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Everything posted by Beaverslayer

  1. Wow Tom, for a fleeting moment there I thought I was looking in the mirror. That's a great photo, thanks for sharing. Ken
  2. I got the same e-mail stating that they had a client that was looking to register "beaverslayer" with a whole bunch of extensions. I responded to them and explained that if they wanted to it was their prerogative, I had no intentions of purchasing the domains they were looking a registering. They responded in kind, saying that their client would not register the names if I decided to register them first....(of course they wouldn't ) Over the next 2 weeks or so, they continued to send me emails wanting to know when I was going to register the names. I answered every one of them, explaining that here in Canada, there is a lengthy process before a Canadian can register any domain names. They have now stopped sending the e-mails, and if they ever do show up again, I think I'll play with them some more, maybe have them contact some fictitious lawyers office to have the pertinent documentation FedEx'd or something like that. Sometimes you can have a whole lot of fun with these scammers from overseas, the Nigerians haven't bothered me in quite some time now..LOL Ken
  3. Tom, the font is called "Bleeding Cowboy" strange font name, but it is kinda kool looking. Ken
  4. Kevin, great looking work as always. Glad to see alls working out for you. Ken
  5. Thanks guys and gals, it's good to be back and away from all the sand. Marlon, the border is the lace I used to attach the top to the sides. Freak, needles scare the #@%&& outta me, but I am going to get him to give me another tatty one day soon.
  6. Well everyone, it's been a long time since I had the time to pound leather. Sandblasting kept us REAL busy up till just last week. Anyways, my oldest son asked if I could make him a stool for his Tattoo shop that had the company logo on it. Here's what I came up with. P.S. Hopefully I will be able to hang out here a whole lot more again. I really missed you all. Ken
  7. Welcome to the forum Bree, I'm sure your going to enjoy this place quite a bit. There is a whole slew of great people here that are more than willing to help out where and when they can. Good luck with your leatherwork, and hope to see some of it shortly. Ken
  8. Real nice looking chaps Elton. Can't imagine them all slathered with mud after getting thrown off the bull. Love the way you cut out the floral to accent with the metalic leather. Ken
  9. Awesome job, great wook on all the tooling, must have taken hours. Ken
  10. Denise, this little statement makes Canada sound a bit backwoods, if ya know what I mean...."let me know and I will GLADLY pass on the information on how to connect to a human being in Canada." ...LOL I actually have the contact information for a couple of Extra Terestrials if they are needed. Glad to hear you got the problem fixed. Ken
  11. Johanna, you see what happens when the tinfoil hat is played with..........now if you had quit smoking, this would not have happened......YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! Johanna & Kate, you two are the BESTEST, thanks for keeping this site up and running. and all the late night work you both must do to keep it this way. And once again we all see the power of the Tinfoil Hat. Ken
  12. Denise, I'd say until Shaw Cable installs service way up north, you are going to never get rid of this problem. Telus has grown so much over the last few years, they have most likely just put places like you on the far back burner for any upgrades. Here in Calgary it takes 7 to 10 days just to get someone from Telus to come out and fix the phone lines, so we told them to cancel everything, and now it's all Shaw Cable. I have a good friend that lives in Wembly, and he's just given up with the internet all together, as it was just way to much time waiting for a page to load, said you could almost fire up the barbie, cook steak to medium well, and still have to wait a minute or two before it loaded. As mentioned, until Shaw gets there, I would think your best bet is the satelite, but can the expense be justified by the needs? Good luck. Ken
  13. Well Johanna, I've been quite busy of late sandblasting and all and haven't been on much. But I do recall that yesterday was Independance Day, and as I said........ So have you QUITE?????? This tinfoil hat is getting itchy, thank heavens tinfoil doesn't rust....... Now be honest with me here, you know I don't want to do this if I don't have to, but as i said, yesterday was the day. Ken
  14. Well as you have most all seen, I am Ken, as I sign each post since the beginning. Main reason I did that was I had also always wondered who everyone was, and thought maybe a subtle hint would encourage a few more to sign their real names. Just like not knowing if it's male or female, and also where you are from in this great leatherworld. Anyways, Beaverslayer is the name of my company. As some of you know, I learned leatherwork while incarcerated in a federal penitenciary here in Canada. It was my job there for over 3 years to run the hobby shop. One day while a few of us were out having a smoke, and talking about Beavers, we were being eavesdropped on by 3 of the guards. At the time, the guards didn't wear uniforms, so sometimes you never noticed them standing nearby. Well from what we were discussing about Beavers, one of the guards made a comment about them, I retorted, and the guard said to me something like "yeah, you're a real Beaverslayer aren't you?" and from there on in, EVERYONE would call me Beaverslayer. Even when my name was called over the PA system to report somewhere, they used the name. jbird...GREAT topic. Ken
  15. pella, there is actually a very big market for these lately. While on a recent trip to Montreal, on of the people that was on the tour with us, asked me a bout the vest I was wearing. He was interested in learning how to carve leather, and wanted to know where he could get help from. Needless to say I pointed him to this forum. But he started working with leather about 1 year ago, making just what you have there. He told me he has sold well over 100 of them since starting. He's also written a book on these as well as tactical tomahawks. There are even discussion forums just like this one all about the "sap" or "blackjack", just do a Google on either one. Ken
  16. Great looking work Karl, the colors are very vibrant as well. Ken
  17. Very nice basket weave, and that logo is especially nice looking. Ken
  18. Great looking chaps Elton. Sure would be nice to get a few orders like that each week. Ken
  19. Very neat looking mask Tom, I actually saw this one on your Etsy page. Ken
  20. That is simply beautiful, great job. Ken
  21. Very nice straps. I don't know, but I especially like the looks of any kind of spur strap, these ones are veri intriquing. Ken
  22. Jimmy, if you click here you will see the tutorial I did on making a vest, it has pics of one of my patterns. Ken
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