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Everything posted by joquarter

  1. Had to look twice before I saw that you used all the cards on the spur straps, great design.
  2. Wauw , that lookes much better than my cardboard backgammon game. Gives me inspiration to do something with all the old games , laying somewhere in a box.. And certainly to play backgammon again, long time ago.
  3. Nice idea , but I think you miss the fun of creating something with you 're own hands .
  4. Hidepounder , every time I see you're work , I'm stunished. Get more and more critique on my own work and know have to learn so much more. You're one off all the great people here who inspire me , to practice more and more . So no critique on your work , just love it. Best wishes for the new year.
  5. Love the braiding , put it on the list , thinks to learn. Great buckle Ken, which buckle did you use as hardware? Did you glue the leather on it?
  6. It started with repair my horse tack. When I started Western riding , it was very hard to find the western stuff in the Netherlands, bought a saddle from someone who took it as a souvenir from Sweden. After one year a lot of the stitching was gone and I decided to repair it by myself . Found a store wich wanted to send me needles and waxed thread and I restitch it. A friend of me made the tack for his Fjord and bought a hide vegtan leather , he offered me half of it and I planned to make a headstall. Never did it , 20 years later , there was a custome saddle maker on the Quarterhorses Western forum , who showed us how he build a saddle , I loved the carving he did and told him I wanted to learn that . He send me a message that he went to Belgium to buy leather and if I really wanted to start leathercarving he wanted to buy the stuff I needed to start and send it to me cause it's cheaper to send it from the Netherlands, he also lend me a dvd . Got my starterset ,book and dvd and did nothing with it . A year later , I found the vegtan leather back , looked at the dvd and started practice and never stopped . Found this site , and learn a lot from you all . Don't have to much time ,cause I also started a study for bookkeeper, got a new job as a bookkeeper to, but every free minute I working on my leather.
  7. joquarter


    Welcome franck , my english is also not what it has to be , but found a great translation site .
  8. We all started once. I get more and more inspiration , by looking at all the amazing work here. Make a lot of mistakes , but everything what you made by yourself , is something to be proud of. So don't be shy . My newest project is almost finished , have to think about the last details and do a lot of stitching. Where do you take carving lessons?
  9. Great Card Peter , Allready found out that you're really an artist. Love all you're work. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year , from the Netherlands.
  10. I'm sure the kid from who's that pony is very lucky with it . A lot of little girls (and also bigger girls) in the Netherlands , love pink stuff for there horses. There is a special line from Anky , a lot of sweet colors , but nothing in leather.
  11. Wauw , great idea, Got a Clock from engraved glass , but Love this much more.
  12. Hello Chillybean, We buy most of our leather stuff in Belgium of in the Netherlands, here you have the link to their stores: In the Netherlands: http://www.boomsma.nl/nl/home In Belgium: http://www.dierenhui...on=home〈=NL Have fun to search in their webshop. Looking forward to see you're work. Miguel it depend on the size and what kind of vegtan leather you're looking for. Last time I bought half a hide in Belgium , 4mm payed € 60 euro for it. In the Netherlands I bought Dorset leather , 2 peaces 5mm , lenght 1.50m , width 6 cm. cost me € 50. If you want to order leather , the best you can do is give them a call , tell them what you need and they give you a price.
  13. Hi Conny , good to see you here to. After 12 januari I've got plenty of time to carve together, still 3 exams to go. Want to go to Belgium soon , need a lot more tools and leather, so if you have time and the snow is gone?
  14. Merry Christmas , you have been busy , love all your work. The pink bag is really great , love the design.
  15. Love it , get the feeling that I need a new mousepad.
  16. Welcome from the Netherlands.
  17. For me it is the Metric system, but I grow up with it . If I have to order in inches , don't know how big ore small it is . Got crazy from all the different sizes. foot , feet , inches and whatever. Need to search on the internet to find out how long it is in mm. The metric system is easy : 1km = 1000m 1m = 10 dm= 100cm =1000mm It's a logic system . In some old cooking books you have to use a spoon ore a cup , but witch cup ore spoon is the , right one?
  18. Love the light what the leds give. Found a desk lamp with leds at a supermarket a few months ago . Last week bought some led-rails , wich gave with light instead of bleu , just € 4,95 for 2 rails 29 cm and 36 leds each, have to think about how to intergrate them in my workspace at the kitchentable.
  19. Don't know how it is in Amerika . I went to a DIY in the nabourhood , they sell everything for building houses and a lot of stones for outside use , asked for a peace of polished nature stone , Found a nice peace 50×50 cm costs me € 5 . Works great .
  20. I started with a basic seven tool set, 2 modeling tools, the book How to carve leather, a small bottle oil dey, super shene and highliter. And an very old peace vegtan leather .
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