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Everything posted by Beaverslayer

  1. Thank you Kate, Tina and Samalan, I appreciate the compliments. I posted these same pics on my Facebook last night, and have already gotten 3 orders from ladies who own Gucci and Louis Vuitton purses. I checked the prices of some Gucci purses, and WOW, nothing personal ladies, but you guys are crazy for spending that kind of money on a mass produced "name only" item. I think there is only about $60.00 worth of material in this purse and about 10 hours in total making it.
  2. The turkey is cool, but that Santa is going to "Rock"....very nice.
  3. Cheryl, That is FAR nicer than the one I send out...lol But I have copied it for future reference, just to add some more bite. I am also amazed that people still fall for them. I have a friend who's Uncle actually tried to borrow money off of him, so he could get the proper documentation needed to acquire his millions of dollars inheritance from a long lost "Non White" relative from West Africa. He would not listen to reasoning from his own family members. Very very sad.
  4. Mike, since I have clicked the un-subscribe links in emails, my spam of such has been reduced to maybe 1 or 2 a week, from well over a 100 per week. I play a lot of online poker, and I would get so many emails a day for pretty much everything available in the world. I still play online poker, but no more weird and wonderful spam. The Nigerian ones, I send them very disgusting, foul mouthed, vile emails. I continue sending them for about a week just to let them know how disgusted I am with there existence. I must now be on a list of Nigerians "Do Not E-Mail" because I may only get 1 or 2 a year now from them.
  5. Sharpies work really well. I do believe Angilique (spelling is wrong) makes dye pens.
  6. Here's a ladies purse I have just completed. The purse body is made with garment goatskin and 2/3 oz veg tan. The closure clasp has a stingray inlay and the lid is crocodile. The body is all laced together using kangaroo lace and the lid is laced to the body using goatskin lace. The lining is made from pigskin suede and laced together using cowhide suede. There is a pocket for a wallet as well as a cell phone attached via lace to the lining. The handle is made from 2/3 oz veg tan folded over and laced together with kangaroo lace. Hope you all like it, any questions or critiques are gladly welcomed.
  7. Bill, I have never seen ads on Leatherworker at any time so I was a bit confused when you posted this. Then I got more confused when I read all the responses from others about four ads at the top of the page. So I went looking to find out why I didn't get something others were getting. Well lo and behold, my ad-blocker is set not to allow them. I changed the setting, and now they show up. Who knew???? So, I would think that if the ads all of a sudden just showed up on your screen, you may have inadvertently changed the setting on your ad-blocking program. I use Adblock Plus from Firefox, and have never ever had a problem. Also Bill, regarding your e-mail spam. Pretty much every spam e-mail other than those ones from Nigeria, have a "un-subscribe" link in small text at the bottom of the e-mail. I know it takes time to click the link to un-subscribe, but if you do this, the e-mails will be greatly reduced. I used to get hoards of them each day as well, and after spending some time un-subscribing, I may get 2 or 3 a week now, probably because I do so much on-line.
  8. Why yes they do make such a thing.... http://joby.com/gorillamobile/iphone4/
  9. Beautiful holster, and superb photography....
  10. Here's a post on Facebook where Peter explains this picture.
  11. When I want to make lace of a color not readily available, I'll head down to Tandy, they always have calfskin in many colors as well as other garment leathers, lot's on special also. When I cut lace to 1/4", a circle about 12" in diameter will give me about 70 feet, 1/8" lace same size circle gets me about 110 feet. This is very economical. You shouldn't need more than 3, 12" diameter circles to lace up the outer edge of a vest with Mexican round braid. So a calfskin about 4 to 5 sq. ft. should suffice. Always envision how many circles you are able to get when buying a piece for making lace, and check to make sure it's not damaged by a brand or lots of blood veins, these will just cause you great annoyance. I agree, lacing, especially Mexican round is time consuming, but the finished product is well worth it. Myself, I truly enjoy lacing, everything I make is always laced, never ever sewn with a machine or by hand. Over the past 7 years, I have made close to 60 custom leather vests, and every one has been laced together. Good luck on this project, and be sure to upload pics when your done.
  12. I'd like to see this Griffin once it's done....cool idea. May I suggest you make something similar to a "Shoulder Holster" strap, this way the strap that is needed to cross over to the opposite shoulder actually goes across her back and hidden from view. You could attach it to the Griffin, by making some sort of "Harness" similar to a dogs harness.
