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Everything posted by glockanator

  1. So I took Bruce advice and changed how I was holding the cutter as well as started using box cutter blades instead of the tandy blade. I also started talking my time when doing this and have not had any more problems.
  2. Would love to see both those holsters from the back and on a belt. Good looking holsters
  3. Just wanted to take a few minutes and publicly thank Camano Ridge. CR has been helping me with a 1911 avenger holster that has been fighting me the whole time I have worked on it. CR went above and beyond what he needed to do to help me to get the holster finished.
  4. I only dye the inside if it is a black holster. If it is a brown holster I leave the inside a natural color.
  5. Okay so he has decided on a Dan Wesson model 715. I have made a pattern but have a couple of questions. He just wants a holster for now but may want a gun belt for it latter. What size do I make the belt slot? Should I use Chicago screws? any help is appreciated greatly
  6. I made one similar to this but for a much bigger knife. All you really need to do is lay your knife on a piece of paper trace around the knife add 1/2" to the outline of your knife which will give you your stitch line. Easy peeze.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8KhcB1QGWM&feature=youtube_gdata_player Ian Atkinson posted this yesterday.
  8. Gamil that is a good looking holster thanks for sharing
  9. I have never made a western style holster. I have some of Al Stolhman's books on them. I guess my question is can I use a pattern from his book or am I going to have to draw one up. Also if y all don't mind me asking what do you charge for gunbelt/holster combo?
  10. Anyone made a cowboy rig for a Smith model 29? Have an order for one but have never seen one. Let alone made a cowboy rig.
  11. I am just going to finish the original holster. If he doesn't like it then he can sell it and pay for another holster.
  12. I have some white thread that is not waxed. I might just give it a quick RIT dye job that way i can get the perfect color.
  13. I had a gentleman order a avenger holster for a kimber. A couple weeks later he told me his gun would not fit in the holster. I asked him what Kimberly he was trying to put in the holster his reply was It's a Colt Commander. I told him I would make him a new holster for his commander. Well I am about 85% done with the holster and I run into at a gun and says he has a Gold Cup not a commander. Will a Gold Cup fit in a commander holster? I don't want to make a third holster for this guy.
  14. OFFICER DOWN! Last night we (Utah) had two deputies gunned down. One has passed away the other is in critical condition. As I was watching the news I thought I should make a holster (black with blue stitching) and send it to the department to be auctioned off and all proceeds go to the families. My problem is I can not find the right color blue thread! I have some dark blue but gets lost in the black. Can anyone help me with this project? Any leads on waxed nylon thread would be awesome. Thanks and God bless.
  15. Yep I was looking for a missing screw on a high end revolver. Called the manufacturer and was told it was $2.00. Told the lady to send it out and also inquired in a total price with shipping was told it would be $18.00. told them never mind wasn't worth the cost of the shipping.
  16. I was watching a youtube video and the gentleman stated that he used two packets of powdered RIT dye and a bottle of Heet automotive oil. Anyone ever try this? How does it hold up? Is it worth the time and effort to make it?
  17. I was given one of these from the upholstery guy at work. I can not get it to cut a good strap. The leather tends to ride up on the "fence" portion of the cutter. Not sure if it is something I am doing wrong or something else.
  18. I don't have access to an airbrush is there another way to get this two tone effect?
  19. Its hard to tell from the pictures but it looks like there is not enough room between the grip and the holster. Just something to keep in mind when designing holsters. I learned the hard way.
  20. I am assuming kids straps are smaller than adult straps. Can anyone confirm this? Need to make a set for a 5 year old. Any advice will help.
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