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Everything posted by pepin1948

  1. Jeremiah Watt Overstitchers https://www.ebay.com/itm/303093655746 Jeremiah Watt French edgers https://www.ebay.com/itm/303093656144 Douglas Tools French Edgers https://www.ebay.com/itm/303093658021 Vintage Gomph set of French Edgers. Unbeatable, in perfect condition of use. https://www.ebay.com/itm/303093658459 Complete set of edgers by Bob Beard https://www.ebay.com/itm/303093658977 More will belisted in the future. Thanks for looking
  2. I bought near all my shop in USA importing the best tools that can only can found in your country. You can ask (Paul Long say undeserved words of me) Sandy Morrissey, Bob Beard, Lee Douglas, Wayne Juesche, Barry King, Weaver Leather etc about me. In the listing of ebay will be very clear, as allways, the shipping costs and country of origin.You can buy confidently.You will receive what you buy.No doubts about it.
  3. Thans so much for your words.Thanks for you friendship and your generous advices. You are a really master. My best for you Pepin PS I send you a PM
  4. Yes , you are right. I live here in Palma since I was born, on 4th. of July 1948.Is any problem there ?
  5. pepin1948


    Hi Friends Due to serious problems of healt in my eyes, and an strong and continous arthritys i have to close my beloved shop.I will put it in ebay. Is full of the best tools and stamps that I was able to collect trhoug the years .Gomph round knives as Bob Dozier ones, Bob beard and Barry King stamp tools... I hope that my beloved tools will have life in other hands I will link to ebay and hope you will enjoy it
  6. This bronze holder, houses a very thin blade made of an steel spring (less than 1 mm.) that cuts as a hell and is very flexible to go around the pattern
  7. Probably, Bob, you are the best in the world...I´m not the only who has this opinion... Congratulations
  8. Hi , can you give me a contact adress of this man. Thanks for sharing
  9. May be is the same man, but have a look http://crafts.shop.ebay.com/Home-Arts-Crafts-/160667/i.html?_catref=1&_fln=1&_ssn=goodsjapan&_trksid=p3911.c0.m282
  10. Jeremiah Watt makes it http://www.ranch2arena.com/stitchmarkers.html You can also find an old Gomph on ebay. Usualy they keep good shape
  11. I´m the happy owner of two mauls with this material. Is terrific. Ed makes a superb handcraft work.Congratulations. Pepin
  12. Very nice and clean work. Great finish. Congratulations
  13. I got two mauls from Ed. They work very well with this new brown material. They are very very beautiful , and very well finished.Impossible to explain if you don have in the hand and feel it. Congratulations. Ed: thank you very much for your knowledge and your good taste. Pepin
  14. My stamps are four years old. Like the first day. I got it from http://greyghostgraphics.com/Stamp%20Brochure.pdf. He´s a great guy.
  15. Nice tool. I sent a PM
  16. Excellent work and design. Congratulations
  17. Thank you. I wish you the best


  18. Hi Do you have a contact phone or email adress ?
  19. Excellent work. Nice carving
  20. Superb idea. Awesome piece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Hi They have an email dsctools at rangeweb dot net and they send International. IMO the best tools I ever used. This tools have an added knowledge of leathecrafting.Superb finshishing and sharpening. I reccomend you his edgers. Pepin
  22. You are right. I dont know how to make them smaller. I asked Johanna to help me. I´m sorry for this matter.I beg your pardon. Pepin
  23. A new sheath for an special knife. 9-10 Hermann Oak leather. Chan Geer pattern. I hope you like. Pepin
  24. Hello Bob I missed this post. Your tooling, your finishing, all the piece is superb. A lesson for everyone . Thanks for sharing. Pepin1948
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