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Everything posted by Roger

  1. thanks tom!weights vary but i go heavier than most. the body is 10-12oz with 5-6oz gussets. they are also lined with 2-3oz and reinforced in a couple key areas to help the bag keep shapemy standard bag is 11" wide
  2. thanks again for all the comments! it came out really nice and one the i am pretty happy with. bradb... i use the original stuff
  3. welcome tasha! nice job on the notebook and a great choice on not making it black! i hope to pop in on froghunter one of these days.
  4. thanks again for all the comments. this is one of my recent favorites. tom, this is the first time i have done this design. yes it is airbrush. i did a bit more than i normally do with it. here is the bike it's going on.
  5. beautiful cases!!! i really like the first one and for sure the flames! nice job
  6. very nice tom!! nice detail in the tooling and i love the colors!
  7. nice looking piece shirley!! how much time involved in that thing? kinda makes my fingers hurt
  8. congrats ian!! sure makes you feel good don't it! i had one on a cover bike not to long ago and think another one coming up some time this fall. good luck on the new shop!
  9. nice looking belt! if i ever get around to making myself a belt, it will be a ranger style belt
  10. nice looking bags. hope you sell them and more. they are quite a bit of work
  11. thanks everyone!! david, i always use the same stuff. couple coats of oil dye, buff, a coat of lexol, buff then two or three coats of pecards and buff
  12. been a bit under the weather so, it took me a few extra days to finish this one up. on to the next one!
  13. hey tim, do you have a pattern for an 03 night train?
  14. i have another box of scrap leather to get rid of. mostly 3-4oz veg tan. there are quite a few pieces that are 1 to 2 sqf. there may also be a few pieces of 5-6, 7-8 oz in there also. this is a box that a side would come in and it's full to the top. if you want it, it will go to the first person to post that they want it and just pay me for shipping. around $20 for priority mail
  15. good looking straps! i really like the detail in the leaves
  16. thanks everyone!! the tooling will not be black but most of the rest will be. i generally pebble a bit further out if the whole seat is to be black. it sure helps! yea outcast.. i didn't remember you using the artwork. i found it two three years ago browsing around and had it saved on the computor till something came along. this bike is black with some realistic type flam work so i figured this design would work well with it . i used some bigger pear shaders for more effect
  17. i may do some airbrushing on this one.
  18. very cool spider! you always have something original to show off
  19. thanks clay! i checked out dale's tutorial and his site. this will be going on a seat so i can't go as extreem as i would like. i do have al's figure carving book. some of the tools he uses are not longer available. the couple he used on a tiger face look like a flat sided cam. i may order a couple different size cams and grind them off. i'm gonna sharpen up a needle and mount it in a handle of some sort and see what that does for me
  20. and how should i use it? do you have any "in process" pics
  21. i've heard of guys using markers before. they would give you great control is small areas vs dye
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