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Everything posted by Roger

  1. generally you would cut slots in the back like this. i hand stich mine also nice job on the first one!! if you strap it the way you have it, the bag will slide around
  2. Roger


    a rotating engraver would be like a dremel. an oscillating engraver "hammers" the tip moves in and out and impacts the surface being engraved
  3. simple... clean... very nice
  4. i have a 63 a10 in milk crates for a some day project
  5. funny you should say that! i just worked out a deal with an incredible painter! he's gonna paint my 66 BSA lightening chop in exchange for a seat and tool bag
  6. welcome froghunter! i really like the design! your lacing looks fairly consistant. the biggest thing i see you need to work on is your beveling. looks like you are moving the bevel too far with each tap of the tool. you should only move your bevel about a quarter of the width of the tool at a time. walk the tool in smaller steps and it will smooth out for you
  7. for sure it's very thoughtful to get some pics back from customers! looks good!
  8. very nice karl! i don't do many faces. they are quite challenging.
  9. thanks karl! no worries about the dye running. i only use oil dyes and it's not going anywhere. i only use pecards leather dressing over it. the best waterproofer i have found
  10. thanks phil! i think the tutorials are gone due to the problem with the old host. i really don't like plains seats so, i figured i'ed do the round braid lace job on it. i enjoy tooling and not so much any of the rest of it. if you have any questions please ask!
  11. just heard my host is having problems with the new hardware and it may take two weeks+ to get everything straightened out
  12. pecards on all my seats and they do get used. you just need to apply it now and then. it's not a one time finish
  13. i know! it's been that way since sunday when my host decided it was time to migrate my acount to a new server. i'm beyond fed up right now :comppunch: :killcomp:
  14. i wet it in the sink with warm water and went to it. i laid it over the pad and started stapling and smoothed it a bit with my hands as i went. then smoothed it some more once it was all stapled down
  15. here are a couple shots of the p-pad in process. i used the backrest since it was rather firm.
  16. nope! i used the pad. it's fairly stiff padding. i alway fight with smaller p-pads and backrests. there is much less room for error but, not this time! i started to cover it the way i normally would and took it off cause it wasn't going to fit right and came up with this one. i was very happy with the result. i'll post what ever pics i have tonight
  17. I was wondering if someone was gonna notice that! the front is one piece and smooth all the way around i took one or two pics. i'll post them tonight when i get home
  18. thanks guys!! i started the matching bag last night. hope to have it done before the end of the week so i can recoup some of the $$$ i put out. much time lots having to redo the seat
  19. thanks again for all the compliments!!! 25 yards of lace later ...here is the complete set. i really like the way the back rest pad came out now it's time for the matching bag.
  20. i like it! one of my favortie colors!
  21. not yet.. i found a local place but, need to stop in and talk to them. i am busy enough at the moment that i would not have time to use it. tool bag.... i enjoy the end result but, they are much work and i really don't charge near enough to where i would want to do more
  22. very nice!!! as suggested... i would try one of the home stores. that looks fairly standard
  23. forgot to add... business is picking up! i prolly have enough to keep me busy for about two months but, we'll see. i am finishing up that plain set (seat, p-pad and backrest) with the round braid. i'll post some pics later on. he also wants a larger lined bag. it will take some time as i will have to figure out a template
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