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Everything posted by Beaverslayer

  1. Kathy, that is about the neatest frame I've seen. It is just awesome the way you've continued the leaves out into the frame. BEAUTIFUL...... Ken
  2. Welcome Dux, great job there on the holsters. The top one, I just love the way you've gotten the color of the holster to match the grip on the pistol. Ken
  3. Welcome to thr forum Bryce, it's always great to see new people show up and post their work. So far you are doing some good looking stuff, the belts are awesome. Carving takes practice, and lot's of it, just take your time and you'll get it right. Ken
  4. Leerworker, this is getting exciting, it is really starting to come along. I'm patiently waiting for the next installment. Ken
  5. Tom, this is a really cool looking case. I also like the bottom closure idea. It says "embossed" how did you emboss the design on the lid? Ken
  6. hobby, I like this a lot. The cartridge loops, are they colored white, pr is it some pre-dyed white leather? Ken
  7. Jordan, I really love the way you've colored this, especially the inside flaps. It gives it such a rich older look. Great job. Ken
  8. Way cool Spider, I'd go with a natural skull. Ken
  9. A great looking seat Roger, I love the dragons, and they do look good in black. Ken
  10. Welcome to the forum Troy, great to have you here. Checked out your website, some very very nice looking carvings you've done. Ken
  11. Bruce, Aussie is all I have ever used, tried Lexol and didn't really like it as much. Just popped my can open, the smell is somewhat like lighter fuel, but more like a wax smell, but my nose is old. I will apply the aussie, rib it in really well, then use the blow dryer on it. Have never had any problems, and really like the way it softens the leather, and buffs up to a nice not to shiny finish. Ken
  12. Welcome to the forum sing, great to have you here. The pics you posted show you know what you are doing, very nice looking work. Ken
  13. Great looking cover, it should last you another 30 years or so. You can tell by the old one you use it quite a bit, and your work stands the test of time. Ken
  14. Dennis, you can try Lee Valley Tools they have a very big sellection of fancy hardware and such. They are a Canadian company, but I'm sure they ship to the US. Every time I enter their store, it's way worse than going into a Tandy store, you could spend hours and hours looking, and hundreds of dollars in seconds. Ken
  15. No advice here either, but will be waiting patiently for the update as to hpw it all worked out for you. Good luck, and have fun. Ken
  16. Thanks for sharing these with us. The pictures of the tools kinda makes ya wonder why we spend all that money on the new fancy ones. Ken
  17. Good looking case rdb, I love the color of that leather. Too bad I didn't know you were a harp person a couple months back, I had a whole bunch of new ones I got from a friend who was closing his music store, sold them all on Ebay. Ken
  18. Another great looking seat Busted, yoga matt or tube? Ken
  19. Mike, this tutorial is great. an excelent post for just showing up here. This is what makes this site the best on the net. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this and share with all of us. Ken
  20. Another great piece Spider, I love it. You say "Let me know what you think" I'm with Roo on this one....stop biting your nails....LOL Ken
  21. Mike, welcome to the forum. That's some pretty nice looking work you've done there, the flask is especially nice. Do you do that with sand, or something else? Also, what kind of wax on the inside? Hope you enjoy the forum, and I look forward to seeing more of your fine work. Ken
  22. Tom, that's just AWESOME, I love the way you've put the skull into this one. Great airbrush work, and the mask is great as well. How long does it take you to make one like this? Ken
  23. Clay, thanks for taking the time to post these pictures. Going through them really let's you see all the great talented leather artists out there. Looking at the saddles always amazes me, then you get to the Angel by Peter Main, and you can't help but to just stare in awe at such beautiful work. Keep going and you see the Bobcat, WOW...no really WOW. When I got to Noah's Ark, well that was it, simply stunning work, the detail and colors, I just can't imagine the time it took to not only carve all that, but also to assemble it as well. Thank you again for posting these, for all of us that are not able to get to such great shows. And congrats to Kathy and all the others that won ribbons. Ken
  24. Very lucky Lady Shirley. ferret, great job on the King Harold and the frame. ClayB, I love the way you incorporated the naked lady into Shirley' name. Ken
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