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Everything posted by Roger

  1. sure is a good looking rig randy!
  2. luis, i would say to start with some tool bags ect. and get fimilliar with covering seats before you do one for the shop
  3. nice! i like the buckstitch accent
  4. LOL! i'm sure my wife would love to have one. some time when i'm not so busy. i finally have a few days that i don't have a seat job to do and am pulling my chop apart for paint never enough time
  5. Roger

    Pebbler Tool

    LOL!!! stainless nails work the best for me as they won't rust but i have made a couple background tools from steel common nails. tandy does not carry a pebbler. hidecrafters or bob beard are the only places i have found them
  6. that is really cool! you did a great job on the bag
  7. Roger

    Pebbler Tool

    i have a box of stainless nails but, have not taken the time to try and make pebblers. i'ed really like to come up with a different pattern. i think about it now and then but, really like the crisp effect the pebblers give
  8. Roger

    Pebbler Tool

    the pebblers i have are from hidecrafters.. the "pro crafter" series. from what i understadn, they were designed by robert beard. hope to be able to get a set from him some day. i have the tandy tools also. the give a nice texture but, not a pebble effect. if you look at the last seat i did i used both tools. the pebbler around everything and the tandy tools on the devil wing here is a closeup of what the tandy background tools do. they give a nice texture but, don't give the pebble effect
  9. i have not really seen this problem either. i use a few drops of dawn dish detergent in water to case, bag it and try to let it sit at least overnight. what i find interesting is.. i have only had an issue one tme with the leather getting stretched out of shape from tooling and it was a small piece of 3-4oz and heaviliy tooled. i use nothing on the back of my leather and if i need a bit more moisture, i spray the back side where it's needed.
  10. Roger

    Barry King tools

    never ordered from them but, have ordered direct from barry quite a few times. he has had everything i've ordered in stock and sent it out that day
  11. russ, i use 3-4oz and i use the top as a template for the side. i don't bother cutting the gusset under sized. i overlap 1/4" but that is what i like to use. i didn't make any reference in the "how too" i did as everyone pretty much has thier own spacing. i would suggest you try some different spacings on some scrap and see what you like. i also don't glue it. i just lace it together. i don't like staples and will never use them on a seat! use pop rivets. they hold better and i use aluminum or stainless rivets and don't worry about them rusting or pulling out
  12. i can't find mine either. let me know if can answer any questions. i'll repost what i did when i have some time
  13. Just had one made by Jeff Mosby at grey ghost graphics. been trying to come up with a design and i finally did! ordered it friday and it just came today!!!
  14. thanks guys! the concept and wording was all the customer. the artwork was interesting to come up with. i worked on it a few different ways but, liked this one the best. yes, it's my usaual fade. seems like it runs in cycles between solid color seats and fades. yes, it is airbrushed. the stitiching came out real good on this one but took me quite some time for some reason. mybe being sick??? seems like it took me a good 7 hours where something like this would only take me three to four
  15. this is the third winged seat and kind of a strange one. hadn't saddle stitched one in a while and figured this would be a good one for it
  16. nearly LOL!! i see you just had a birthday also
  17. good to hear from you sir! i was wondering where you've been. hope it all works out for you
  18. i really like that tracy! gives peeps a close up look at your work. well done!!
  19. nice work steve! very clean, simple... well done!
  20. tried out a couple new tools o got for my birthday and did another one.
  21. thanks guys!! spider.....well done :jump: :hug:
  22. very cool!! i have seen a few of those bags and thought about making one. after seeing yours a may just have to finally make one!!
  23. thanks shirley!! i thought of you when the design came up. i'm pretty happy with this one myself
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