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Everything posted by Sylvia

  1. For me it was a quite innocent comment. Someone online asked what I had been up to... so I posted a picture of a "practice piece" Compliments Then I said "I think I'm gonna make me a guitar strap." My friend John said... "Sign me up for one of those." And I was off and running. And I don't give them 50% off or sell my straps for $40 either. Funny thing is... I still haven't made MY strap. LOL
  2. A couple of the members here who suffered from arthritic hands got one but I've not heard whether or not they felt it helped or if they liked them. Apparently there is a bit of a learning curve if you've used a normal swivel knife for a while.
  3. Sorry about that..... I thought I had corrected it but apparently it didn't take. Try this one.
  4. Thanks for the kind comment. That was my 3rd ever strap. Yes, definitely get a quality swivel knife. Currently, My best knife is a Barry King. The next one I hope to buy is a Tangleboss one that does the swivel in a different manner. I think it will take the struggle out of scroll work. Here's a vid if you are interested. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgXL01nfWgA The clear plastic and monitor idea isn't mine... but I have ran with it. It opens up a whole new world of designs. If you can take a photo and turn it into an line drawing... you are only limited by the size of the monitor but even that could be solved with reference marks and basically cutting a larger design into 4 or 6 sections. Line art, and fonts are readily available online, even free coloring book pages... patterns in old books... etc. I can't wait to see your first attempt at this. btw... now is the time to stock up on heavy duty clear sheet protectors if you plan to use those. I recently got some thin clear vinyl at True Value by the yard. It is like 54" wide and sold at around $5 a yard. That's a lot of designs.
  5. Hi Big Daddy T. Thanks for asking... Questions are a good thing. I tape the clear sheet over my monitor. Size up the font the size and orientation I want... then I take a felt pen to trace the font on my clear sheet.... then lay that clear sheet on my cased leather piece, sometimes I tape it down so it won't move... then I use a stylus to re-trace the letters, through the plastic, indenting the leather. Then I swivel knife and bevel... or swivel knife background it in. Since you call yourself Big Daddy T. I'll show you something I did using this method. (the fellow is 6'7 and rather "robust") The strap was 67" long tip to tip at it's longest setting. (was like wrestling a python I tell ya!) This one is swivel knifed and beveled. https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/s720x720/522379_3587573457152_1939540644_n.jpg
  6. Sledge hammer? <giggles> Depends on what you like best, I think.
  7. Hand sanding works pretty good. 150 and 200 grit and a sanding block. Use the 150 to knock down the big bits then 200 (or finer grit) get it more like suede. Then gum trag and slick. then seal it with your favorite sealer like super sheen, wyo-shene, or Resolene. Oh gack... someone resurrected a dead thread. LOL Oh well.
  8. I actually watched a method this morning. It involves a round knife and a "jig" made from wood. I'll get you the video if I can find it again. Ok. It starts at about 8:30 of this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItFR99yOzss&feature=relmfu
  9. It appears to be an upholstery technique called a piped edge. Basically a cord is captured in a narrow strip of leather then the raw edges are lined up with the edges of the seam allowance then it's sewn tight to the piping... then the seam allowance is trimmed in a graduated manner to reduce bulk.
  10. Hi Natalie: On the binding issue. Check to make sure the take up lever isn't causing the binding. I had an old singer that felt that way and I found that the take up lever had been bent in shipment. a pair of vise grip pliers sort it out but I had searched and searched before I found that problem. Also make sure there is no threads and gunk in the workings. I servo should fit ok but I seem to remember someone saying they also change the pulley.
  11. holy smokes that's quite a tool collection!! Nice pieces too.
  12. I don't think you have it threaded correctly. Seems to me you have to do a 360 around that tension knob. Do you have your manuals that came with the machine?
  13. I think it depends on how much shipping would be, I think.
  14. If that doesn't win a grand prize I'll eat my hat. Very nice work.
  15. Thank goodness for cooler days.

    1. LNLeather


      Northwest - we had some 90 & 100º days… makes it hard to sleep. But I'm Not ready for summer to be over ;)

    2. Sylvia


      Two cows: Near Boise, Idaho. Right now at 3:30pm it's 70*F sooo nice. :)

    3. two crows

      two crows

      It is 103 in Texas.. gotta love it.

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  16. Thank goodness for cooler days.

  17. Here's one that's not exactly like the one you seek.... but it might work in a pinch. http://www.beaducation.com/shop/seashell-design-stamp-p-1112.html Here's another, again not and nice. http://www.beadaholique.com/p-29319-sea-shell-punch-stamp-for-blanks-15-inch-5mm-1.aspx Considering the rarity of the one you saw on Etsy... it might be worth the time and $$ to get a custom stamp made with the image and your name. There are several makers out there that can do it quickly and inexpensively.
  18. Very nice. I like them both. May I suggest that you get some sort of template going or some end punches so you can make a consistent end on these? I can't tell if it is my eyesight or the angle of the picture but the end on the Skull one looks just a little off balance to me. (I'm cursed... I'm sure... ) I can see that you put tons of time into these... very nice work.
  19. Yes, you definitely got a good deal. Too bad about the leather, but I'm sure someone went "Cool!" and grabbed it. (At least I hope so)
  20. I love to see ingenuity like this. I wonder how a set of bicycle gears would work? Instead of 3 gears, one could get 15 speeds... Hmmmmmm.... wish I could weld.
  21. 15 years ago today I married my best friend. :)

    1. Cobra Steve

      Cobra Steve

      15 down, forever to go! Congratulations!

    2. Cobra Steve

      Cobra Steve

      15 down, forever to go! Congratulations!

    3. Sylvia


      Thanks guys. Crystal eh? I guess I'll have to adhere a crystal to my sewing machine. It was a quiet evening at home, nothing special. I'm going to have to talk to him about that.... lol

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  22. I haven't. I hope you see some sales from your entries though.
  23. I've tried it but wasn't impressed. On my stuff it cracked and flaked off when flexed... which since I was looking for a distressed and aged look.... I guess it was ok. I ended up scraping most of it off because of the cracking. I would not use it one something I wanted to look perfect and new. I can see where it would do a pretty good job on the edges of hard leather like boot soles and heals. I kept it for that reason alone since I have some black cowboy boots that could use a shine and touch up. I would suggest testing it yourself before putting it on a project piece.
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