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Everything posted by Myriam

  1. Love this, Tom. Excellent work! The old finish look adds a lot of character to the piece and I just love the color and design. I'm curious, what thickness of leather did you use?
  2. Myriam

    my drink coaster

    Very well done, Leathercat! Love how you blended the colors.
  3. Great job! I really like your choice of colors and the way the eye is drawn to her face.
  4. I agree with you Bob. It's probably why when I do basketweave, I've got to first try on a piece of scrap 'cause if I use the wrong side, I can't get the impressions aligned. If I turn the tool to use the other side, everything's properly aligned, no sweat.
  5. Yup, 1/8" equals 8 oz. The conversion from inches to ounces is fairly straightforward. All you have to remember is that 1/64" equals 1 oz. Knowing this, you can easily find the weight of any piece of leather.
  6. Not usually a fan of skulls, but I like this. Well done!
  7. Hi Ariel, The Encyclopedia of Rawhide and Leather Braiding is quite complete. It has a lot of knots and braids in it. However, I find that the drawings can be misleading and hard to understand sometimes. Don't know about the other book, never seen it. I don't know if you're just starting braiding or not, but if you're beginning, I'd suggest getting a copy of "The Art of Braiding, Basics - Revised Edition" by Gail Hought. Not as many knots as in the Encyclopedia but her instructions and pictures are clear and easy to understand. She has other books too but they're for specific projects. Here's a link to them: http://www.hought.com/brbooks.html. Hope that helps! And welcome to the forum! Myriam
  8. Welcome aboard, Richard! Now I don't feel so alone anymore, I'm from Quebec as well!
  9. I'm in the same boat, can't stop looking at it. Love the tooling, clean and simple. Awesome work there!
  10. Haven't been around for a little bit here. It's ok by me to go by the list. I'll do my very best to have it done in the 30 days time frame. However, it might take me a little longer than that as my day job is quite demanding these days. What am I saying, these 'weeks' would be more appropriate!
  11. Happy Easter to you and yours, Regis, as well as to all the nice folks here!
  12. Didn't know they are making these. I've had this idea in the back of my mind for some time now, to make a lazy susan and put my square marble slab on it. These are nice but they're just a little over my budget though Where did I put my lottery ticket...
  13. Did a quick search on this. Found this post about the US and Australia (it has links to the appropriate websites for each): http://fallen-leaves.net/index.php?name=PN...pic&t=16819 As for Canada, man, did I have a hard time finding something. Made my head spin It appears that only certain types of kangaroo are protected and requiring a permit so it would be needed to know first from what species the leather came from. You can find more info on this site (just do a search for kangaroo): http://www.cites.ec.gc.ca/eng/sct0/index_e.cfm Wish I had more money available right now, that sure sounds like a good price to me!
  14. Tina, maybe for this first time we could just follow the list and see how it goes. Once Tazzman has received Tina's item, then he could contact Wildrose, do an item for her and so on. Only thing required would be to post a message in the thread to let everybody know who's doing something for who and maybe even post a picture of the item they've done. That way the recipient gets the original piece but we all get to see what special item has been done for everyone. How does it sound? Regis, I like your idea of discussing it in chat, unfortunately, I won't be available. But you all feel free to talk about my suggestion or any other that might come up. Just make sure you post the result in the thread so I know what has been decided.
  15. I'm so glad you finally decided to show your work. It was about time you decided to share it 'cause it's outstanding in my opinion. Ok, ok, I may be biased a little here ^_^ but still, it's truly well done. Welcome to the forum, I'm sure you're going to enjoy you're stay here
  16. Really like the idea, Tina. I'm in too
  17. Just awesome work. Totally awesome. Hope I can get that good one day. Hope you found the right buyer!
  18. Here's an idea. Why not take a few hairs at a time and tie a knot with it at one end. Once you get a bundle of hair prepared this way, all you would have to do is tie them together and braid a decorative knot over. That would ensure that each hair won't slip out and it'll also help built a foundation for the decorative knot. A lot of work but the only one I can see which wouldn't use glue. Myriam
  19. Thanks jetech. Those were fun to make. Felt like touching a part of the past, in a way. Just looked at your stuff and I love it! Great work, Don. Haven't had the chance to do any holsters myself yet, but if I do and ever have questions, I'll know who to look for for answer!
  20. Hi SmilinJim! Thanks. I've got a few other tutorials in mind, just haven't had the time to get to them yet and with vacation coming in one week, it's going to be a little while. I'll post a note in the forum when I update though. In the meantime, happy braiding and if you ever have questions, just send me a note as I can't visit the forum as often as I'd like to. I may not have all the answers but I'm learning quick!
  21. Thanks, Johanna. Just added it!
  22. Sure Johanna, not a problem. Forgot to ask you in my previous post. I'd like to add a Leatherworker.net banner on the main page. Where can I get one?
  23. Hi candyleather, Thanks for the welcome and comment.
  24. Hi Johanna, Catching up with the forum here and just noticed you were looking for tutorials. I have a few knot tying tutorials up on my site. Don't know if they'd be of use to you but if so, just let me know what you need. The address is in my sig.
  25. Hi Regis, Thanks. I'm glad you like the roses. I sure had fun doing them. Hi Don, Thanks. I noticed you specialize in gun leather. Is there any place where I can see your work? Hi beezachoppa, Thanks. Hi Alex, Thanks. Did a whole bunch of those keyfobs one day. Thought they would sell pretty good but I guess I was wrong. I'm probably not living in the right area to sell things with a western look 'cause I still have plenty of them. Ok, what's happening here. I typed and added replies one by one and yet, they all show up in one message *scratches head*
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