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Everything posted by pepin1948

  1. Here's an update. I went with two different size green rivets. Had some trouble lining up where to set them - my own spazzy fault - but I think it looks nice.
  2. I wish there was a wider variety of patterns for Celtic art and medieval/renaissance pieces. Tandy has gotten better at catering to this crowd and has some nice Craftaids in Celtic designs, but my favorite place for Celtic art is still aon-celtic.com
  3. I saw a sample in black at our local Tandy and it was nice and shiny right from the bottle with no top coat/sealant - and NO RUBOFF! What an improvement from the USMC black I was using!
  4. And how many gals have gotten weird looks for commenting on a guy's belt? I know I look at mens' belts all the time!
  5. Candyleather, that's not odd to me, I think it sounds nice! What I've decided to do for this particular project is: I went to Tandy and picked up two different size green gemstone rivets. I will put them around the edge where the numbers would go (instead of numbers). I'll use the gold tone clock hands. I'll leave the knot uncolored. Will take pics when done.
  6. Thanks This design is, if I recall correctly, from one of my favorite Celtic websites, aon-celtic.com I've never been able to do circles with the Celtic Knot Font (from clanbadge.com), but it's great for a number of other designs.
  7. Great idea, thanks!
  8. Sending you an email then
  9. A clock face, thus far, that I'm making for an egagement gift for a cousin. She loves the color green, and I'd thought of doing it in shades of green and gold. After I stained it (saddle tan antique), I'm quite taken with it as is. The clock hands and numbers are gold. Thoughts?
  10. woo! Those look like a challenge all right! But you did a beautiful job on them.
  11. Those are perfect - thanks
  12. This'll be the last batch of garden pics from me this year, as far as I know...unless some mysterious new sprout shows itself! This would be a really easy design to start with, as the flower itself is pretty simple.
  13. This is a process called wet forming. In order to shape leather for a mask, or any other item where leather is shaped (like leather roses, bowls, etc), you have to wet it all really good, then shape it. After it's dry, it retains the shape (in the case you mentioned, of the mask) Leather is generally wet to some degree to work on though - it's called "casing". Personally, if I'm doing a smaller piece, I only dampen it with a sponge. If it's a big piece, I'll soak the whole thing and then let it dry off before I wet it again with the sponge to work on. Wetting it that way lets me see if there are any flaws I'm not noticing. That's my .02 As was mentioned, check out the Biker/Tattoo section, you'll see some nice flame work. It's in the adult area, so let Johanna know you want in to see it.
  14. This is the wonderful Osborne knife that I almost took my finger off with recently. Having had enough of trying to get the hang of it, I'm just going to sell it. At this point I need the money more than the knife. It's been used maybe 5 times since I bought it, and I had it sharpened professionally recently. Am willing to part with it for 50.00+ 5.00 shipping. I take cash, credit cards, PayPal, checks, and money orders. Will ship anywhere worldwide, same fee.
  15. Actually, the blue flag is an iris variety - I think - but I feel it is the most unique and beautiful flowering plant on my property. Hoping someone can find use of these for patterns...
  16. I too buy from Tandy because I can go to the store and see things myself. BUT George Hurst and the staff of HideCrafters are very friendly and George is a big supporter of 4H (a youth organization), which I volunteer with. He sent us free videos for the kids to watch and learn leatherwork. Then again, we've also gotten good deals from the folks at Tandy. My rule of thumb is this: if I can't find it at Tandy, I buy it from HC. I keep catalogs current for both to show my customers what's available.
  17. This was taken by my mom at the Natural Bridge Safari in VA. Thought it was pretty nice if someone was looking for a pattern...
  18. We call them "mystery braids" - but I've never seen that way of closing it - very clever!
  19. Thanks
  20. That'd be TERRIFIC She wouldn't know what to ask for, but the patterns for billfolds that I've noticed so far are a little too flowery (i.e. with roses) for what I personally would give a guy. The wallet back is 10-1/2 by 4-1/2".
  21. There's one here at Cabela's that is something to the effect: "I love deer, right next to the potatoes on my plate".
  22. One of my adult students told her dad she's been doing leatherwork now, and of course he said "so you'll make me a wallet for Father's Day, right?" (LOL!) She's an excellent carver, but is the WORST at stamping that I have ever seen. In fact, I can honestly say I've never seen anyone who couldn't make some sort of impression with a stamp before this woman! So I can't direct her to a nice basketweave. But a good floral/"leafy" design would be nice. Suggestions? Oh, and she can tool, she just can't stamp...God knows why!
  23. I don't think the new ones are that great either (the crafttools that is)...but for those of us teaching kids and footing much of the bills, they're the best alternative.
  24. I know a fellow who got in a lot of trouble making/selling items with art from the Pern novels. Personally, I'd make the item for my daughter, if it were me, but I wouldn't post a pic on the 'net of it.
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