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Everything posted by Roger

  1. very cool! you have some serious time in all that lacing for sure!!
  2. nice job john! your tooling looks good, color nice and the lacing looks good and consistant
  3. thanks david! i don't use antique on seats anymore. i used to use some now and then along with highlighter but, the stuff won't stay on a wet seat so i have worked to make my tooling stand on it's own. i don't recall the last seat i used some on thanks larry!
  4. thanks guys!! i really enjoy these little solo seats when i have a chance to do them.
  5. i guess i'll have to scan the artwork. it's a scetch and the hat had layers of highlights and i fealt inclined to try and incorperate as much of it as possible. the customer wanted a bit of color so i tried to make it work. i was a bit nervous about making the hat black but, it worked. patterns take no time and i may have two- three hours in the tooling. i have gotten to where i can do one of these seats including padding in 8 to 10 hours depending on the amount and complexity of the tooling. tis was an eight hour seat i have one this size coming up with a floral pattern as soon as i can draw it up. i am having to draw much of the artwork i am using right now. this guy likes brown
  6. thanks steve! the art was customer supplied. the dye is a fade from dark brown to saddle tan to buckskin i always try to put my mark off center
  7. who left the door open!! welcome ryan...interesting grips! you turn them on a lathe or have a big punch?
  8. sure nice to do these little solo seats! they sure go much quicker and easier than the big seats i have mostly been doing.
  9. Roger

    New Member

    good to hear you are busy at least! it's hard to turn down work and it seems to only take a hiccup to really screw things up time wise i look forward to seeing more of what you've been up to.
  10. one of he best suggestions i have heard on chain is... a dog leash.
  11. Roger

    Lace pattern??

    i would guess every couple of stitches he looped around the outside and had the leather damp to get it to pull in like that. the seat i just completed was saddle stitched and it took me a good six hours to sew. the lacing on the front is just decritive
  12. Roger

    Lace pattern??

    i zoomed way in and now is see it also! you are correct drac! it shows up much better on the nose of the seat. just kinda whip stitched. pretty cool!
  13. randy, just curious... how well does the holster stay in your pocket? seems like it would come out pretty easy when drawing the gun
  14. that's a nice little piece! very clean and i like the button and lace for the closure
  15. very cool!! i get my three year old to pound on some tools now and then. no projects yet but he likes to stamp something out now and then.
  16. it's a couple of tandy figure carving tools f120, f121. the larger feathers on the last couple projects i used a horizontal lined pear shader on an angle to extend the lines once i had done the middle of the feather
  17. Roger

    Lace pattern??

    please look it up for me! i would think slits that tight together would be an issue drac.. i'm looking at it on a 22" monitor and what isee is a bit of space between each loop. hopefully the guy can get me a couple more shots of it.
  18. that's quite a note book cover david! i have a bottle of that stain and have not tried it on anything. i have yet to use any stains
  19. very cool ! congrats luke and thanks for posting it regis!
  20. that's gonna be one heavy duty case!
  21. Roger

    Lace pattern??

    i have seen how that was done somewhere but this looks a bit different. almost looks like lace wraped around rope and secured somehow. i just got the request last night and will post it in the saddle section once i find out if he can get me some more pics. thanks luke
  22. Roger

    Lace pattern??

    also looking at this thing... the tooling is not very deep. i am wondering if the cover is wraped around the bottom and the edge treatment is some sore of leather covered rope welting?
  23. Roger

    Lace pattern??

    anyone ever seen this one? i was asked to do a seat like this and asked about getting as couple other shots of the lace. any ideas??
  24. Roger

    New Member

    IAN!! i have been wonrdering what happened to you. i haven't seen you around the chopper board. welcome and glad you found us
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