  13. After only working with leather for a few short weeks, you did an AMAZING job.
  14. ironhead13, First off, yes it's going to be a long process to lace the edges of a vest, but it can be done. A few years back I did a tutorial on how I make vests, it's still here http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1774 and will give you some insight as to how to do it. Personally, I would purchase either "Goatskin" or "Garment Cowhide" and make my own lace. The goat would probably be your best bet if you can get it in "RED", as it makes great lace, and the finished edges will be very nice and soft. Kangaroo lace, although very strong, is not going to be as soft as goat or cowhide and I have never seen it "RED" before. One thing you are most likely going to have to do, regards the lining of this vest. If it is nylon or some other soft fabric, you are going to want to get some "Pigskin Suede" and cut long pieces about 3/4" wide, then apply glue to the back of these strips, fold them over onto themselves so you have a "doubled up" length that is now 3/8" wide. This you can not glue all along the inside of the vest along the edge of the lining where it meets the leather from the front of the vest. When you go to punch your holes for lacing, make sure that they are through this pigskin trim and not just the lining. This will eliminate the possibility of the lace ripping apart the lining, as well as give it a nice finished look. If the inside seam allowance for the lining/front leather is at least 1/2" you won't have to worry about the pigskin trim, just be sure you punch your holes into the leather and not the lining. Regarding the "eyelets"....NO....NO....NO....do not do that.....lol Punch "Round" holes, just a tad smaller than your lace, they are much stronger than slots made with those multi toothed chisels. I mark EVERY hole prior to punching, this way you can adjust the location of holes as you come to corners and such, prior to punching and realizing...OOPS...I don't have enough room for the hole I need here at the corner... The tutorial I did, does not have pictures of the pigskin trim I talked about, but should you decide this is what you need to do, I can do a sample piece and upload pictures so you get the idea. If you need any help along the way, don't hesitate to ask, I'd be more than happy to help you out.
  15. Very nice. There is a lot of work put into that belt, it turned out fantastic.
  16. Thanks so much Bruce that will help me out so much. I thought that's what they may be, but wanted to be sure so I didn't screw it up. Now off to design something exotic for her....
  17. Hello everyone, A long lost cousin of mine has contacted me via Facebook. The last time I saw her was about 45 years ago...long time... She wants to know if I can make her a Team Penning Cow Counter. Well, I told her I would Google it to see what it was, but I most likely could make one. Now that I know what they are and look like, I am at a bit of a loss. I have no idea as to what to use for the little sliding counters, most of the ones online seem to have crystals as sliders. I also noticed that none of the ones I looked at online have a backside, seems like the whole thing is made from just one piece of leather with the slots cut out for the sliding crystals. If anyone can tell me what is being used for the sliders, I would be most thankful....
  18. Very nice looking, Hubby will love it...
  19. I found this with Google. http://www.theleatherguy.org/METALLIC-Leather/Cow-hide-145207/7438704-23-3-Square-Foot/ProductInfo.aspx
  20. Excellent job on your first try. The filigree with blue backing gives it as real nice look.
  21. Excellent work, so very intricate. One day I hope to be able to learn how this is done. Leatherpownder, where about in SE Idaho do you call home? I have some very dear friends in Idaho Falls.
  22. DebHop, Yes I cut my own lace, I use that handy dandy black plastic thingy from Tandy, it works real well once you get the hang of it. Glad you like the colors, a few people have told me that it's a bit "Load" but I was going for the "Rodeo Princess" look, kind of like how colorful rodeo chaps are. Thanks Tree Reaper, pretty much everything I make is laced together, could never figure out haw to use a sewing machine. Thanks for the accolade Dawg, I love that dog collar, only thing that would make it better is if it said "Packers"....
  23. TwinOaks, the "Edit Post" button is not available any more. If you are able to change it so I can rdit, I will be happy to upload smaller pics. Sorry about that, they looked so small in my phone camera. Thanks for the accolades.
  24. Well, I just completed this Ladies vest. The outer shell is made with Lambskin and laced together with lace made from Goatskin. The back has a Cobra skin inlay. The lining is cowhide suede and is laced together with cowhide suede as well. This took approx. 35 hours to make, has close to 400 feet of lace, and I think about 500 holes punched into it for the lace. The front pockets are lined with suede just like the lining. The rope holding the sides together is braided goatskin, and the tassels are Bone Beads and Brass Beads.
  25. Check what you got against what's listed on this website. If it's not all there, I'd contact them again. http://springfieldleather.com/29324/StarterSet%2CProfessionalProject/
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