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Everything posted by ArtS

  1. My son's friend asked me to make a holster for his dad. His friends nick named him the punisher. I don't remember why. So here is what I made for him. ArtS
  2. Wow. What a beautiful job on the lacing. ArtS
  3. Great site! Thanks. I'll be spending some time there. A coworker asked if I could make him a new strap on his necklace. It has a cross on it and is a simple rout, black braid. I say simple but not for me. I'll have to give it a try. I grew up in Ohio. Glad I'm away from the cold now. It was about 67 today. I don't miss trying to figure out which lump in the snow was my car. My family was from Austria. I was born a year after they came here. I've never been there though. I'd love to see some of their leather work. ArtS
  4. I'd love to teach you. The only thing is I'm still learning. I'm only on my second saddle. I hope to learn to braid like that someday. You do beautiful work. Where do you live? ArtS
  5. LOL! I was looking at these thinking "wow, these are nice dog collars" After looking at your other post I realized that they weren't for dogs. duh. Your work is beautiful! How do you make the handles on teh whips? ArtS
  6. I bought a kick press that I want to adapt to use for snaps and spots. This is good timing. I like the guide that you made. Nice design. Attached is a picture of it but mine doesn't have the stand so I am building it into my work bench. ArtS
  7. Thanks Bruce. I'm going downstairs now to practice. Art
  8. I'd like to use lace to connect the strap to my saddle but I can't figure it out to look right. Can someone describe how this is done. Another question is should it be pointing down or up? I've seen it both ways. Picture attached. Thanks, Art
  9. What do you use to bevel the edges or do you bevel them? You can tell I've done very little lacing. Just few basic things like connecting the saddle skirts together. I want to learn more once I have the time. I appreciate any help. Art
  10. Get with Bruce Johnson on the Saddle and Tack forum. He made one. He found that he had to use a 20 ton. Art
  11. Really great work. I'm also in Georgia, just north of Woodstock, Cherokee Co. Amazing what you're doing. I showed my son (who has a band) and of course now he wants me to make him one. LOL I catch up first. I just do this as a hobby and for friends. I look forward to seeing more of your work. Art
  12. I got that idea out of the Al Stoleman Saddle Bag pattern pack. It's a good one. He used a Sam Browne button. I used it on my saddle bags but I wasn't too hot about it. So on these I used snaps. We'll see how that works out. Others I've used buckles on.Thanks,ArtSWarren,Here are mine saddle bags with the Sam Browne button.ArtS
  13. Hi Tim, Hey I'm near you! I live in Holly Springs (exit 6 off 575). When we ride locally we usually ride at Jake Mt. Nice saddles bags. I'm still getting use to my Artisan 3000 slowly but surely. I just finished these saddle bags today for a friend. Take care, Art
  14. They look great! I love 'em. How is the leather loop connected to the straps underneath? ArtS
  15. They look great! How do you connect the ends of the leather? Do you slide it on wet? Thanks, ArtS
  16. No. It's for a Tucker that is kind of a Wade tree look to it. When I give it to him I'll take a picture of it on the saddle. Thanks, Art
  17. Thanks Steve. I do the same thing. I have a ton of pictures on my PC of saddles that I liked or thought were interesting that I've seen on ebay and other places. I was looking at the pictures on your blog and you might be able to help me with something that I can't seem to figure out. I noticed on your saddle that you used this lace method. I can't figure out how to lace it to look like that. Can you help me? Also is it correct to have the 2 holes on top or on the bottom. I've seen it done both ways. Thanks, Art
  18. I just finished these saddle bags for a friend to match his saddle. The border and shape match his saddle. The cut outs are for his strings and D-rings to come through. The straps on the inside are to strap to the back chinch to keep them from flopping around. All suggestions are appreciated. ArtS
  19. Thanks Ashley. I'll have to give it a try. ArtS
  20. Beautiful!! Wow. Really clean and rich color. That is one great job! ArtS
  21. From what I read the original Armitas had no hardware. They are lighter than chinks or chaps. Armitas means "little armor". Nice work! I just picked up an Western Horseman yesterday and for the first time saw and heard about Armitas. It's nice to learn something new. I like them. Are they easier or harder to make than chinks? Are there any patterns out there for them? I'd like to make a pair. ArtS
  22. ArtS


    Yep it's me Bruce. Ya just can't shake me, LOL. Those are my favorites too! Put cinnamon on just about anything and I'll like it. Art
  23. ArtS


    No, I'm not a member of the GA guild. I don't have enough time. Thats one reason that the internet guilds and forums work so well for me. I'm working a lot of late hours at my regular job with at&t so that doesn't leave much time to ride our horses and do leather work. Thanks for the workshop info! ArtS
  24. ArtS


    This is Art from GA. I've checked this site out once before and have been kinda watching. Just wanted to say hi! I've been doing leather work as a hobby for a few short years now. Mostly horse related items such as saddles, saddle bags, holsters, western purses and belts. That sort of thing. I've attached a few pictures. I'm looking forward to getting to know yawl and learn more. ArtS
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