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Everything posted by Roger

  1. looks good ian. airbrush is the way to go for sure! i love the texture of the basketweave!
  2. that will be a tough job to do by hand and a short deadline. it should cover rather easy though. as ian said use the original cover as a template
  3. just finishing up the tooling. this is his company logo the customer wants it laced to the back of the vest. i'll have plenty of holes to punch once it's dry
  4. some dirty work for sure! that surface is something the amusement parks have been doing for years
  5. not sure what the problem is... i host them on photobucket instead of uploading them as always
  6. this one is a bit different. the customer requested 3" of push added to the seat as he was having to reach too far for the handlebars. i kinda like the different look.
  7. thanks!! it's just the typicle cross stitch used on many of the seats you will see thanks tom!! for sure there was some added pressure! i think the seat looks better as the design on the tank is kinda stretched out. longer and more narrow
  8. not bad at all! it does make for great practice to do something you don't normally do. nice mix of different flowers n such
  9. thanks yall!! that artwork is copied from his tank.
  10. thanks for all the compliments!! it sure helps to inspire me! it's a lot of work for me to produce a bag as compaired to a seat and as much time as a small solo seat. i really enjoy doing a fade/ sunburst dye jobs! the grips are made from 3-4oz as i didn't want to make them too big around aspecially since they are for a female rider
  11. i finally got around to getting this stuff finished up. this is the matching tool bag and grips to go with that triumph seat a did a few weeks ago.
  12. that is really cool! i think it looks grate! i can't imagine it looking any better
  13. thanks guys!! ken, the customer requested leaving the screw heads exposed. this is what i came up with. the screws hold the front mount for the seat. the design came from a paint called soldiers warning by Salvador Dali. the customer had supplied me with a pic of the painting. gibbs.. i have not used my makers mark where it would be seen on many seats to this point. i designed it and had it made by jeff mosby.
  14. cool piece tom! i like it just the way it is. nice little details in the tooling
  15. i am good and steady but not overbooked the way i have been off an on. i don't have near the inquiries i used to have but it seems that nearly everyone that contacts me does have me do the job. i'm thankfull to not be without the work as i need the extra income. last summer i when nearly four months without much work
  16. nice clean job! i like the simple lacing job also
  17. thanks!! i'm always around for questions
  18. i don't think so.. just one of them things
  19. the customer wanted it to look old and beat up. i did about all i could stand! i also left the edge raw instead of burnishing i included a pic of the bottom as someone had requested one for the last seat. it's covered the same way.
  20. yea i get that also. just gotta delete some of it
  21. i have a couple tricks but am wondering what others do to make veg tan leather look old and distressed. my current seat project needs to look old.
  22. cool! both yall pm me your address and i will send it out some time next week. i figure $15 will cover priority mail shipping. you can pm me for my address or paypal addy.
  23. well... you guys want to split it? i generally give it to the first to respond but you guys pretty much responed together
  24. thanks for the links! i'll have to check it out for sure!!
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