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Everything posted by Rohn

  1. Thanks Chief. I sure do enjoy making and finishing these leather items.
  2. Thanks LederRudi. I use Gun Tragacanth on the backs of my belts and then rub with a rounded piece of Plexiglas until they are smooth. Then I put a couple of coats of finish on them, usually Tan-kote. I am sure the tropical climate would be different than here and what I do might not work there.
  3. Thanks Snubbyfan and WildBill46, I appreciate the nice comments.
  4. Thank you. I used Fiebings Light Brown Professions Oil dye and Fiebings dark brown antique dye.
  5. That looks nice Chief. Is the Gator hide dyed or is that the color it is? I never have worked or seen real gator hide.
  6. I believe that that press is to be used with the 3-D leather stamps sold by Tandy and other leather companies. I have one and use it for that all the time. As far as I know there isn't any attachments for it to set rivets, studs, etc.
  7. There is nothing not to like about these Chief. You do fine work.
  8. I have a customer that wants me to make him carry pouch for his turkey call so he can carry it on his belt. A feather would look nice on it.
  9. I like that feather carving. That is something I have never done but looking at yours I might have to give it a try. Nice.
  10. That is super nice, I like it a lot. I have never had one of those guns or even shot one, but I have often wondered if I would ever make a holster for one. You did a great job!
  11. Very nicely done!! I like it a lot. I have an TC Encore pistol with a scope and have thought about making a holster for it.
  12. Thanks for the reply Colt. My wife is interested in making some purses and I'm going to show these to her.
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