I could not resist entering Photo 2 If you can manage the price, go for CS3 even if this means spending less on the camera
  7. Displayed like that, they is gonna sell. A great piece of work. Nobody is worring about any (maybe - maybe not - I 'aint judgin) faults in the leather work cause the knives are so good and vice verca knives; faults; leather distraction. Great stuff
  8. Hi All, I bit the bullet and bought the Stohlman swivel knife and a set of Tandy ceramic blades. At first I was doubtful as they were perhaps a wee bit better but no great improvement. They I gave them a serious stropping. What a difference that made. They are a treat to use. I even appreciate the white color as it helps with reflected light when doing detail. Expensive but, to me, worth it. It was the stroping with a heavily charged strop that produced the noticable change. Hope that this helps. Al
  9. Hi, Great web site, congratulations. Couple of hints "Under Construction" signs are well frowned on in web developement. I would get rid of it. Better to say, "If you don't find what you're after check back soon as we are always adding new stuff" Remember that what you see on your monitor is not neccessarily what others see. Unless monitors are calibrated to a standard then colors, brightness and contrast are at the whim of the monotor's current settings. I say this because my wife, who does have big time vision problems, struggled to see the logo and did have some problems with the text. I hate to sound like a wet blanket. You have done a hell of a job. I just wanted to pass on some 15 years of, sometimes very bitter, experience. Overall it is great stuff. Cheers
  10. Thanks for that Dave. I'm pondering on making a sheath and having the center piece as a slice of snake skin. Putting off difficult or new things is a speciality of mine. I may now give it a shot Al
  11. A great piece of work, very well done. My only thought is that the mix of styles may not work. I feel that Western - Sheridan - works well, skulls are good, basket weave is great. I am not so sure about a mix of them all. Perhaps it is a plethora of tecniques. Great work
  12. Love the knife cuts on the beard. Would they have benefited from a stroke or two with a hair blade. Well done.
  13. Don't mess with it. A very fine piece of work, I am jelous best regards Al
  14. Great place Sweden. It has produced the greatest rally drivers in the world. But, there is always a 'but', have you ever tried to buy tequila or beer there? Love your lakes Al
  15. Most excellent. I'm trying to fit a new shop into my 'workshop' outside. Why does all empty space fill itself during the night?
  16. BigAlC

    whip braiding

    Hi All Intersting topic. Would one of you guys post a link to where we could buy there kits. Many Thanks
  17. Hi Again They are still available, Try http://www.johnnorris.co.uk/index.php?temp...rch_term=priest Things are often not quite what they at first appear to be - folks included Regards Alan
  18. It may have had a less sinister use as a 'priest' used to administer the last rites to a fish. Regards
  19. I've wondered about uses for a Dremel in Leathercraft. There was a post a few days ago about very small holes in a strap. When I make a hat band I use the Dremel to make tiny holes in the band so that the buckle fits real tight. It works for me. Has anybody out there got another odd use for this bit of kit? Regards
  20. One of the best topics we have had for some time. I have no clue as to the origional solution but I love the idea of a tail tanned inside out!!!
  21. A nice piece of work. The stiching is fine. My only suggestion would be to try and use pear shaders a bit more and have a go at decorative cuts; scary at first but worth the effort. Well Done
  22. Hi Troy, That's some nice work you have there. I live about 50 miles south of the Border (Scotland not Mexico) so I know how difficult it can feel working in isolation. This forum is a bit like a bar room where you can chat like minded buddies. Keep posting Al
  23. Hi Y'all As I most of my work is Sheridan - Western type stuff, I like to listen to Scott Joplin rags, Gene Autry, Sons of the Pionners and my new favorite is a CD of western movie theme tunes - Magnificent Seven, Stagecoach, How the West was Won, High Plains Drifter and the like. It probably sounds sad but it makes my swivel knife swivel. Regards Alan
  24. I lived in Tucson and worked for US Border Patrol for some years hence my love of all things Western. I got to know the Sonoran Desert very well. In my youth I also lived in Krefeld, Herford and Bad Tolz - hence I speak German with a very odd accent. Gruss Got Alan
  25. Hi All, Many thanks for the tips. I managed to get just what I was looking for. Regards Alan
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